Priestley duality within frames

Jorge Picado
Departamento de Matemática
Universidade de Coimbra

Proceedings of the Workshop on Dualities, Interpretability and Ordered Structures
(CAUL, September 1997), 1999, pp. 21-33

Abstract: This article is the text for a talk given at the Workshop on Dualities, Interpretability and Ordered Structures (Centro de Álgebra da Universidade de Lisboa) on September 1997. It is, more or less, an extended abstract of the author's article Join-continuous frames, Priestley duality and biframes, with a perspective of the importance of frames and pointfree topology and special emphasis on the fact that Priestley duality can be very useful for frames and that, on the other hand, frame theory can give in return some nice information about it and about several important categories of ordered topological spaces.