Robert Erdélyi, Mr. - PhD
Solar Physics & Space Plasma Reserach Centre (SP2RC), School of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Sheffield, UK
Session 3 - Invited Speaker

On the role of MHD waves in heating localised magnetic structures: Where are we?

R. Erdélyi, Solar Physics & Space Plasma Reserach Centre (SP2RC), School of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Sheffield, UK

Satellite and ground-based observations from e.g. SOHO, TRACE, STEREO, Hinode, SDO and IRIS to DST/ROSA, IBIS, CoMP, STT/CRISP have provided a wealth of evidence of waves and oscillations present in a wide range of spatial scales of the magnetised solar atmosphere. Our understanding about localised solar structures has been considerably changed in light of these high spatial and time resolution observations. However, MHD waves not only enable us to perform sub-resolution magneto-seismology of magnetic waveguides but are also potential candidates to carry and damp the necessary non-thermal energy in these localised waveguides. First, we will briefly outline the basic recent developments in MHD wave theory focussing on linear waves.
Next, we will concentrate on the role of the most frequently studied wave classes, including the Alfven, and magneto-acoustic kink and sausage waves. The current theoretical (and often difficult) interpretations of the detected solar atmospheric wave and oscillatory phenomena within the framework of MHD will be shown. Their photospheric origin and generation mechanism and how these waves penetrate into the chromosphere, transition region or even into the corona will be addressed.
Last, the latest reported observational findings of potential MHD wave flux, in terms of localised plasma heating, in the solar atmosphere with some surprising results will be discussed, bringing us closer to solve the coronal heating problem.