Animações em linha (Apliquetas-"applets" em JAVA)
Applets Matemáticos em língua portuguesa - de Cálculo, Álgebra Linear, Trigonometria, Números Complexos e Geometria Plana - no Departamento de Matemática do Instituto de Ciências Exatas da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Vector Land - An Introduction to 3D Vector Analysis - Paul Kirby
- Chaos Game (Sierpinski Gasket)
- Sierpinski
Gasket - Java Style
- exploring the topics of chaos and fractals The chaos game, Fractalina, Fractanimate, Linear Web, Nonlinear Web.
- Histograma interactivo
- Manipula Math with Java The material presented in these pages are for middle school students, high school students, college
students, and all who are interested in mathematics. You will find interactive programs that you can manipulate and
a lot of animation that helps you to grasp the meaning of mathematical ideas. Only for Netscape 2.0 later or Explorer3.0 on Windows
- CALCULATORS ON-LINE CENTER PART II - MATHEMATICS - Currently the Calculators On-Line Center contains over "6,340" Calculators
- Maya Mathematics
- LE BOULIER CHINOIS Histoire, Technique, Applications pédagogiques
- The abacus The abacus is a calculator whose earliest known use is circa 500 B.C. by the Chinese civilization. Addition, subtraction, division and multiplication can be performed on a standard abacus.
- Interactive Mathematics Miscellany and Puzzles de Alexander Bogomolny
- A Tribute to Invariance Cut The Knot! - An interactive column using Java applets - "MAA Online" - December 1997
- Euclid's Elements I'm creating this version of Euclid's Elements for a couple of reasons. The main one is to
rekindle an interest in the Elements, and the web is a great way to do that. Another reason is to
show how Java applets can be used to illustrate geometry. That also helps to bring the Elements
alive.The text of all 13 Books is complete, and all of the figures are illustrated using the Geometry
Applet, even those in the last three books on solid geometry that are three-dimensional. I still
have a lot to write in the guide sections and that will keep me busy for quite a while.
- JAVA Geometry Explorer "My primary interest is finding new ways to continually expand creativity
by melding art, science, mathematics and other seemingly-disparate areas
of human endeavor." - Clifford Pickover
"Ensino da Matemática"
Última alteração: 2 de Novembro de 2003