Tibor Török, Mr. - PhD |
Predictive Science Inc., San Diego, USA |
Session 3 - Invited Speaker |
Numerical simulations of dynamic phenomena in the solar corona |
T. Török, Predictive Science Inc., San Diego, CA, USA |
The numerical modeling of the solar corona and of its dynamical phenomena
has experienced significant progress in recent years. Present magnetohydrodynamic
(MHD) simulations can be run on large spherical grids, include a realistic
description of the energy transfer (thermodynamics) in the corona, and are capable
of incorporating photospheric measurements as boundary condition for the magnetic
field. These capabilities allow us to model the large-scale magnetic field and
plasma distribution of the corona, the structure and dynamics of active regions,
streamers, and coronal holes, as well as transient eruptive phenomena such as jets
and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) in an increasingly realistic manner. In this talk,
I will present some of these simulations and briefly discuss the next steps that lie
ahead. |

