The ECMI Educational Committee meeting takes place in first floor of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Coimbra, Portugal.
Coimbra is located at the centre of Portugal by the river Mondego. Having a rich cultural and historical patrimony, the city has been called the "city of students" due to the relevant role of the University of Coimbra. Dating back from 1290, the University of Coimbra is one of the oldest in Europe and the oldest in Portugal. It now comprises eight faculties. The University of Coimbra has been inscribed by UNESCO in the World Heritage List. The University is located in three key campuses in Coimbra, named Polo I, Polo II (engineering departments) and Polo III (health campus). The Department of Mathematics is located at Polo I, in the heart of the town's historical site.
Location room: sala dos conselhos (ground floor).
Time: Friday, March 14, 2025, 14:00-18:00 (lunch from 12:30-13:30)
- Opening
- Minutes from the last meeting
- Information
- from the Chair
- from the ECMI President and the ECMI Council/Board
- from the Centers: information on current main ECMI activities and initiatives of the centers
- ECMI Student Competition
- ECMI SC 2024
- ECMI SC 2025: discussion about the new edition
- Inspection/Review/Evaluation of ECMI Teaching Centers - Mathematical Data Science
- New candidates: Técnico Lisboa/Instituto Superior Técnico - report: (Paola and Adérito)
- New candidates: Kaunas University of Technology (Audrius Kabašinskas) - presentation of a candidate
- Possible candidates
- Inspection/Review/Evaluation of ECMI Teaching Centers - Mathematics for Industry
- New candidates: University of Warsaw - report (Thomas Götz and Christophe
- Presentation from the teaching centers/nodes - Niels Overgaard (Lund University)
- Possible candidates
Coffee break
- ECMI Teaching Centers - update of Mathematics for Industry rules
- Modelling Weeks
- Instructions for MW instructors
- Publishing of MW reports - the ECMI website, gathering of the historical reports
- MW 2025 - Kaunas University of Technology (Audrius Kabašinskas) - update
- MW 2026 - Lund University (Niels Overgaard & Håkan Andreasson) - update
- MW 2027 - University of Wuppertal (Matthias Ehrhardt) - initial presentation
- MW 2028 & MW 2029 - possible candidates
- Other topics
- Date and place of the next meetings
- Summer meeting 2025 (MW, 4th July, Kaunas)
- Autumn meeting 2025 (online meeting)
- Spring meeting 2026 (candidates?)
- Summer meeting 2026 (MW, Lund)
- Other topics
- Closing of the meeting
How to get to Coimbra
If you are flying to Portugal, Coimbra is easily reachable from Lisbon (LIS) or Porto (OPO) by train. For the website of the national trains company (Comboios de Portugal), click here. In this website, you can find detailed information (including trains' schedules) and book your tickets. Buses are also an option (usually cheaper than trains); you can get information about schedules at the websites of Rede Expressos and Flixbus. A third option is the shuttle service provided by Coimbra Airport Shuttle.
The closest hotels to the department of Mathematics are:
More options here.
Adérito Araújo
ECMI representative at the University of Coimbra