This program runs under the
Microsoft Windows Operating System (95, 98, 98 SE, ME, NT, 2000, XP, or newer),
and has the "look and feel" of most applications for that enviroment.
To use the program, the user doesn't need to know any
astronomy, but a
(with all the theory) is available on-line. In addition to the theory you will
find some interesting items, such as video, schemes,...
• Installation:
The application EfeCalc
are available for free download.
To install the program
you must download it and double click the downloaded file. The setup program
will automatically starts and you only have to follow the easy steps.
the installation, a group named EfeCalc is created in the Start Menu. In this
group you can find shortcuts for the application, the (on-line) help files, the
read-me file, a PDF file with usefull information, and an uninstall icon.
• System Requirements:
Intel Pentium Processor at 200MHz
(Pentium II - 350Mhz recommended)
Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 (or
later); Recommended Windows XP
64Mb RAM (128 Mb recommended)
10Mb of harddisk free space
Soundboard (optional)
800x600 Resolution
• Sound:
EfeCalc ships with some sound files, however the user
can choose to not install them (choosing the Compact Install).
If the user installs
the sounds, he will be able to deactivate them at any moment during the use of
the program by doing th following:
with the mouse right button on the icon of EfeCalc in the taskbar -
. When
you click, the following menu should appear (shown here in Windows XP): |
If the option "Turn Sound Off" is shown, then the sounds are
activated; if it isn't (as in the image on the left) then the sounds are
already deactivated. If you want to hear some noise, just click on "Turn
Sound On".
The program by default turns the sounds on (if the user has installed them)
at the first use; however in the next session the program will start with
the properties that it had upon exit. |