Konstantinos Tziotziou, Mr. - PhD |
Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing, National Observatory of Athens, Penteli, Greece |
Session 1 - Invited Speaker |
Quiet Sun and its dynamics as viewed from the ground and from space |
K. Tziotziou, IAA, Space Applications and Remote Sensing, NOA, Penteli, Greece |
Over the past years, state-of-the-art ground-based and/or space-based
observations (filtergram, spectroscopic and spectropolarimetric), at a wide range of
wavelengths, reveal that the quiet-Sun, just like active regions, is a highly
inhomogeneous and dynamic environment that plays an important role in the global
dynamics of the entire solar atmosphere. This dynamic quiet-Sun is manifested
through a number of different types of features and phenomena that occur in a large
range of spatial and temporal scales and are nowadays believed to be mostly driven
by the local magnetic field and its dynamics. Ground-based observations processed
with state-of-the-art, post-processing reconstruction techniques, often combined
with simultaneous space-based observations from a variety of instruments on
different spacecraft, offer a unique opportunity to investigate and understand the
physical conditions of the local plasma, the nature, formation mechanisms and
evolution of quiet-Sun phenomena and possible interrelationships between quiet-Sun
phenomena occurring at different heights of the quiet-Sun solar atmosphere, from the
photosphere and chromosphere to the transition region and low corona. We provide
a comprehensive review of our latest understanding of quiet-Sun and its dynamics
as viewed from the ground and from space and discuss the advantages/disadvantages
of ground- and space-based observations and future advents in solar observations
with new solar instruments. |

