Obras electrónicas de referência:
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics Uma enciclopédia de matemática em linha muito completa (com mais de 11000 entradas, mais de 5000 imagens, mais de 200 animações e mais de 1000 apliquetas em Java)
MacTutor History of Mathematics archive Biografias de Matemáticos - School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland
Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles - Alexander Bogomolny
PRIME encyclopedia "Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Mathematics, with articles, biographies, and translation dictionaries"
(La)TeX Navigator - A (La)TeX encyclopaedia Tudo sobre o melhor processador de texto matemático de sempre
Calendopaedia - The Encyclopaedia of Calendars
MathsNet "MathsNet.net is an independent educational website providing free mathematics resources to the education community. Its aim is to offer truly interactive resources that are both wide and deep in terms of their applicability and usefulness"
The Geometry Junkyard
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Edited by Edward N. Zalta
Encyclopaedia of Design Theory "to cover theoretical, computational, and statistical aspects of combinatorial designs, the develpoment of an
on-line database of designs useful for mathematicians and statisticians in academia and industry"
- On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
- SCI-MATH FAQ - SCI-MATH FAQ As perguntas que as pessoas fazem mais frequentemente sobre a matemática de hoje e de ontem.
- Briefbook of Data
Analysis This is an extended glossary, or condensed handbook, in encyclopedic format, covering subjects
in statistics, computing, analysis, and related fields. It intends to be both introduction and
reference for data analysts, scientists and engineers.
- HTML version of FAQ 1.0.9 for sci.nonlinear A newly updated version of the web based FAQ or sci.nonlinear is now available.
Links to software for nonlinear maps/ODEs/Times series analysis/
Liapunov exponents/..... are included in http://www.fen.bris.ac.uk/engmaths/research/nonlinear/faq.html#available
- Math League Help Topics This is a help resource for 4th through 8th grades.
- The Handbook of Mathematical
Discourse The Handbook of Mathematical Discourse is a compilation of mathematical usage with a
focus on usage that causes problems for students. It also contains words describing behaviors and
attitudes that students and instructors might have.
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Última alteração: 23 de Abril de 2003