Hochschild cohomology is a fascinating invariant of an associative algebra which possesses a rich structure. In particular, the first Hochschild cohomology group HH1(A) of an algebra A is a Lie algebra, which is a derived invariant.
In the first half of the talk, I will explain how maximal tori in HH1(A), together with fundamental groups associated to presentations of A, can be used to deduce information about the shape of the Gabriel quiver of A. In particular, I will show that every maximal torus in HH1(A) arises as the dual of some fundamental group of A. By combining this, with known invariance results for Hochschild cohomology, I will deduce that the largest rank of a fundamental group of A is a derived invariant.
In the second half, I will introduce a relative version of the fundamental groupĀ of a bound quiver. Similarly to the classical case, I will show how these groups are related with relative Hochschild cohomology.
This talk is based on joint works with Benjamin Briggs and Jonathan Lindell.