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[vol. 1] New Perspectives in Algebra, Topology and Categories, M. M. Clementino, A. Facchini, M. Gran (eds.), Springer Cham, November 2021.
[vol. 45] Schreier Split Epimorphisms in Monoids and in Semirings, D. Bourn, N. Martins-Ferreira, A. Montoli and M. Sobral, 2013, 116 pp. (Download pdf)
[vol. 41] Locales treated mostly in a covariant way, J. Picado and A. Pultr, 2008, 118 pp. (Download pdf)
[vol. 35] Algumas Teorias de Galois dos Corpos e dos Anéis, F. Borceux, 2004, 182 pp. (Download pdf)
[vol. 21] School on Category Theory and Applications, lecture notes by J. Baez, M. C. Pedicchio and V. Pratt, 1999, 161 pp.
[vol. 12] The Real Numbers in Pointfree Topology, B. Banaschewski, 1997, 94p. (Download pdf)
MONOIDAL TOPOLOGY: A Categorical Approach to Order, Metric, and Topology, edited by Dirk Hofmann, Gavin J. Seal and Walter Tholen (Cambridge University Press, 2014)
FRAMES AND LOCALES: Topology without points, by Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr (Springer-Birkhauser, Basel, 2012)
Guram Bezhanishvili, Ranjitha Raviprakash, Anna Laura Suarez, and Joanne Walters-Wayland, The Funayama envelope as the TD-hull of a frame . PDF file
Fernando Lucatelli Nunes and Rui Prezado, Functors preserving effective descent morphisms. PDF fileXabier García-Martínez, Andrea Montoli, Diana Rodelo, and Tim Van der Linden, A comparison between weakly protomodular and protomodular objects in unital categories. PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and Rui Prezado, Effective descent morphisms of ordered families. PDF file
Raquel Bernardes, Lebesgue integration on σ-locales: simple functions. PDF file
Célia Borlido, On semidirect products of quantale enriched monoids. PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and Diana Rodelo, Enriched aspects of calculus of relations and 2-permutability. PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and Andrea Montoli, Right-preordered groups from a categorical perspective. PDF file
Fernando Lucatelli Nunes and Matthijs Vákár, Monoidal closure of Grothendieck constructions via Σ-tractable monoidal structures and dialectica formulas. PDF file
Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, Rui Prezado, and Matthijs Vákár, Free extensivity via distributivity. PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino, Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, and Rui Prezado, Lax comma categories: cartesian closedness, extensivity, topologicity, and descent. PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino, Dirk Hofmann, and Walter Tholen, Cauchy convergence in V-normed categories. PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino, Carlos Fitas, and Dirk Hofmann, A variety of co-quasivarieties. PDF file
Fernando Lucatelli Nunes and Matthijs Vákár, Free doubly-infinitary distributive categories are cartesian closed. PDF file
Francis Borceux and Maria Manuel Clementino, On toposes, algebraic theories, semi-abelian categories and compact Hausdorff spaces. PDF file
Michael Hoefnagel and Diana Rodelo, Categorical aspects of congruence distributivity. PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and George Janelidze, Effective descent morphisms of filtered preorders. PDF fileMaria Manuel Clementino and Diana Rodelo, A note on Mal'tsev objects. PDF file
Jiří Adámek and Lurdes Sousa, A finitary adjoint functor theorem. PDF file
George Janelidze and Manuela Sobral, Strict monadic topology II: Descent for closure spaces. PDF file
Célia Borlido, Panagis Karazeris, Luca Reggio and Konstantinos Tsamis, Filtral pretoposes and compact Hausdorff locales. PDF file
Rui Prezado and Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, Generalized multicategories: change-of-base, embedding, and descent. PDF file
João Areias and Jorge Picado, Continuity and openness of maps on locales by way of Galois adjunctions. PDF file
Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, Notes on sublocales and dissolution. PDF file
George Janelidze and Manuela Sobral, A note on idempotent semirings. PDF file
Graham Manuell and Joshua L. Wrigley, The representing localic groupoid for a geometric theory. A5 booklet, PDF file
Rui Prezado, On effective descent 𝒱-functors and familial descent morphisms. A5 booklet, PDF file
Igor Arrieta, Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, Notes on the spatial part of a frame. A5 booklet, PDF file
Célia Borlido and Anna Laura Suarez, Pervin spaces and Frith frames: bitopological aspects and completion. A5 booklet, PDF file
Raquel Bernardes, Measurable functions in σ-frames. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, Lax comma categories of ordered sets. A5 booklet, PDF fileIvan Di Liberti, Gabriele Lobbia and Lurdes Sousa, KZ-monads and Kan injectivity. A5 booklet, PDF file
Francis Borceux and Maria Manuel Clementino, On coherent systems of subobjects with application to torsion theory. A5 booklet, PDF file
Fernando Lucatelli Nunes and Matthijs Vákár, Automatic differentiation for ML-family languages: correctness via logical relations. A5 booklet, PDF file
Fernando Lucatelli Nunes and Matthijs Vákár, Logical relations for partial features and automatic differentiation correctness. A5 booklet, PDF file
Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, Rui Prezado and Lurdes Sousa, Cauchy completeness, lax epimorphisms and effective descent for split fibrations. A5 booklet, PDF file
Peter F. Faul and Graham Manuell, Machine space I: weak exponentials and quantification over compact spaces. A5 booklet, PDF file
M. Andrew Moshier, Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, Some properties of conjunctivity (subfitness) in generalized settings. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino, Andrea Montoli and Diana Rodelo, On lax protomodularity for Ord-enriched categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Igor Arrieta and Ana Belén Avilez, A general insertion theorem for uniform locales. A5 booklet, PDF file
Graham Manuell, Presenting quotient locales. A5 booklet, PDF file
Ana Belén Avilez and Jorge Picado, Uniform continuity of pointfree real functions via farness and related Galois connections. A5 booklet, PDF file
Célia Borlido and Brett McLean, Difference-restriction algebras of partial functions with operators: discrete duality and completion. A5 booklet, PDF file
Célia Borlido and Brett McLean, Difference-restriction algebras of partial functions: axiomatisations and representations. A5 booklet, PDF file
Célia Borlido and Mai Gehrke, Substitution Principle and semidirect products. A5 booklet, PDF file
Célia Borlido and Anna Laura Suarez, A pointfree theory of Pervin spaces. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and Carlos Fitas, On presheaf submonads of quantale-enriched categories . A5 booklet, PDF file
Graham Manuell, Monoid extensions and the Grothendieck construction. A5 booklet, PDF fileJorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, Uniformities and a quantAlešstructure on localic groups. A5 booklet, PDF file
Rui Prezado and Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, Descent for internal multicategory functors. A5 booklet, PDF file
Igor Arrieta and Javier Gutiérrez García, On the categorical behaviour of locales and D-localic maps. A5 booklet, PDF file
Ana Belén Avilez, On classes of localic maps defined by their behavior on zero sublocales. A5 booklet, PDF file
Nelson Martins-Ferreira, Andrea Montoli, Alex Patchkoria and Manuela Sobral, The third cohomology group of a monoid and admissible abstract kernels. A5 booklet, PDF file
Fernando Lucatelli Nunes and Matthijs Vákár, CHAD for expressive total languages. A5 booklet, PDF file
Fernando Lucatelli Nunes and Lurdes Sousa, On lax epimorphisms and the associated factorization. A5 booklet, PDF file
Marcel Erné, Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, Adjoint maps between implicative semilattices and continuity of localic maps. A5 booklet, PDF file
Igor Arrieta, Javier Gutiérrez García and Jorge Picado, Frame presentations of compact hedgehogs and their properties. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino, (T,V)-Cat is extensive. A5 booklet, PDF file
Igor Arrieta, Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, A new diagonal separation and its relations with the Hausdorff property. A5 booklet, PDF file
Graham Manuell, Uniform locales and their constructive aspects. A5 booklet, PDF file
Leonardo Larizza, On factorisation systems for Ord-enriched categories and categories of partial maps. A5 booklet, PDF file
M. Andrew Moshier, Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, Some general aspects of exactness and strong exactness of meets. A5 booklet, PDF file
Andrea Montoli, Diana Rodelo and Tim Van der Linden, Intrinsic Schreier special objects. A5 booklet, PDF file
Igor Arrieta and Anna Laura Suarez, The coframe of D-sublocales of a locAlešand the TD-duality. A5 booklet, PDF fileAna Belén Avilez and Jorge Picado, Continuous extensions of real functions on arbitrary sublocales and C-, C*- and z-embeddings. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, On equalizers in the category of locales. A5 booklet, PDF file
Igor Arrieta, On joins of complemented sublocales. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and Andrea Montoli, On the categorical behaviour of V-groups. A5 booklet, PDF file
Nelson Martins-Ferreira and Manuela Sobral, Schreier split extensions of preordered monoids. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, Lax comma 2-categories and admissible 2-functors. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, Continuity of localic maps. A5 booklet, PDF file
Igor Arrieta, On infinite variants of De Morgan law in locAleštheory. A5 booklet, PDF file
Javier Gutiérrez García, Tomasz Kubiak and Jorge Picado, Perfect locales and localic real functions. A5 booklet, PDF fileMarino Gran, George Janelidze and Manuela Sobral, Split extensions and semidirect products of unitary magmas. A5 booklet, PDF file
Francis Borceux and Maria Manuel Clementino, On bornological semi-abelian algebras. A5 booklet, PDF file
Marino Gran, Diana Rodelo and Idriss Tchoffo Nguefeu, Categorical aspects of congruence distributivity. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jiří Adámek and Lurdes Sousa, D-Ultrafilters and their monads. A5 booklet, PDF file
Willian Ribeiro, Compactly generated spaces and quasi-spaces in topology. A5 booklet, PDF file
N. Martins-Ferreira, A. Montoli, A. Patchkoria and M. Sobral, On the classification of Schreier extensions of monoids with non-abelian kernel. A5 booklet, PDF file
Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, Descent data and absolute Kan extensions. A5 booklet, PDF file
Andrea Montoli, Diana Rodelo and Tim Van der Linden, Intrinsic Schreier split extensions. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jiří Adámek, Stefan Milius, Lurdes Sousa and Thorsten Wissmann, On finitary functors and finitely presentable algebras. A5 booklet, PDF file
Dharmanand Baboolal, Jorge Picado, Paranjothi Pillay and Aleš Pultr, Hewitt's irresolvability and induced sublocales in spatial frames. A5 booklet, PDF file
Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, Semantic factorization and descent. A5 booklet, PDF file
Lurdes Sousa and Walter Tholen, Order-enriched solid functors. A5 booklet, PDF fileJavier Gutiérrez García, Tomasz Kubiak and Jorge Picado, On hereditary properties of extremally disconnected frames and normal frames. A5 booklet, PDF file
Willian Ribeiro, On generalized equilogical spaces. A5 booklet, PDF file
Ana Paula Garrão, Nelson Martins-Ferreira, Margarida Raposo and Manuela Sobral, Conjugation semigroups and conjugation monoids with cancellation. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, Axiom TD and the Simmons sublocAleštheorem. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino, Dirk Hofmann and Willian Ribeiro, Cartesian closed exact completions in topology. A5 booklet, PDF file
George Janelidze and Manuela Sobral, Strict monadic topology I: first separation axioms and reflections. A5 booklet, PDF file
Marino Gran, Diana Rodelo and Idriss Tchoffo Nguefeu, Variations of the Shifting Lemma and Goursat categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and George Janelidze, Another note on effective descent morphisms of topological spaces and relational algebras. A5 booklet, PDF file
Francesca Cagliari and Maria Manuel Clementino, Topological groups have representable actions. A5 booklet, PDF file
Dharmanand Baboolal, Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, Another proof of Banaschewski's surjection theorem. A5 booklet, PDF file
M. M. Clementino, N. Martins-Ferreira and A. Montoli, On the categorical behaviour of preordered groups. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, Entourages, density, Cauchy structure, and completion. A5 booklet, PDF file
Richard N. Ball, Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, Some aspects of (non)functoriality of natural discrete covers of locales. A5 booklet, PDF file
Diana Rodelo and Idriss Tchoffo Nguefeu, Goursat completions. A5 booklet, PDF file
Javier Gutiérrez García, Imanol Mozo Carollo, Jorge Picado and Joanne Walters-Wayland, Hedgehog frames and a cardinal extension of normality. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria João Ferreira, Jorge Picado and Sandra Marques Pinto, Remainders in pointfree topology. A5 booklet, PDF fileJiří Adámek and Lurdes Sousa, A formula for codensity monads and density comonads. A5 booklet, PDF file
Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, Pseudoalgebras and non-canonical isomorphisms. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino, Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, The other closure and complete sublocales. A5 booklet, PDF file
Pierre-Alain Jacqmin and Diana Rodelo, Stability properties characterising n-permutable categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, Freely generated n-categories, coinserters and presentations of low dimensional categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Mathieu Duckerts-Antoine, Valerian Even and Andrea Montoli, How to centralize and normalize quandle extensions. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino, Marino Gran and George Janelidze, Some remarks on protolocalizations and protoadditive reflections. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and Ignacio L pez-Franco, Lax orthogonal factorisations in ordered structures. A5 booklet, PDF file
Marino Gran, Diana Rodelo and Idriss Tchoffo Nguefeu, Some remarks on connectors and groupoids in Goursat categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and Ignacio L pez-Franco, Lax orthogonal factorisations in monad-quantale-enriched categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Dirk Hofmann and Lurdes Sousa, Aspects of algebraic algebras. A5 booklet, PDF file
Marcel Erné and Jorge Picado, Tensor products and relation quantales. A5 booklet, PDF fileNelson Martins-Ferreira, Andrea Montoli and Manuela Sobral, On some categorical-algebraic conditions in S-protomodular categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, A Boolean extension of a frame and a representation of discontinuity. A5 booklet, PDF file
Mathieu Duckerts-Antoine and Tim Van der Linden, A Seifert-van Kampen theorem in non-abelian algebra. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jorge Picado, Aleš Pultr and Anna Tozzi, Joins of closed sublocales. A5 booklet, PDF file
Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, On lifting of biadjoints and lax algebras. A5 booklet, PDF file
Javier Gutiérrez García, Tomasz Kubiak and Jorge Picado, Perfectness in locales. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jiř Ad mek and Lurdes Sousa, KZ-monadic categories and their logic. A5 booklet, PDF file
Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, Pseudo-Kan extensions and descent theory. A5 booklet, PDF file
Mathieu Duckerts-Antoine, Marino Gran and Zurab Janelidze, Epireflective subcategories via epi-closure operators. A5 booklet, PDF file
Andrea Montoli, Diana Rodelo and Tim Van der Linden, Two characterisations of groups amongst monoids. A5 booklet, PDF file
N. Martins-Ferreira, A. Montoli and M. Sobral, The Nine Lemma and the push forward construction for special Schreier extensions of monoids. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, Localic maps constructed from open and closed parts. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and Dirk Hofmann, The Rise and Fall of V-functors. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino, Dirk Hofmann and George Janelidze, On exponentiable morphisms in classical algebra. A5 booklet, PDF fileMarino Gran and Diana Rodelo, Beck-Chevalley condition and Goursat categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
M. Andrew Moshier, Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, Generating sublocales by subsets and relations: a tangle of adjunctions. A5 booklet, PDF file
Javier Gutiérrez García, Imanol Mozo Carollo and Jorge Picado, A unified view of the Dedekind completion of pointfree function rings. A5 booklet, PDF file
Lurdes Sousa, A calculus of lax fractions. A5 booklet, PDF file
Mathieu Duckerts-Antoine, Fundamental group functors in descent-exact homological categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Nelson Martins-Ferreira, Andrea Montoli and Manuela Sobral, Baer sums of special Schreier extensions of monoids. A5 booklet, PDF file
Andrea Montoli, Diana Rodelo and Tim Van der Linden, A criterion for reflectiveness of normal extensions. A5 booklet, PDF file
Richard N. Ball, Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, On an aspect of scatteredness in the pointfree setting. A5 booklet, PDF file
Fernando Lucatelli Nunes, On biadjoint triangles. A5 booklet, PDF file
Nelson Martins-Ferreira, Crossed-modules and Whitehead sequences. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Jo o Ferreira, Mack Matlabyana and Jorge Picado, On permutable pairs of quasi-uniformities. A5 booklet, PDF file
Javier Gutiérrez García, Imanol Mozo Carollo and Jorge Picado, Presenting the frame of the unit circle. A5 booklet, PDF file
Val rian Even, Marino Gran and Andrea Montoli, A characterization of central extensions in the variety of quandles. A5 booklet, PDF file
Mathieu Duckerts-Antoine and Tomas Everaert, A classification theorem for normal extensions. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and Ignacio L pez Franco, Lax orthogonal factorisation systems. A5 booklet, PDF file
Nelson Martins-Ferreira, Andrea Montoli, Aldo Ursini and Tim Van der Linden, What is an ideal a zero-class of?. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, Still more about subfitness. A5 booklet, PDF fileNelson Martins-Ferreira and Andrea Montoli, On the "Smith is Huq" condition in S-protomodular categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and Walter Tholen, From lax monad extensions to topological theories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Pier Giorgio Basile, Effective tale-descent morphisms in M-ordered sets. A5 booklet, PDF file
Lurdes Sousa, On the localness of the embedding of algebras. A5 booklet, PDF file
Marino Gran and Diana Rodelo, Some remarks on pullbacks in Gumm categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jorge P. Fatelo and Nelson Martins-Ferreira, Internal monoids and groups in the category of commutative cancellative medial magmas. A5 booklet, PDF file
Javier Gutiérrez García, Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, Notes on point-free real functions and sublocales. A5 booklet, PDF file
Margarida Carvalho and Lurdes Sousa, On Kan-injectivity for spaces and locales. A5 booklet, PDF file
Francesca Cagliari, Maria Manuel Clementino and Sandra Mantovani, Fibrewise injectivity in order and topology. A5 booklet, PDF file
Francis Borceux, Maria Manuel Clementino and Andrea Montoli, On the representability of actions for topological algebras. A5 booklet, PDF file
Andrea Montoli, Diana Rodelo and Tim Van der Linden, A criterion for reflectiveness of normal extensions with an application to monoids. A5 booklet, PDF file
J. Gutiérrez García, I. Mozo Carollo and Jorge Picado, Normal semicontinuity and the Dedekind completion of pointfree function rings. A5 booklet, PDF file
Andrea Montoli, Diana Rodelo and Tim Van der Linden, A Galois theory for monoids. A5 booklet, PDF file
Dominique Bourn, Nelson Martins-Ferreira, Andrea Montoli and Manuela Sobral, Monoids and pointed S-protomodular categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jir Ad mek, Lurdes Sousa and Jir Velebil, Kan injectivity in order-enriched categories. A5 booklet, PDF fileAlan S. Cigoli and Andrea Montoli, Characteristic subobjects in semi-abelian categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino, Andrea Montoli and Lurdes Sousa, Semidirect products of (topological) semi-abelian algebras. A5 booklet, PDF file
Marino Gran and Diana Rodelo, On 2-star-permutability in regular multi-pointed categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Dominique Bourn, Nelson Martins-Ferreira, Andrea Montoli and Manuela Sobral, Schreier split epimorphisms between monoids. A5 booklet, PDF file
Nelson Martins-Fereira, From A-spaces to arbitrary spaces via spatial fibrous preorders. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, More on subfitness and fitness. A5 booklet, PDF file
Javier Gutiérrez García, Jorge Picado and Mar a ngeles de Prada Vicente, Monotone normality and stratifiability from a pointfree point of view. A5 booklet, PDF file
Zurab Janelidze, Diana Rodelo and Tim Van der Linden, Hagemann's theorem for regular categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, (Sub)Fit biframes and non-symmetric nearness. A5 booklet, PDF file
Javier Gutiérrez García and Jorge Picado, On the parallel between normality and extremal disconnectedness. A5 booklet, PDF file
Nelson Martins-Ferreira, Duals of weakly Mal'tsev categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Dimitri Chikhladze, Maria Manuel Clementino and Dirk Hofmann, Representable (T,V)-categories. A5 booklet, PDF fileMaria Manuel Clementino, Dirk Hofmann and George Janelidze, The monads of classical algebra are seldom weakly cartesian. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino, Dirk Hofmann and Andrea Montoli, Covering morphisms in categories of relational algebras. A5 booklet, PDF file
Diana Rodelo and Tim Van der Linden, An observation on preorders and internal categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jir Ad mek, Paul Levy, Stefan Milius, Lawrence S. Moss and Lurdes Sousa, On final coalgebras of power-set functors and saturated trees. A5 booklet, PDF file
Nelson Martins-Ferreira and Tim Van der Linden, Further remarks on the "Smith is Huq" condition. A5 booklet, PDF file
Marino Gran and Diana Rodelo, The Cuboid Lemma and Mal'tsev categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Richard N. Ball, Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, Notes on exact meets and joins. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jir Ad mek, Stefan Milius, Lawrence S. Moss and Lurdes Sousa, Well-pointed coalgebras. A5 booklet, PDF file
Alan S. Cigoli, Giuseppe Metere and Andrea Montoli, Obstruction theory in action accessible categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Nelson Martins-Ferreira, Andrea Montoli and Manuela Sobral, Semidirect products and Split Short Five Lemma in normal categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Imanol Mozo Carollo, Javier Gutiérrez García and Jorge Picado The Dedekind order completion of C(L). A5 booklet, PDF file
Diana Rodelo and Tim Van der Linden Varietal techniques for n-permutable categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and Walter Tholen Proper maps for lax algebras and the Kuratowski-Mr wka Theorem. A5 booklet, PDF file
Diana Rodelo and Tim Van der Linden Higher central extensions via commutators. A5 booklet, PDF file
Marino Gran, Zurab Janelidze, Diana Rodelo and Aldo Ursini, Symmetry of regular diamonds, the Goursat property, and subtractivity. A5 booklet, PDF file
Nelson Martins-Ferreira, Andrea Montoli and Manuela Sobral, Semidirect products and crossed modules in monoids with operations. A5 booklet, PDF file
Javier Gutiérrez García and Jorge Picado, Insertion and extension results for point-free complete regularity. A5 booklet, PDF fileMaria Manuel Clementino, Dirk Hofmann and George Janelidze, On exponentiability of tAlešalgebraic homomorphisms. A5 booklet, PDF file
Marino Gran and Diana Rodelo, On the characterization of J nsson-Tarski and of subtractive varieties. A5 booklet, PDF file
J. Ad mek, S. Milius, L. S. Moss and L. Sousa, Well-pointed coalgebras. PDF file
Francesca Cagliari, Maria Manuel Clementino and Sandra Mantovani, Fibrewise injectivity and Kock-Zoberlein monads. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jos Manuel Casas and Tim Van der Linden, A relative theory of universal central extensions. A5 booklet, PDF file
Gon alo Gutierres and Dirk Hofmann, Approaching metric domains. A5 booklet, PDF file
Marino Gran, Zurab Janelidze and Diana Rodelo, 3x3 lemma for star-exact sequences. A5 booklet, PDF file
Manfred Hartl and Tim Van der Linden, The ternary commutator obstruction for internal crossed modules. A5 booklet, PDF file
J. Ad mek, S. Milius, L. S. Moss and L. Sousa, Power-set functors and saturated trees. PDF file
Dominique Bourn and Andrea Montoli, Intrinsic Schreier-Mac Lane extension theorem II: the case of action accessible categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Diana Rodelo and Tim Van der Linden, Higher central extensions and cohomology. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and Dirk Hofmann, Descent morphisms and a van Kampen Theorem in categories of lax algebras. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and George Janelidze, A note on effective descent morphisms of topological spaces and relational algebras. A5 booklet, PDF fileBernhard Banaschewski, Javier Gutiérrez García and Jorge Picado, Extended real functions in Pointfree Topology. A5 booklet, PDF file
Nelson Martins-Ferreira and Manuela Sobral, On categories with semidirect products. A5 booklet, PDF file
Tomas Everaert, Julia Goedecke and Tim Van der Linden, Resolutions, higher extensions and the relative Mal'tsev axiom. A5 booklet, PDF file
Diana Rodelo, Internal structures in n-permutable varieties. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and Dirk Hofmann, On the completion monad via the Yoneda embedding in quasi-uniform spaces. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino, A note on the categorical van Kampen Theorem. A5 booklet, PDF file
Margarida Carvalho and Lurdes Sousa, Order-preserving reflectors and injectivity. A5 booklet, PDF file
Nelson Martins-Ferreira, Weakly Mal'tsev and distributive lattices. A5 booklet, PDF file
Ignacio L pez Franco, Pseudo-commutativity of K-Z monads. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, Notes on entourages and localic groups. A5 booklet, PDF file
Tomas Everaert and T. Van der Linden, Relative Commutator Theory in semi-abelian categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Nelson Martins-Ferreira and T. Van der Linden, Categories vs. groupoids via generalised Mal'tsev properties. A5 booklet, PDF file
Gon alo Gutierres, On PreLindelof metric spaces and the Axiom of Choice. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, On strong inclusions and asymmetric proximities in frames. A5 booklet, PDF file
Marino Gran and Diana Rodelo, A new characterization of Goursat categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Javier Gutiérrez García and Jorge Picado, Rings of real functions in Pointfree Topology. A5 booklet, PDF file
Dominique Bourn and Diana Rodelo, Comprehensive factorization and universal I-central extensions in the Mal'cev context. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and Gon alo Gutierres, On regular and homological closure operators. A5 booklet, PDF fileNelson Martins-Ferreira and T. Van der Linden, A note on two commutators. A5 booklet, PDF file
J. M. Casas, E. Khmaladze, M. Ladra and T. Van der Linden, Some results on homology of Leibniz and Lie n-algebras. A5 booklet, PDF file
J. Gutiérrez-García, I. Mardones-P rez, Jorge Picado and M. A. de Prada Vicente, On the uniformization of L-valued frames. A5 booklet, PDF file
Tomas Everaert and Tim Van der Linden, Galois theory and commutators. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jorge Picado, On the description of frame quasi-uniformities via paircovers. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Jo o Ferreira and Jorge Picado, The semicontinuous frame quasi-uniformity, revisited. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jir Ad mek and Lurdes Sousa, On quasi-equations in locally presentable categories II: a logic. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jos Manuel Casas and Tim Van der Linden, A relative theory of universal central extensions. A5 booklet, PDF file
Tomas Everaert and Tim Van der Linden, A note on double central extensions in exact Mal'tsev categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Jo o Ferreira, Javier Gutiérrez García and Jorge Picado, Insertion of continuous real functions on spaces, bispaces, ordered spaces and point-free spaces - a common root. A5 booklet, PDF file
George Janelidze and Manuela Sobral, Descent for regular epimorphisms in Barr exact Goursat categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Andrei Akhvlediani, Maria Manuel Clementino and Walter Tholen, On the categorical meaning of Hausdorff and Gromov distances, I. A5 booklet, PDF file
Diana Rodelo and Tim Van der Linden, The third cohomology group classifies double central extensions. A5 booklet, PDF fileMaria Jo o Ferreira, Javier Gutiérrez García and Jorge Picado, Completely normal frames and real-valued functions. A5 booklet, PDF file
George Janelidze and Manuela Sobral, Descent for compact 0-dimensional spaces. A5 booklet, PDF file
Gon alo Gutierres, The Ultrafilter Closure in ZF. A5 booklet, PDF file
George Janelidze and Manuela Sobral, Profinite relational structures. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and Dirk Hofmann, Relative injectivity as cocompleteness for a class of distributors. A5 booklet, PDF file
Javier Gutiérrez García, Tomasz Kubiak and Jorge Picado, Localic real functions: a general setting. A5 booklet, PDF file
Lurdes Sousa, On boundedness and small-orthogonality classes. A5 booklet, PDF file
Gon alo Gutierres and Dirk Hofmann, Sequential convergence via Galois Correspondences. PDF file
N. Martins-Ferreira, Sesquicategory: a category with a 2-cell structure. A5 booklet, PDF file
Diana Rodelo, Directions for the long exact cohomology sequence in Moore categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Javier Gutiérrez García, Tomasz Kubiak and Jorge Picado, Pointfree forms of Dowker and Michael insertion theorems. A5 booklet, PDF fileJir Ad mek, Michel H bert and Lurdes Sousa, The orthogonal subcategory problem and the small object argument. A5 booklet, PDF file
Marino Gran and Diana Rodelo, A universal construction in Goursat categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Margarida Dias, Priestley spaces: the threefold way. A5 booklet, PDF file
Javier Gutiérrez García, Tomasz Kubiak and Jorge Picado, Lower and upper regularizations of frame semicontinuous real functions. A5 booklet, PDF file
J. Gutiérrez García, I. Mardones-P rez, J. Picado and M. A. de Prada Vicente, Uniform-type structures on lattice-valued spaces and frames. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and Dirk Hofmann, Lawvere completeness in Topology. PDF file
Jir Ad mek, Manuela Sobral and Lurdes Sousa, A logic of implications in algebra and coalgebra. A5 booklet, PDF file
Gon alo Gutierres, On countable choice and sequential spaces. A5 booklet, PDF file
Javier Gutiérrez García, Tomasz Kubiak and Jorge Picado, Monotone insertion and monotone extension of frame homomorphisms. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jorge Picado, Aleš Pultr and Anna Tozzi, Ideals in Heyting semilattices and open homomorphisms. A5 booklet, PDF file
F. Borceux, M. M. Clementino, M. Gran and L. Sousa, Prolocalisations of homological categories. A5 booklet, PDF fileMaria Manuel Clementino, Dirk Hofmann and Isar Stubbe, Exponentiable functors between quantaloid-enriched categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jir Ad mek, Michel H bert and Lurdes Sousa, A logic of orthogonality. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino and Dirk Hofmann, On some special classes of continuous maps. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Jo o Ferreira and Jorge Picado, Point-finiteness in pointfree topology. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jir Ad mek, Michel H bert and Lurdes Sousa, A logic of injectivity. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr, SublocAlešsets and sublocAlešlattices. A5 booklet, PDF file
Isar Stubbe, Categorical structures enriched in a quantaloid: tensored and cotensored categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Isar Stubbe, More on Q-modules. A5 booklet, PDF file
J. Gutiérrez García and Jorge Picado, On the algebraic representation of semicontinuity. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jir Ad mek, Manuela Sobral and Lurdes Sousa, Logic of implications. A5 booklet, PDF fileMaria Manuel Clementino, Dikran Dikranjan and Walter Tholen, Torsion theories and radicals in normal categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Gon alo Gutierres and Dirk Hoffman, Axioms for sequential convergence. A5 booklet, PDF file
Margarida Dias and Manuela Sobral, Descent for Priestley Spaces. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jir Ad mek, Manuela Sobral and Lurdes Sousa, Morita equivalence of many-sorted algebraic theories. A5 booklet, PDF fileF. Borceux and Maria Manuel Clementino, Topological protomodular algebras. A5 booklet, PDF file
Jorge Picado, A new look at localic interpolation theorems. A5 booklet, PDF file
Diana Rodelo, Moore categories. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Jo o Ferreira and Jorge Picado, The semicontinuous quasi-uniformity of a frame. A5 booklet, PDF fileMaria Manuel Clementino and Dirk Hofmann, On extensions of lax monads. PDF file
Jir Ad mek and Lurdes Sousa, On reflective subcategories of varieties. A5 booklet, PDF File
F. Borceux and Maria Manuel Clementino, Topological semi-abelian algebras. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino, Dirk Hofmann and George Janelidze, Local homeomorphisms via ultrafilter convergence. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Jo o Ferreira and Jorge Picado, Functorial quasi-uniformities on frames. A5 booklet, PDF file
Gon alo Gutierres, On first and second countable spaces and the axiom of choice. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Jo o Ferreira and Jorge Picado, A method of constructing compatible quasi-uniformities for an arbitrary frame. A5 booklet, PDF file
Manuela Sobral, Descent for discrete (co)fibrations. A5 booklet, PDF file
Maria Manuel Clementino, Dirk Hofmann and Walter Tholen, Exponentiability in categories of lax algebras. A5 booklet, PDF file
[02-25] Lurdes Sousa, On projective E-generators and premonadic functors. PDF file[02-20] Maria Manuel Clementino and Dirk Hofmann, Effective descent morphisms in categories of lax algebras. PDF file
[02-12] Gon alo Gutierres, Sequential topological conditions in R in the absence of the axiom of choice. PostScript file
[02-10] Jir Ad mek and Lurdes Sousa, How accessible are categories of algebras?. PostScript file
[01-28] Lurdes Sousa, Pushout stability of embeddings, injectivity and categories of algebras. PostScript file[01-16] Jir Ad mek, Robert El Bashir, Manuela Sobral and Jir Velebil, On functors which are lax epimorphisms. PostScript file
[01-10] Maria Manuel Clementino and Walter Tholen, Metric, Topology and Multicategory - A Common Approach. PostScript file
[01-09] Maria Manuel Clementino and Dirk Hofmann, Topological features of lax algebras. PostScript file
[01-07] Marino Gran, Commutators and central extensions in universal algebra. PostScript file
[01-05] Dominique Bourn and Marino Gran, Centrality and connectors in Maltsev categories. PostScript file
[01-02] Marino Gran, Algebraically central and categorically central extensions. PostScript file
[00-39] Maria Jo o Ferreira and Jorge Picado, The Galois approach to uniform structures. PostScript file[00-37] Lurdes Sousa, On the pullback stability of a quotient map with respect to a closure operator. PostScript file
[00-36] Jorge Picado, The quantAlešof Galois connections. PostScript file
[00-33] George Janelidze and Manuela Sobral, Finite preorders and topological descent II: tAlešdescent. PostScript file
[00-28] Maria Manuel Clementino and Dirk Hofmann, On limit stability of special classes of continuous maps. PostScript file
[00-26] Maria Manuel Clementino, Dirk Hofmann and Walter Tholen, The Convergence Approach to Exponentiable Maps. PostScript file
[00-22] Maria Manuel Clementino and Dirk Hofmann, Triquotient maps via ultrafilter convergence. PostScript file
[00-15] Maria Manuel Clementino, On finite triquotient maps. PostScript file
[00-08] Jorge Picado, Some remarks on complete congruence lattices of join-infinite distributive lattices. PostScript file
[00-02] Jorge Picado, The gauge of a uniform frame. PostScript file
[99-22] Dirk Hofmann, On a generalization of the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem. PostScript file[99-21] Gon alo Gutierres, On coregular closure operators. PostScript file
[99-10] George Janelidze and Manuela Sobral, Finite preorders and topological descent. PostScript file
[99-06] Jiri Ad mek, Lurdes Sousa and Walter Tholen, Totality of product completions. PostScript file
[98-23] Worthen Hunsaker and Jorge Picado, A note on total boundedness. PostScript file[98-21] Maria Manuel Clementino and Walter Tholen, A note on local compactness. PostScript file
[98-19] Dirk Hofmann, Natural Dualities. PostScript file
[98-18] Worthen Hunsaker and Jorge Picado, Frames with transitive structures. PostScript file
[98-15] Dali Zangurashvili, Adjunctions and locally transferable factorization systems .
[98-13] Maria Manuel Clementino, On connectedness via closure operators. PostScript file
[98-11] Manuela Sobral, Another approach to topological descent theory. PostScript file
[97-19] Jiri Ad mek and Lurdes Sousa, Constructions of solid hulls.[97-11] Maria Manuel Clementino, Eraldo Giuli and Walter Tholen, What is a quotient map with respect to a closure operator?
[97-01] Jorge Picado, Two theorems of Efremovic in pointfree context.
[96-14] Jorge Picado, Structured frames by Weil entourages.[96-07] Maria Manuel Clementino and Walter Tholen, Separated and connected maps.
[96-06] Lurdes Sousa, Note on multisolid categories.
[96-02] Maria Manuel Clementino and Walter Tholen, Separation versus Connectedness.
[95-21] Jorge Picado, Weil nearnesses for frames and spaces.[95-18] Maria Manuel Clementino, On categorical notions of compact objects.
[95-07] Maria Manuel Clementino, On connectedness and disconnectedness.
[95-02] Jorge Picado, Frame quasi-uniformities by entourages.
[95-01] Maria Manuel Clementino, Eraldo Giuli and Walter Tholen, Compact objects and perfect morphisms
[94-09] Lurdes Sousa, alpha-sober spaces via the orthogonal closure operator.[94-08] Manuela Sobral, Some aspects of topological descent.
[94-07] Jorge Picado, On extended frames.
[94-06] Maria Manuel Clementino, Constant morphisms and constant subcategories.
[94-05] Jorge Picado, Weil uniformities for frames.
[94-03] Lurdes Sousa, Orthogonality and closure operators.