Polya theory is about 'enumeration under symmetry'. Let X be a finite set and G be a group acting on X. This splits X into orbits and one may ask 'how many orbits are there?, What are their sizes? Is there some natural way to label the orbits?' For example, 'everybody knows' there are n(n-2) labeled trees on n vertices, rooted at 1. The symmetric group S(n-1) acts to give 'unlabeled trees' There are no nice formulas and the questions above are of interest. Computer scientists Goldberg and Jerrum have introduced a Markov chain, 'the Burnside Process' which allows progress but raises its own questions 'What is the automorphism group of a given tree and how can random elements of this be chosen'? Another special case is a group acting on itself by conjugation and the problem becomes one of enumerating conjugacy classes. For the symmetric group Sn the Burnside process seems to give the fastest effective way of choosing a random partition of n (!). There are quite a few examples where 'things work out' but many more open problems.