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X-Comment: Educacao em Matematica Status: RO Caminhos para a Investigacao em Educacao Matematica em Portugal VII Encontro da Seccao de Educacao Matematica da Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciencias de Educacao em Mirandela, 19-21 de Abril 1998 Consulte a informacao na pagina
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X-Comment: Educacao em Matematica Status: RO Dear Colleague, We have been funded to run our summer program for undergraduate women math majors for the fourth year. Our program runs for 5 weeks (June 27 to August 1, 1998) and the participants get a stipend, room and board, and a travel allowance to travel to Washington, DC. I would be grateful if you would bring the following announcement to the attention of qualified and interested students. Please contact me if you have any questions. Applications forms can be obtained by contacting me or by visiting our web site. Application deadline is March 1. Please distribute this announcement to your colleagues and friends. Thanks for your help. Murli Gupta -------- I am pleased to announce the 1998 Summer Program for Women in Mathematics (SPWM 98) at The George Washington University. SPWM 98 is a five-week (June 27, 1998 to August 1, 1998) intensive program for mathematically-talented undergraduate women who are completing their junior year and may be contemplating graduate study in the mathematica= l sciences. The goals of this program are to communicate an enthusiasm for mathematics, to develop research skills, to cultivate mathematical self-confidence and independence, and to promote success in graduate school. Sixteen women will be selected. Each will receive a travel allowance, campus room and board, and a stipend of $1,250. Application deadline is March 1, 1998. Early applications are encouraged. =46or further information, contact the co-directors: Murli M. Gupta ( E. Arthur Robinson, Jr. ( or visit our web site: Application material can be printed off our web site. ---------- Murli Gupta 202/994-4857 Department of Mathematics George Washington University Washington, DC 20052
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X-Comment: Educacao em Matematica Status: RO HELPING TEACHER EDUCATORS PREPARE PRE-SERVICE MATHEMATICS TEACHERS TO TEACH USING HAND-HELD TECHNOLOGY Two new courses from the Ohio State University College Short Course Program founded by Bert Waits and Frank Demana from the Department of Mathematics at The Ohio State University.Date: JUNE 8-12, 1998
Host: NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY DeKalb, Illinois INSTRUCTORS =46or the high school "level" teacher educator short course: Dr. Donald Porzio Northern Illinois University =46or the middle school "level" teacher educator short course: Dr. Susan Beal St. Xavier University TWO SHORT COURSE PROGRAMS FOR MATH TEACHER EDUCATORS</h3> The Department of Mathematical Sciences at Northern Illinois University is proud to host two new Ohio State University College Short Course. These "hands-on" short courses are designed for inservice coordinators and for university, college, and community college faculty, instructors, or supervisors who help in the preparation and training of middle school or high school pre-service teachers. The short course for middle school "level" teacher educators is June 8-10, 1998. The one for high school "level" teacher educators is June 10-12, 1998. Those interested may attend both the middle and high school "level" short courses on June 8-12, 1998. Each short course has been designed around modules developed by the Ohio State University Short Course Program that are structured about the content and pedagogical tools needed by middle school and high school pre-service teachers. The modules have also been designed for immediate classroom use by mathematics teacher educators and then later use by the pre-service teachers themselves when they begin teaching. The middle school modules make use of the Texas Instruments Math Explorer, the TI-83, and the TI-92 (for geometry). The high school modules make use of the TI-83 and TI-92. Modules from both courses make use of the Calculator Based Laboratory (CBL) system and the Calculator Based Ranger (CBR) for gathering data to promote mathematical concepts and connect mathematics with science. In addition to work on various modules, discussion on applications, problem solving, group learning, pedagogy, implementation issues, and testing issues will be a part of each short course. REGISTRATION OPTIONS FOR THE NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY MATH TEACHER EDUCATOR SHORT COURSES Option 1: Enroll in the middle school math teacher educator short course, June 8-10, 1998. Cost: $90 Option 2: Enroll in the high school math teacher educator short course, June 10-12, 1998 Cost: $90 Option 3: Enroll in both the middle and high schhol math teacher educator short courses, June 8-12, 1998 Cost: $125 Note: The Short Course Registration Fee for each course includes the following: - All instructional materials - Lunches - Morning coffee, donut, and bagel "break" - Afternoon soda and cookie "break" - Loan of applicable calculators, CBL, and CBR systems for the duration of the short course - Optional purchase of TI calculators and accessory products at specially reduced prices. Last year's prices, excluding sales tax, were $85 for the TI-83 or TI-86 viewscreen calculators (no panel), $100 for the TI-92, $100 for the CBL, $60 for the CBR, and $30 for the TI Graph-Link. (Viewscreen panels may also be available for about $225 each.) (Housing costs are not included in the registration fee.) REGISTERING FOR THE NIU MATH TEACHER EDUCATOR SHORT COURSES To register, please follow the directions provided below. Only 40 participants can be permitted, so register early. If you need additional information regarding short course itself, housing or, the optional graduate credit program, or if you have any questions, please contact: Dr. Donald Porzio Department of Mathematical Sciences Northern Illinois University DeKalb, IL 60115-2888 Phone: (815)-753-6732 =46ax: (815)-753-1112 E-mail: You can also visit the NIU College Short Course Home Page at This web page will be updated twice monthly with any new information about the college short courses. You will also find a short course application form there. You can also get a short course application form by contacting Dr. Porzio at the above addresses (via phone, e-mail, or snail-mail). =46our Easy Ways to Register 1. Phone 1-800-345-9472 (in Illinois) or (815) 753-0277 for immediate reservations, using your credit card for payment. 2. Fax the completed reservation form, using your credit card for payment; FAX (815) 753-6900. 3. Mail your completed reservation form with your check to: Noncredit Registrar, Continuing Education, NIU, DeKalb, IL 60115. 4. In person, register at Adams Hall, Room 133 on the NIU campus. Remember, short course application forms can be obtained by contacting Dr. Porzio or by downloading a copy of the form from the NIU College Short Course Home Page at =46or further information about the Ohio State University College Short Course programs, please contact Ed Laughbaum at (614) 292-7223 or via e-mail at or visit the College Short Course program web sites at These two College Short Course programs, co-sponsored by The Ohio State University and Northern Illinois University, are endorsed by the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges and partial funded by a grant to the Ohio State University from Texas Instruments Incorporated. =3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*= =3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D* Dr. Donald Porzio Office Phone: Department of Mathematical Sciences 815-753-6732 Northern Illinois University e-mail: 329 Watson Hall DeKalb, IL 60115-2888 *=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D= *=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D*=3D
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X-Comment: Educacao em Matematica Status: RO >Date: Sat, 7 Feb 1998 18:29:26 -0300 >From: Mauro Pequeno <> > >A Lei Darcy Ribeiro estabelece em seu art.25 que "sera objetivo permanente >das autoridades responsaveis alcan=E7ar relacao adequada entre o numero de >alunos e o professor, a carga horaria e as condicoes materiais do >estabelecimento, delegando ao respectivo sistema de ensino a definicao de >parametros para atendimento do disposto neste artigo (Paragrafo unico do >art.25). >Na Secao IV, reservada ao Ensino Medio, quando busca detalhar as partes >integrantes do curriculo desse grau de ensino, determina que se "destacara = a >educacao tecnologica basica, a compreensao do significado da >ciencia..."(art,36,I). Nesse mesmo artigo ($1,I) estabelece como meta a >alcancar no final do ensino medio, que o educando demonstre: "I- dominio do= s >principios cientificos e tecnologicos que presidem a producao moderna; >II-conhecimento das formas contemporaneas de linguagem". A informatica e a >mais nova linguagem do mundo do conhecimento devendo-se, na medida do >possivel, universalizar o uso do computador no ambiente escolar. O >computador dever ser visto como um importante instrumento de apoio >didatico-pedagogico. Dessa forma, deve-se priorizar a implantacao de >laboratorios nos estabelecimentos de ensino medio, ja que os alunos desse >grau de ensino estao proximos a ingressar no mercado de trabalho. > >Pois bem, levando em conta essas disposicoes, o Prof. Antonio Vasques, na >qualidade de membro do Conselho de Educacao do Ceara (ele tambem e o >sub-secretario de Ciencia e Tecnologia do Estado do Ceara, e membro desta >lista), propos as seguintes alteracoes na legislacao em vigor no Estado do >Ceara: > >a) que o $3,4 do art.164, da Resolucao 333/94, passe a ter a seguinte redacao: > >$3o O material didatico e equipamento compreenderao no minimo: >........................................................................... > 4- Laboratorios especificos, instalados em ambientes separados, que >permitam ao professor o ensino pratico de Quimica, Fisica e Biologia, quand= o >se tratar de ensino medio. O conteudo dos equipamentos dos laboratorios dev= e >contemplar, no todo ou em parte, as relacoes anexas ao presente projeto. >Quando do atendimento parcial da padronizacao ora definida, cabera a este >Conselho definir se o projeto do estabelecimento atende as exigencias >minimas necessarias ao ensino pratico dessas disciplinas. > >b) que seja acrescentado o inciso 5 ao mesmo artigo, com a seguinte redacao= : > > "5 - Laboratorio de Informatica, com numero de computadores definidos >conforme anexo II do presente projeto, quando se tratar de ensino medio". > >c) que seja modificado a letra b do art. 171 da Resolucao 333/94, que passa >a ter a seguinte redacao: > > "indicacao de melhorias feitas no predio ou instalacoes, bem como materia= l >e equipamento, inclusive com a implantacao de laboratorios conforme previst= o >no art. 164". > >Em resumo, a partir dessa resolucao, TODAS AS ESCOLAS (Publicas ou privadas= ) >do 2o. grau do Estado do Ceara terao que possuir laboratorios de Fisica, >Quimica, Biologia e Informatica, para terem autorizacao de funcionar no estado. > >Para os que tiveram paciencia de ler esta mensagem (de tamanho nada usual) >gostariamos de solicitar contribuicoes no que se refere a definicao do anex= o >II, o que trata da definicao do numero de computadores em funcao do numero >de turmas, alunos e horas de atendimento. > >Outra intecao em trazer este assunto para esta lista, eh provocar o debate, >e quem sabe, fazer com que outros estados sigam este exemplo e facam algo >semelhante em beneficios da melhoria do ensino medio em nosso pais. > >Mauro Pequeno > > > ******************* Dr. Marisa Lucena Coordenadora Nacional do Projeto Kidlink no Brasil Kidlink Top Management Team Manager ******************* ON LEAVE FROM ******************* Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro Projeto Kidlink no Brasil *******************
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X-Comment: Educacao em Matematica Status: RO The First Mathematics Education and Society Conference Nottingham University Centre for the Study of Mathematics Education ***************************************************************** CALL FOR PAPERS AND REGISTRATION DETAILS This is a call for papers for the above conference to be held in Nottingham, Great Britain, on September 6 - 11 1998. The second announcement is now out and available on the www at Anybody requiring a copy of the announcement by post should email the conference Secretariat on <> or write to the addres given below. *************IMPORTANT NEW INFORMATION***************** WE HAVE NOW BEEN ABLE TO EXTEND THE PERIOD FOR REGISTRATIONS UNTIL **31 MARCH**. UP TILL THIS DATE WE WILL BE ABLE TO GUARANTEE ACCOMMODATION. AFTER THIS DATE REGISTRATIONS MAY STILL BE POSSIBLE BUT NO GUARANTEES CAN BE GIVEN. WE HOPE THAT THIS GIVES MANY OF YOU MORE TIME TO MAKE ANY NECESSARY ARRANGEMENTS. PLEASE PASS ON THIS MESSAGE TO ANY INTERESTED COLLEAGUES ***************************************************************** MEAS1 CONFERENCE SECRETARIAT PETER GATES & TONY COTTON Centre for the Study of Mathematics Education University of Nottingham University Park Nottingham NG7 2RD Great Britain (work) Tel: + (44) (0)115 951 4432 Fax: + (44) (0)115 979 1506 (The Centre for the Study of Mathematics Education incorporates the Shell Centre for Mathematical Education)
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X-Comment: Educacao em Matematica Status: RO Below is the latest draft of the Technology in Mathematics Education Committee's proposed AMATYC position paper on Use of Internet Resources to Enhance Mathematics Education. I hope this is close to the final version of the paper. Constructive feedback is welcome :) Brian > > DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT > > Position Statement of the > AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL ASSOCIATION OF TWO-YEAR COLLEGES > >Use of Internet Resources to Enhance Mathematics Instruction > >The American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges recommends the >use of the internet as a resource to enhance mathematics instruction. >Mathematics departments are encouraged to provide students and faculty with >adequate access to the internet. > >RATIONALE > >The internet has become an integral and important component of academic >life. Teaching, research, and communication have been revolutionized by the >advent of the electronic services provided by internet connectivity. In >particular, the wealth of mathematical material on the internet can be used >effectively in mathematics instruction. > >RECOMMENDATIONS > >Mathematics faculty should be given the opportunity to adapt curricula, >where they deem it appropriate, to incorporate the mathematical resources o= n >the internet. > >Internet connectivity, including web browsers, should be available in >mathematics laboratories and resource centers. > >Technical support should be readily available for mathematics faculty and >students working with computers in the classroom or laboratory. > >Mathematics faculty should have access to adequate facilities for connectin= g >to the internet, specifically the world wide web, so that they can prepare >classroom materials and direct their students to web sites which contain >relevant course material. > >Professional development opportunities in effective use of the internet in >education should be provided for mathematics faculty. > >Mathematics students should be provided with ample opportunities for >accessing the internet through on-campus and dial-up facilities. > >Email services should be provided for faculty members and students, and the >use of email as a means of communication should be encouraged. > >Mathematics departments and teachers should be provided with facilities for >the creation of homepages, and encouraged to create home pages, for the >posting of information relating to the mathematics curriculum, and the >sharing of information among colleges. > >Mathematics departments and teachers should emphasize the pre-eminence of >instruction by qualified mathematics faculty, and recognize that use of the >internet is intended strictly to enhance the teacher's role as a mathematic= s >educator. > >Mathematics faculty and students should be cautious in the use of internet >resources, taking every precaution to ensure that any mathematical material >obtained on web sites is reliable and accurate. > >DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT
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X-Comment: Educacao em Matematica Status: RO >----------------------------Original message---------------------------- > > >SUMMER INSTITUTE INVITING FACULTY APPLICATIONS > >**Special Emphasis on Linear Algebra Reform** > > >Dear Colleague: > >This is an invitation to apply for the 1998 Undergraduate Faculty Program >at the summer Mathematics Institute that will run from July 12 to August >1 in Park City, Utah. Known as IAS/PCMI, this Insitute is administered >by John Polking through the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, >with funding for travel, room, and meals from NSF. It is a unique >opportunity for interaction between research mathematicians, >undergraduate mathematics faculty, students, high school mathematics >teachers, and educational researchers. Each group has its own program of >overlapping activities centered on a unifying theme. > >The overall topic for this IAS/PCMI session is the Representation Theory >of Lie Groups, a tool for studying problems in group theory -- whether >geometric, analytic, or algebraic -- by means of linear algebra. Daniel >Goroff, the Steering Group member responsible for the Undergraduate >Faculty track, has asked me to help organize dynamic and creative >participants to work on linear algebra reform in this setting. We plan >to develop new enrichment materials and enhanced teaching techniques >especially for linear algebra courses, along with methods for assessing >the impact of such innovations. > >You do not need to know about group representations to participate. >Learning more about this topic could be one of your summer projects. Or >you may wish to learn more about working with high school teachers, >faculty developers, or educational researchers. What is necessary is >enthusiasm for interactions with people involved with mathematics in many >different ways. > >You can read more at . This web >site links with an online Application Guide, or you can go directly to >the application form at . The >official deadline for applications is Februrary 15, so time is of the >essence! Please contact me ( or Danny >( by that date with questions or to indicate your >intention to apply. > >We very much look forward to hearing from you soon, > >Jane Day > >P.S. Please feel free circulate this invitation to other Undergraduate >Faculty who may be interested in this special opportunity. >
Reply-To: Originator: Sender: Precedence: bulkFrom: JoniBook@AOL.COM
X-Comment: Educacao em Matematica Status: RO Hi all, The 11th Annual ICTCM, International Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, is accepting nominations for presenters for its annu= al conference to be held this year, November 19 - 22 in New Orleans. The theme for this conference is "People, Technology, and All that Jazz." Fo= r the 11th conference the emphasis is on "how to" enhance teaching and learnin= g in the classroom by using technology. Presenters should be actual practitioners and present the how to do it, and not just the what needs to b= e done. >From my experience with the members of this listserv, this conference is fo= r you, as a presenter and an attendee. I personally encourage you to apply to present at ICTCM 11. Of course, there is a reduced registration fee for on= e presenter from each group or single presenter. There are 1,and 2 hour sessions available. More information and the list of strands are found below: You may also get an application online at: or email me for a hard copy. You may apply online to expedite the process. I look forward to hearing from many of you and seeing you present (again). Regards to all, Joan Bookbinder Executive Steering Committee ICTCM 11 Department of Mathematics Elgin Community College 1700 Spartan Drive Elgin, IL 60123 (847) 697 1000 ext 7505 **************************************************************************** * To post to the list: email * * To unsubscribe, send mail to: * * In the mail message, enter ONLY the words: unsubscribe mathedcc * * Words in the Subject: line are NOT processed! * * Archives at * ****************************************************************************
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X-Comment: Educacao em Matematica Status: RO As pessoas interessadas na Analise Infinitesiaml, ou no uso da Internet para questoes de ensino, talvez tenham interesse em explorar as paginas a seguir indicadas. A informacao vem de Rex Boggs, um professor australiano do ensino secundario. Something that came across my computer screen a few days ago: "Interactive Calculus 2.0, Internet Edition is an on-line comprehensive multimedia course in calculus that is ideal for presenting the mathematics of change and motion. It contains the complete text of Calculus, Sixth Edition by Larson, Hostetler, and Edwards. In addition, it contains many other exciting features, such as a syllabus manager, chat rooms and mail lists, rotatable three-dimensional graphs, editable two-dimensional graphs, open explorations, animations, videos, and simulations. The internet edition provides a cross-platform, interactive, and social learning environment." I took a quick "feature tour" of the site last night, and I reckon the site is fantastic. The text by Larson, et al is one of the standard first year calculus texts used in the US, so the writing and the diagrams are first class. Even better, the cost of subscribing to the site is US$25 for six months, but teachers can get a free six month subscription, for use at home or in the classroom. To request your free subscription, send an email to Ron Larson at The web address of the site is: I cannot comment of the speed of the site, as I haven't yet had a proper visit. The site is very graphical, so speed is a critical factor. Is this the future of mathematics textbooks? I believe so. Certainly not tomorrow, but maybe sooner than we think. Cheers Rex Boggs, Glenmore High School
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