Ilya Usoskin, Mr. - Prof. |
Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory, University of Oulu, Finland |
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Session 4 - Invited Speaker |
Long term solar activity |
I. Usoskin, Sodankylä Geophysical Observatory, University of Oulu, Finland |
A review of the solar variability on long-term scale (from a decade to
several millennia) is presented. The last 400 years are covered by direct solar
observations in the form of sunspot counts but is it representative for the overall
solar variability? For longer time scale, up to ten millennia, we use indirect
proxies, such as cosmogenic radionuclides (14C and 10Be) stored in stratified
natural archives. Uncertainties of the solar activity reconstructions are discussed.
Special attention is paid upon the occurrence of Grand minima and maxima of solar
activity. |

