- Figueiredo, I. - Trabucho, L., Asymptotic model of a nonlinear
adaptive elastic rod, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2002 (to appear).
- Figueiredo, I. - Júdice, J.; Oliveira, P., Complementarity and genetic
algorithms for an optimization shell problem, Central European Journal of
Operations Research, Vol.4, 2002 (to appear).
- Luís M. Fernandes - Isabel N. Figueiredo - Joaquim J. Júdice,
On the solution of a finite element approximation of a linear
obstacle plate problem, International Journal
in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol.12, 1, (2002) 101-114.
- I. Figueiredo - C. Leal, Sensitivity analysis of a
nonlinear obstacle plate problem, Control,
Optimisation and Calculus of Variations (COCV) 7 (2002), 135-155.
- J.S. Neves,
Bessel-Lorentz-Karamata spaces and embeddings: the super-limiting case,
Math. Nachr. (to appear)
- J.S. Neves,
Lorentz-Karamata spaces, Bessel and Riesz potentials and embeddings,
Dissertationes Math. (Rozprawy Mat.) 405 (2002), 46 pp.
- J. Carvalho e Silva - H.M. Srivastava, Asymptotic representations for a
class of multiple hypergeometric functions with a dominant variable, Integral Transform. Spec. Funct.,
11 (2001), 137-150.
- S. D. Moura,
Function Spaces of generalised smoothness,
Dissertationes Math. (Rozprawy Mat.), 398 (2001), 88 pp.
- J.S. Neves, Extrapolation results on general
Besov-Hölder-Lipschitz spaces, Math. Nachr., 230 (2001), 117-141
- J.S. Neves, On decompositions in generalised Lorentz-Zygmund spaces,
Boll. Unione Mat. Ital. Sez. B Artic. Ric. Mat., (8) 4 (2001), no. 1, 239-267
- J.M. Urbano - J.H. Videman,
Unidirectional steady flow of a viscoelastic fluid with a free surface,
Interfaces Free Bound., 3 (2001), no.4, 447-463.
- J.M. Urbano, Hölder continuity of local weak
solutions for parabolic equations exhibiting two degeneracies, Adv. Differential Equations, 6 (2001), no.3,
- L.D. Abreu - J. Bustoz, Turán inequalities for symmetric Askey-Wilson polynomials,
Rocky Mountain J. Math.30 (2000), no. 2, 401--409.
- J.M. Urbano, Continuous solutions for a degenerate free boundary problem, Ann. Mat. Pura Appl. (IV),
Vol. CLXXVIII (2000), 195-224.
- G. Bernardes - F. Sommen, Monogenic functions of higher spin by Cauchy-Kovalevska extension of
real-analytic functions, Complex Variables Theory Appl., 39 (1999), 305-325.
- A. Branquinho - L. Golinskii - F. Marcellán, Orthogonal polynomials and rational modifications of Lebesgue
measure on the unit circle. An inverse problem, Complex Variables Theory Appl., 38 (1999), no. 2,
- D. Bucur - G. Buttazzo - I. Figueiredo, On the attainable eigenvalues of the Laplace operator,
SIAM J. Math. Anal., 30 (1999), no. 3, 527-536.
- F. Marcellán - J. Petronilho, Orthogonal polynomials and quadratic transformations,
Portugal. Math., 56 (1999), no. 1, 81-113.
- J.F. Rodrigues - J.M. Urbano, Degenerate elliptic problems in a class of free domains,
J. Math. Pures Appl. (9), 78 (1999), no. 8, 819-840.
- J.F. Rodrigues - J.M. Urbano, On a Darcy-Stefan problem arising in freezing and thawing of
saturated porous media, Contin. Mech. Thermodyn., 11 (1999), no. 3, 181-191.
- I. Figueiredo - C. Leal, Ellipticity of Koiter's and Naghdi's models for nonhomogeneous
anisotropic shells, Appl. Anal., 70 (1998), no. 1-2, 75-84.
- R. Álvarez-Nodarse - F. Marcellán - J. Petronilho, WKB approximation and Krall-type orthogonal
polynomials, Acta Appl. Math., 54 (1998), no. 1, 27-58.
- C.M. Fonseca - J. Petronilho, Path polynomials of a circuit: a constructive approach,
Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 44 (1998), no. 4, 313-325.
- J.F. Rodrigues - J.M. Urbano, On the stationary Boussinesq-Stefan problem with constitutive power-laws,
Internat. J. Non-Linear Mech., 33 (1998), no. 4, 555-566.
- A. Pinto da Costa - I. Figueiredo - J. Júdice - J.A.C. Martins, A complementarity eigenproblem
in the stability analysis of finite dimensional elastic systems with frictional contact, in: Complementarity: Applications,
Algorithms and Extensions (M.C. Ferris, O.L. Mangasarin and J.-S. Pang Eds.),
chap. 4, 67-83, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
- J.M. Urbano, A Free Boundary Problem: contributions from modern analysis,
in: Proceedings of the European Congress of Mathematics, Progress in Mathematics, Birkhäuser, 2001.
- J.M. Urbano, A singular-degenerate parabolic problem: regularity up to the Dirichlet boundary,
in: Free Boundary Problems: Theory and Applications I, 399-410, GAKUTO International Series Mathematical Sciences and
Applications 13, 2000.
- L.A. Costa - P. Oliveira - I. Figueiredo - L.F. Roseiro - R.P. Leal, Compliance minimization of a
composite laminated plate by Genetic Algorithms, in: Proceedings of the European Conference on Computational
Mechanics, Munich, Germany, 1999.
- F. Marcellán - J. Petronilho, Orthogonal polynomials and polynomial mappings on the unit
circle, in: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Self-Similar Systems (V.B. Priezzhev, V.P. Spiridonov
Eds.), 316-326, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, E5-99-38, Dubna (Russia), 1999.
- J. Carvalho e Silva - C. Leal - J.F. Rodrigues,
A noncoercive Volterra variational inequality arising in a Hele-Shaw problem,
in: Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Their Applications (Ta-tsien Li,
Long-Wei Lin, J.F. Rodrigues Eds.), 1-10, World Scientific, Singapore, 1999.
- J.M. Urbano, On the Stefan problem with convection and
nonlinear diffusion in a porous medium, in: Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Their Applications (Ta-tsien Li,
Long-Wei Lin, J.F. Rodrigues Eds.), 225-236, World Scientific, Singapore, 1999.
- J.F. Rodrigues - J.M. Urbano, On the mathematical analysis of a valley glacier model,
in: Free Boundary Problems: theory and applications (Crete, 1997), 237-245, Chapman & Hall/CRC Res. Notes Math., 409,
Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 1999.
- J.F. Rodrigues - J.M. Urbano, On a three-dimensional convective Stefan problem for a non-newtonian
fluid, in: Applied Nonlinear Analysis (A. Sequeira et al. Eds.), 457-468, Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers,
New York, 1999.
- I. Figueiredo - C. Leal, Numerical analysis of contact and friction problems in
thermoelasticity, in: Actas da Escola de Elementos Finitos e Aplicaçőes, CIM, 1998.
- L. Fernandes - I. Figueiredo - J. Júdice, Computational methods for plate and shallow shell
contact problems, in: Computational Mechanics, New Trends and Applications (S.R. Idelsohn, E. Ońate, E. Dvorkin
Eds.), CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain, 1998.
- L. Costa - L. Fernandes - I. Figueiredo - J. Júdice - P. Oliveira, Application of genetic
algorithms to plate optimization, in: Computational Mechanics, New Trends and Applications (S.R. Idelsohn, E.
Ońate, E. Dvorkin Eds.), CIMNE, Barcelona, Spain, 1998.
- 02-09 L. D. Abreu, J. Bustoz e J. L. Cardoso, The roots of the third Jackson q-Bessel function.
Pdf file
- 01-30 Noureddine Igbida e José Miguel Urbano,
Continuity results for certain parabolic PDEs.
PostScript file,
Pdf file
- 01-23 António M. Caetano e Susana D. Moura,
Local growth envelopes of spaces of generalized smoothness:
the sub-critical case.
- 01-18 Luís M. Fernandes - Isabel N. Figueiredo - Joaquim J. Júdice,
"On the solution of a finite element approximation of a linear
obstacle plate problem".
- 01-14 Isabel Figueiredo - Luís Trabucho, "Asymptotic model of a
nonlinear adaptive elastic rod".
- 00-35 C. Ebmeyer - J.M. Urbano,
Regularity in Sobolev spaces for doubly nonlinear parabolic equations.
PostScript file
- 00-34 I. Figueiredo - C. Leal,
Sensitivity analysis of a nonlinear obstacle plate problem.
PostScript file
- 00-13 I. Figueiredo - J. Júdice - P. Oliveira,
Complementarity and genetic algorithms for an optimization shell problem.
PostScript file
- 00-06 S. Domingues de Moura,
Some notes on (d,Psi)-sets.
- 00-04 N. Igbida - J.M. Urbano,
Uniqueness for nonlinear degenerate problems.
PostScript file
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