n-Categories, John Baez 1
1. Introduction 3
2. n-Categories 7
3. Lessons from Homotopy Theory 12
4. Examples of Categorification 19
5. n-Categories and the Algebra of Opetopes 23
6. n-Coherent operad algebras 31
7. Conclusions 35
References 36
Chu Spaces, Vaughan Pratt 39
1. Introduction to Chu spaces 41
2. Special Realizations 47
3. General Realizations 53
4. Operations on Chu spaces 59
5. Axiomatics of Multiplicative Linear Logic 63
6. Transformational Logic 75
7. Full completeness of MLL for Chu spaces 87
Bibliography 99
Algebraic Theories, M. Cristina Pedicchio 101
Introduction 103
1. Algebraic categories 105
2. Exact categories 113
3. Lawvere Theorem for algebraic categories 121
4. Locally finitely presentable categories 129
5. Algebraic categories as locally finitely presentable ones 135
6. Algebraic functors and duality theorem 143
7. Mal'cev categories 151
Bibliography 159