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December 2 (10:00), 5 (14:00), 6 (10:00), 7 (13:30)
G.C.L. Brummer (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Completing functorial quasi-uniformities on spaces II, III, IV, V

November 30, 15:00
G.C.L. Brummer (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Completing functorial quasi-uniformities on spaces

November 19, 09:00-12:50
Portuguese Category Seminar

October 18, 14:15
Lurdes Sousa (IP Viseu and CMUC)
Quasi-equational logic

September 20, 14:30
Maria Manuel Clementino (Univ. Coimbra)
Torsion theories and radicals in normal categories

September 9, 11:30
Isar Stubbe (CMUC, Coimbra)
Categorical structures enriched in a quantaloid: results, projects, ideas and dreams

March 18, 16:15
Pedro Resende (IST, Lisbon)
Étale groupoids and their quantales

March 18, 15:00
Christopher Mulvey (Univ. Sussex/Univ. Cambridge)
Quantal sets over involutive quantales

March 15, 14:30
Amílcar Sernadas (IST, Lisbon)
Proof of the weak completeness of EQPL

January 28, 16:00
Manuela Sobral (Univ. Coimbra)
Priestley spaces: the threefold way

January 28, 14:30
Dikran Dikranjan (Univ. Udine, Italy)
Characterizing subgroups of the circle

January 11, 16:00
João J. Xarez (Univ. Aveiro)
A Galois Theory with stable units for simplicial sets

January 11, 14:30
Dikran Dikranjan (Univ. Udine, Italy)
Closure operators in topological groups