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November 20, 14:45
Maria Manuel Clementino (CMUC)
Regular versus homological closure operators

October 30, 14:00
Dikran Dikranjan (Udine University, Italy)
The Tale of Three Entropies

October 23, 14:45
Dmitry Matsnev (IST Lisbon)
Étale grupoids as germ grupoids and their applications to coarse geometry

September 18, 14:45
Maria Manuel Clementino (CMUC)
The non-abelian counterpart of localisations

May 25, 16:00
Nelson Ferreira (IP Leiria)
Algebroids and 2-Ab-Categories

May 25, 15:00
Lurdes Sousa (CMUC/IP Viseu)
The Orthogonal Subcategory and the Injective Subcategory Problems, and logics of morphisms

April 20, 15:00
Jorge Picado (CMUC)
Ideals in Heyting semilattices: openness versus completeness under subfitness

January 31, 16:00
Dirk Hofmann (University of Aveiro)
Towards a notion of T-frames

January 31, 15:00
Christophe Van Olmen (CMUC/FCT)
Pointfree, but not pointless, approach theory