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01-2018 |
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He took up his duties on January 1, 2018. After having held the position of Vice-President in the last two years, he will now lead this European institution.
The new ECMI Board:
President: Adérito Araújo (Univ. Coimbra)
Vice-President: Nataša Krejić (Univ. Novi Sad)
Former President: Dietmar Hömberg (Technische Univ. Berlin)
Executive Director: Poul G. Hjorth (Technical Univ. of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby)
Treasurer: Thomas Götz (Univ. Koblenz-Landau).
Portugal has the following institutional members of ECMI: CMUC, the
Department of Mathematics of IST (Lisbon) and CMUP (the Centre for Mathematics of the University of Porto).
Idir Arab
PhD in Mathematics (Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes, 2016, Univ. of Béjaïa, Algeria),
under the supervision of Abdelnasser Dahmani.
Fernando Lucatelli Nunes
PhD in Mathematics (Category Theory, 2018, Univ. of Coimbra),
under the supervision of Maria Manuel Clementino.
Stephan Weis
PhD in Mathematics (Probability Theory and Quantum Systems, 2009, University of
Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany),
under the supervision of Andreas Knauf.
Talks and Debate: 13 April, 15:00, Sala Pedro Nunes
The way the definition of limit is presented to high school students has recently
changed in Portugal. On the 13th of April, at the Department of Mathematics of the
University of Coimbra, António Bivar and Augusto Franco de Oliveira will talk
and discuss about the advantages and flaws of this new approach.
This event is
organized by the Portuguese Mathematical Society (Central Portugal section):
- Joana Nunes da Costa, Daniel Marques Pinto,
Margarida Camarinha and
Maria João Ferreira (CMUC).
- Maria Francisca Matos Cabo (Esc. Sec. Avelar Brotero).
It does not
require any kind of registration.
The Mathematics Group of the UC Students' Union organizes the 2nd edition of the (in) ForMA-T, to be held on the 18th and 19th of April in the Department of Mathematics. This project is directed not only to undergraduate students but also to those of the different MSc courses at the department. This year, the event has the support of CMUC and Académica Start UC.
More information here.
A second call for applications for PhD positions will be open in June, 1-15.
More information here.
2-7 July, 2018, Coimbra
The Summer University 2018, promoted by the University of Coimbra (UC),
will take place from the 2nd to 7th of July. This is an event for high school students.
Throughout the event, several high school students will have the opportunity to participate in scientific, pedagogic and cultural activities that will show them
what is best done in the UC and in the town.
The Department of Mathematics and CMUC collaborate with a set of activities on Mathematics, as well as in some
transversal activities.
See the program for Mathematics here.
Jean-Pierre Françoise (Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, France)
Wednesday, 2 May, 2018
Jean-Pierre Françoise is a professor of Mathematics at the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions of the Université Pierre & Marie Curie (UPMC) in Paris. His research areas are global analysis, analysis on manifolds, differential equations, dynamical systems and ergodic theory, mathematical physics.
Velimir Jurdjevic (University of Toronto, Canada)
Wednesday, 20 June, 2018
Velimir Jurdjevic is Professor Emeritus of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Toronto. His research interests are
systems of ordinary differential equations, control theory and global analysis.
Coimbra, 18 June, 2018
EPCO2018 will provide an opportunity to discuss the latest research and developments in optimal control and related fields. It aims to bring together researchers with different perspectives, working in mathematics or related application areas, such as engineering, economics or medicine.
Invited speakers:
Velimir Jurdjevic (University of Toronto, Canada)
Emmanuel Trélat (Sorbonne Université, Paris, France)
Margarida Camarinha, Gonçalo Pena, Raquel Caseiro (CMUC)
More information here.
Coimbra, 26-29 June, 2018
Topics such as Computer Algebra and Automatic Reasoning Tools will
be covered by the invited speakers.
CADGME 2018 will also organize some
working groups in three different areas: assessment in CAS-DGS environments;
evaluation of step-wise problem solving with TPS; and Technology, Arts and
Mathematics Education.
Invited speakers:
Jaime Carvalho e Silva (CMUC)
Kristof Fenyvesi (Univ. Jyväskylä, Finland)
Philippe R. Richard (Univ. Montréal, Canada)
Ornella Robutti (Univ. Torino, Italy)
Katarzyna Winkowska-Novak (SWPS Univ., Poland)
Pedro Quaresma (DMUC and CISUC) - chair
Vanda Santos (CISUC)
Nuno Baeta (CISUC)
Ana Breda (Univ. Aveiro)
Jaime Carvalho e Silva (CMUC)
Penousal Machado (CISUC)
More information here.
Ponta Delgada (Açores), 8-14 July, 2018
The 2018 International Category Theory Conference will take place at the University of Azores, Ponta Delgada (Portugal), jointly organized by CMUC (Maria Manuel Clementino, Jorge Picado, Diana Rodelo, Manuela Sobral, Lurdes Sousa) and the University of Azores (Margarida Raposo, Paula Garrão).
Invited Speakers:
James Borger (Australian National University, Canberra, Australia)
James Gray (Stellenbosch University, South Africa)
Anders Kock (Aarhus Universitet, Denmark)
Tom Leinster (University of Edinburgh, UK)
Ignacio López Franco (Universidad de la República, Maldonado, Uruguay)
Lurdes Sousa (Instituto Politécnico de Viseu and CMUC, Portugal)
More information here.
Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 12-15 September, 2018
The Summer School will consist of three intensive courses addressed to Master and PhD students, that will be of interest also for more experienced researchers in mathematics. This event is part of a joint project of the Université catholique de Louvain (UCL) with the universities of Coimbra, Padova and Poitiers, promoting research collaborations within the Coimbra Group. The project is funded by UCL for the period January 2018-December 2020.
♦ Topological algebras - Maria Manuel Clementino (CMUC)
♦ Commutative monoids, noncommutative rings and modules - Alberto Facchini (Univ. Padova)
♦ Non-associative algebras - Tim Van der Linden (Univ. catholique de Louvain)
More information here.
Coimbra, 27-29 September, 2018
This is a workshop organised by the "Algebra, Logic and Topology" research group of CMUC in honour of Aleš Pultr (Charles Univ., Prague), on the occasion of his 80th birthday.
Invited Speakers:
Richard N. Ball (Univ. Denver, USA)
Mai Gehrke (Univ. Côte d'Azur, Nice, France)
Javier Gutiérrez García (Univ. Basque Country UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain)
Dirk Hofmann (Univ. Aveiro, Portugal)
More information here.
Aveiro, 3-14 September 2018
This year the annual UC|UP PhD Summer School will take place in Aveiro and is jointly organised with the PhD Program in Applied Mathematics of the Universities of Aveiro, Minho and Porto (MAP-PDMA) and the PhD Program in Mathematics of the University of Aveiro (PDMat-UA).
The Summer School will consist of four intensive courses, in the areas of Algebraic Combinatorics, Algebraic Number Theory, Numerical Analysis, and Mathematical Methods in Biology, and sessions where the students of the three PhD programs that organize the School may present their work. A precise schedule will be available soon.
Scientific Committee:
Alexandre Almeida (Univ. Aveiro),
António José Machiavelo (Univ. Porto),
Dirk Hofmann (Univ. Aveiro),
José Augusto Ferreira (Univ. Coimbra).
More information TBA soon here.
Richard N. Ball, Jorge Picado and Aleš Pultr
PDF file here.
Eduardo Marques de Sá
PDF file here.
A. Branquinho, Y. Chen, G. Filipuk and M. N. Rebocho
PDF file here.
L. Caffarelli, S. Patrizi, V. Quitalo and M. Torres
PDF file here.
Diana Rodelo and Idriss Tchoffo Nguefeu
PDF file here.
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