Seminar of Representation Theory and Related Areas

7th Workshop, 15 December 2018, Universidade de Lisboa

David Pauksztello "A derived category you can compute in!"

Gentle algebras are a remarkable class of algebras that are closed under derived equivalence and are of tame and derived-tame representation type, meaning that indecomposable representations can be classified in some meaningful sense. They arise naturally in the cluster theory, cf. Ana Garcia Elsener's talk, and also in symplectic geometry, where derived categories of gentle algebras masquerade as Fukaya categories.

In this talk, I will describe the structure of the derived and module categories of a gentle algebra. I will explain how "human the computer" and "human the geometer" can understand and compute in such categories, respectively. This is a mainly expository talk, but will draw on some joint work with K. Arnesen, I. Canakci, R. Laking and S. Schroll, as well as by other authors: K. Baur, R. Coelho Simoes, P.G. Plamondon, S. Opper, and S. Schroll.