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[24-54] Damião J. Araújo, Andreas Minne, and Edgard A. Pimentel,
 Fully nonlinear free boundary problems: optimal boundary regularity beyond convexity.
 pdf file

[24-53] Mariana Henriques, João Nogueira, and António Salgueiro,
 Improving local search problems with ToMATo clustering.
 pdf file

[24-52] G. Campos, J.A. Ferreira, G. Pena, and G. Romanazzi,
 A second order method for a drug release process defined by a differential Maxwell-Wichert stress-strain relation.
 pdf file

[24-51] A. Fernandes, J.A. Ferreira, and L. Pinto,
 Numerical analysis of a Keller-Segel-Flow model for tumor cell migration.
 pdf file

[24-50] J.S. Borges, G.C.M. Campos, J.A. Ferreira, and G. Romanazzi,
 Drug release from polymeric platforms for non smooth solutions.
 pdf file

[24-49] David Jesus, Edgard A. Pimentel, and David Stolnicki,
 Boundary regularity for a fully nonlinear free transmission problem.
 pdf file

[24-48] Idir Arab, Tommaso Lando, and Paulo Eduardo Oliveira ,
 Convex combinations of random variables stochastically dominate the parent for a large class of heavy tailed distributions.
 pdf file

[24-47] Olga Azenhas, Nicolle González, Daoji Huang, and Jacinta Torres,
 Effective key maps and orthogonal evacuation.
 pdf file

[24-46] Idir Arab, Milto Hajikyriakou, and Paulo Eduardo Oliveira,
 Stochastic orders and shape properties for a new distorted proportional odds model.
 pdf file

[24-45] Niklas Rauchenberger, Knut Hüper, and Fátima Silva Leite,
 Endpoint geodesic formulas on SE3, SO3 × ℝ3 and subspaces of SE3.
 pdf file

[24-44] Fernando Lucatelli Nunes and Rui Prezado,
 Functors preserving effective descent morphisms.
 pdf file

[24-43] Rafael Henriques and Sílvia Barbeiro,
 Finite elements with neural networks for the inverse elastography problem.
 pdf file

[24-42] Alexander Kovačec,
 On Holland's inequalities for the coefficients of the power series of the harmonic mean.
 pdf file

[24-41] Xabier García-Martínez, Andrea Montoli, Diana Rodelo, and Tim Van der Linden,
 A comparison between weakly protomodular and protomodular objects in unital categories.
 pdf file

[24-40] Olga Azenhas, Nicolle González, Daoji Huang, and Jacinta Torres,
 Keys and evacuation via virtualization.
 pdf file

[24-39] Olga Azenhas, Alessandro Conflitti, and Ricardo Mamede,
 A uniform action of the dihedral group ℤ2 × D3 on Littlewood–Richardson coefficients.
 pdf file

[24-38] Ugo Gianazza, Naian Liao, and José Miguel Urbano,
 Improved moduli of continuity for degenerate phase transitions.
 pdf file

[24-37] Maria Manuel Clementino and Rui Prezado,
 Effective descent morphisms of ordered families.
 pdf file

[24-36] Aelson Sobral, Eduardo V. Teixeira, and José Miguel Urbano,
 Degenerate free boundary problems with oscillatory singularities.
 pdf file

[24-35] Raquel Bernardes,
 Lebesgue integration on σ-locales: simple functions.
 pdf file

[24-34] Célia Borlido,
 On semidirect products of quantale enriched monoids.
 pdf file

[24-33] Maria Manuel Clementino and Diana Rodelo,
 Enriched aspects of calculus of relations and 2-permutability.
 pdf file

[24-32] Maria Manuel Clementino and Andrea Montoli,
 Right-preordered groups from a categorical perspective.
 pdf file

[24-31] Luís Machado, Knut Hüper, Krzysztof Krakowski, and Fátima Silva Leite,
 Spherical triangular configurations with invariant geometric mean.
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[24-30] Fernando Lucatelli Nunes and Matthijs Vákár,
 Monoidal closure of Grothendieck constructions via Σ-tractable monoidal structures and dialectica formulas.
 pdf file

[24-29] Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, Rui Prezado, and Matthijs Vákár,
 Free extensivity via distributivity.
 pdf file

[24-28] P.D. Beites, A.P. Nicolás, and José Vitória,
 On matrices of closed balls.
 pdf file

[24-27] Carlos Tenreiro,
 A note on a Parzen–Rosenblatt type density estimator for circular data.
 pdf file

[24-26] Maria Manuel Clementino, Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, and Rui Prezado,
 Lax comma categories: cartesian closedness, extensivity, topologicity, and descent.
 pdf file

[24-25] Edgard A. Pimentel and David Stolnicki,
 Differentiability of solutions for a degenerate fully nonlinear free transmission problem.
 pdf file

[24-24] José E. Chacón and Carlos Tenreiro,
 Estimation of density functionals via cross-validation.
 pdf file

[24-23] Maria Manuel Clementino, Dirk Hofmann, and Walter Tholen,
 Cauchy convergence in V-normed categories.
 pdf file

[24-22] Jaime Carvalho e Silva,
 Geometry teaching from Babylon to the computer age.
 pdf file

[24-21] Maria Manuel Clementino, Carlos Fitas, and Dirk Hofmann,
 A variety of co-quasivarieties.
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[24-20] Damião J. Araújo, Ginaldo S. Sá, Eduardo V. Teixeira, and José Miguel Urbano,
 Oscillatory free boundary problems in stochastic materials.
 pdf file

[24-19] Claudemir Alcantara, Edgard A. Pimentel, and José Miguel Urbano,
 Hessian regularity in Hölder spaces for a semi-linear bi-Laplacian equation.
 pdf file

[24-18] Jaime Carvalho e Silva and Cecília Costa,
 A divulgação da História da Matemática através das enciclopédias.
 pdf file

[24-17] Luís Machado and Fátima Silva Leite,
 Interpolation on the space of orthonormal frames via recursive endpoint quasi-geodesics.
 pdf file

[24-16] Fernando Lucatelli Nunes and Matthijs Vákár,
 Free doubly-infinitary distributive categories are cartesian closed.
 pdf file

[24-15] Sílvia Barbeiro, Rafael Henriques, and José Luis Santos,
A quadratic optimization program for the inverse elastography problem.
 pdf file

[24-14] Markus Schlarb, Knut Hüper, and Fátima Silva Leite,
A universal approach to interpolation on reductive homogeneous spaces.
 pdf file

[24-13] Sílvia Barbeiro, Rafael Henriques, and José Luis Santos,
The derivative free trust-region method for the inverse elastography problem.
 pdf file

[24-12] Francis Borceux and Maria Manuel Clementino,
On toposes, algebraic theories, semi-abelian categories and compact Hausdorff spaces.
 pdf file

[24-11] Tommaso Lando, Idir Arab, and Paulo Eduardo Oliveira,
 Inequalities and bounds for expected order statistics from transform-ordered families.
 pdf file

[24-10] Alexander Kovačec,
 Generating affine polynomials nonnegative on regions of the form a1 ≤ a2 ≤ ⋯ ≤an ≤ 1.
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[24-09] Damião J. Araújo and Rafayel Teymurazyan,
 Interacting free boundaries in obstacle problems.
 pdf file

[24-08] Noureddine Igbida e José Miguel Urbano,
 A granular model for crowd motion and pedestrian flow.
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[24-07] Damião J. Araújo, Aelson Sobral, Eduardo V. Teixeira, and José Miguel Urbano,
 On free boundary problems shaped by oscillatory singularities.
 pdf file

[24-06] Damião J. Araújo, Rafayel Teymurazyan, and José Miguel Urbano,
 Hausdorff measure estimates for the degenerate quenching problem.
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[24-05] Rafayel Teymurazyan,
 The fractional Laplacian: a primer.
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[24-04] Ricardo Mamede, José Luis Santos, and Diogo Soares,
 A characterization of one-element commutation classes.
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[24-03] Gonçalo Gutierres, Ricardo Mamede, and José Luis Santos,
 Hamilton cycles for involutions of classical type.
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[24-02] Filipe Gomes and Edgard A. Pimentel,
 On super-solutions to fully nonlinear equations with measurable ingredients.
 pdf file

[24-01] Michael Hoefnagel and Diana Rodelo,
 Categorical aspects of congruence distributivity.
 pdf file

The DMUC Preprint Series was founded in 1994. It serves as a prepublication medium for the scientific output of DMUC and CMUC. The current editor of DMUC-Preprints is Jorge Picado. Contributions can be sent to  .

Pré-Publicações DMUC - 2024