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02-2017 |
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Born in 1930, he completed his PhD in 1964, after studying in Paris with
Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat, one of the world's foremost experts on General
Relativity and Gravitational Radiation.
In the 1970s and 80s he played a decisive role in the organization of
CMUC, with special impact on the fields of Mathematical Physics,
Geometry, Analysis and Probability & Statistics.
He held leading positions in the Coimbra Mathematics Department and in the
School of Science and Technology, as well as in the National Institute
for Scientific Research (INIC), then the main funding agency for
research in Portugal.
Sonia Seyed Allaei
PhD in Applied Mathematics (2015, IST, Univ. Lisboa, Portugal),
under the supervision of Teresa Diogo (IST, Lisboa) and
Hermann Brunner (Univ.of Newfoundland, Canada).
Óscar Domínguez
PhD in Mathematics (Functional Analysis, 2016, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain),
under the supervision of Fernando Cobos and Antón Martínez.
Óscar Domínguez has just been awarded the 2017 Vicent Caselles Prize,
for young (under 32 years of age)
spanish mathematicians, by the Real Sociedad Matemática Española.
The team representing Portugal at the 2017 International Mathematical
Olympiad has been selected. The team
members are Duarte Nascimento, Henrique Navas, Kevin Pucci, Manuel
Cabral, Maria Matilde Silva and Pedro Fernandes.
The competition will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between 12
and 23 July. The Portuguese team will depart a few days early to
participate in problem sessions with the Brazilian team at IMPA.
Selection and training of Portuguese teams in all international
mathematical competitions is part of the activities of "Project Delfos", a Mathematics school for highly
motivated young students. Delfos is a 15-year old Coimbra Mathematics
Department initiative and is supported by CMUC.
The Summer University 2017, promoted by the University of Coimbra (UC),
will take place from 16 to 21 July. This is an event for high school students.
Throughout the event, several high school students will have the opportunity to participate in scientific, pedagogic and cultural activities that will show them what is best done in the UC and in the town.
The Department of Mathematics and CMUC collaborate with a set of activities on Mathematics, as well as in some
transversal activities.
See the programme for Mathematics here.
The webpage of Atractor (Interactive Mathematics) has now English versions of the following pages:
Around the wheel
Comparing two geometric problems
Journey into PI
Math without words
Mathematical training of lifeguards
Morley Theorem
The curvature and torsion: how to distinguish the shape of a curve
The dynamics of a trick
The loxodrome
Triangles with multiple angles
These translations of the original Portuguese version are part of a project involving a team of CMUC and DMat, whose goal is the full translation into English of the mathematical contents of Atractor's website.
Atractor has produced a 3D film about the mathematical description of seashells growth. The film illustrates how the great
majority of shells existing in nature can be generated by a fixed set of equations
by simply varying some parameters. This gives one more example of how the apparent complexity one sees
in nature may have a much simpler mathematical inner structure.
The film is based on Atractor's webpage about the mathematical description of seashells.
See the 2D version of the film in the Atractor's YouTube channel.
Philippe Vieu (Paul Sabatier Univ., Toulouse, France)
Title: TBA
February 2018 (date to be announced)
Philippe Vieu is a professor of Statistics at the Institut de Mathématiques of the Université Paul Sabatier in Toulouse.
He is co-founder and co-organizer of the working group STAPH which acquired an international reputation for functional and operatorial statistics. He has co-authored 5 books and over
120 research papers. He is associate editor of Computational Statistics and Data Analysis and of Computational Statistics. He has been an invited visitor at many universities
in Europe and the USA. His research interests concern, among others, non-parametric estimation, longitudinal data analysis and functional data analysis.
Vancouver, 16 - 22 July, 2017
The 2017 International Category Theory Conference will take place at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Canada). The Organizing and Scientific committees of the conference include members of CMUC.
Invited Speakers:
Dirk Hofmann, Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal)
Rory Lucyshyn-Wright, Mount Allison University (Canada)
Matias Menni, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina)
Robert Paré, Dalhousie University (Canada)
Tim Van der Linden, Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium)
More information here.
Lisbon, 24 - 27 July, 2017
Gathering excellence where Cameron excels: Combinatorics,
Groups, Model Theory, Number Theory, Semigroups, Statistics,
and more...
A joint organization of Univ. Aberta and the Universities of Aveiro, Coimbra and Porto.
There will be a satellite workshop on Symmetry in Finite and Infinite Structures (28th July).
More information here.
Faro, 2 September, 2017
The Seminar on Representation Theory and Related Areas started in 2010 and emerged from an informal seminar by mathematicians from the Universities of Coimbra, Lisboa and Porto.
The group aims to pursue and develop interactions between mathematicians working in Representation Theory, Geometry, Combinatorics and other relevant areas. Participation is open to anyone with interests in these and other related areas.
List of speakers:
Helena Albuquerque (Coimbra)
Nathan Broomhead (Plymouth)
Raquel Simões (Lisboa)
Andrea Solotar (Buenos Aires)
Daniel Tubbenhauer (Bonn)
Ivan Yudin (Coimbra)
More information here.
Porto, 4 - 15 September, 2017
4-7 September, a course on Geometry:
Complex ODE and holomorphic foliations
by Frank Loray (Univ. of Rennes, France)
4-8 September, a course on Nonparametric Statistics:
Goodness of fit for regression models with applications
by Wenceslao González Manteiga (Univ. of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
11-13 September, a course on Dynamical Systems:
Stochastic properties of dynamical systems
by Françoise Pène (Univ. of Brest, France)
13-15 September, a course on PDEs:
Symbolic computation in partial differential equations
by Diogo Gomes (King Abdullah Univ. of Science & Technology, Saudi Arabia)
Programme Committee:
Jorge Freitas, Helena Reis, Carlos Tenreiro and José Miguel Urbano.
More information here.
Ponta Delgada (Açores), 8 - 14 July, 2018
The 2018 International Category Theory Conference will take place at the University of Azores, Ponta Delgada (Portugal).
Organizing Committee:
Margarida Raposo, Paula Garrão (Univ. Açores)
Maria Manuel Clementino, Jorge Picado, Diana Rodelo, Manuela Sobral, Lurdes Sousa (CMUC)
More information here soon.
Coimbra, 8 - 11 April, 2017
The NEMAT/AAC (group of mathematics students of the students' union of the University of Coimbra) organized the ENEMath'17, the second edition of the national
meeting of mathematics students, with the support of CMUC.
Besides the talks and workshops presented by CMUC members and other mathematicians from Portuguese universities,
John Whiteman (director of BICOM, the Brunel Institute of Computational Mathematics) opened the meeting with the
talk "Computational modelling for problems in biomechanics with
application to the diagnosis of coronary heart disease", Tom Leinster (Univ. Edinburgh, UK) presented a talk on "The mathematics of biodiversity",
and Marcelo Viana (director of IMPA - Rio de Janeiro, Chairman of the ICM 2018 Organizing Committee) closed the programme with the talk "f(x)=x".
More information here.
See some pictures here.
Darlan Girão, João M. Nogueira e António Salgueiro
PDF file here.
K. Castillo, M. N. de Jesus and J. Petronilho
PDF file here.
Eduardo Marques de Sá
PDF file here.
Esmeralda Gonçalves, Nazaré Mendes Lopes and Filipa Silva
PDF file here.
Stanislav Kondratyev and Dmitry Vorotnikov
PDF file here.
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