PI APPROXIMATION DAY "This Pungenday (the 57th of Confusion) is Pi Approximation Day, being on the Aneristic Calendar 22/7" - Pi Approximation Day is on the 22/7 - that is, July 22. For the past few years, people at Chalmers University have celebrated it.
Pi Approximation Day (March 14) e-cards Pi Approximation Day (March 14) is a day to recognise the importance of our favorite number, Pi [3.1428..]. So, let's lay back and try to memorise the value of Pi giving thought to the marvellous mysteries behind this number. While you are at it, why not celebrate by eating pies [Pi's] and send some Pi greeting cards to your friends? (123Greetings)
PI, o filme - Um gênio da matem‡tica que possui dificuldades de relacionamento com outras pessoas encontra um padr‹o no nœmero pi que permite que se
descubra o que vai ocorrer no futuro. Dirigido por Darren Aronofsky
(Requiem for a dream)
The Journal of American Pi the first and only electronic publication dedicated to providing it's subscribers with timely reports
regarding the "current" value of the first 1,000,000 digits of Pi.
Search In 10 Million Digits of Pi Page This page provides you with a form to scan for an arbitrary decimal pattern in the first 10 million digits of PI.
Extraordinary PiSome extraordinary facts about PI, by Nick Johnson-Hill
The Uselessness of Pi and its irrational friends
Frustra laborant quotquot se calculationibus fatigant pro inventione quadraturae circuli.
(Futile is the labor of those who fatigue themselves with calculations to square the circle).
- Michael Stifel (1544)
Page Maison de Simon Plouffe (Research Associate at the CECM, Centre for Experimental & Constructive Mathematics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby BC, CANADA.): ÒI like Pi, numbers, sequences, and data in general.Ó - World record: memorization of the number Pi to 4096 decimals.
A HyperCard Stack (for Mac) to ear my voice (Simon Plouffe) reciting 100,000 digits of Pi. I copied my voice with digits from 0 to 9 and the program reads a file of 100000 digits. Hours and hours of fun, the folder contains a sound editor for mac that enables you to change the voice (if you do not like mine).