Ioannis Kontogiannis, Mr. - PhD |
Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing, National Observatory of Athens, Penteli, Greece |
http://www.astro.noa.gr/en/staff/cv.php?staff=postdocs&id=kontogiannis |
Session 5 - Poster |
Integrating ground-based and space-born observations to create a new space weather facility at the National Observatory of Athens |
I. Kontogiannis, A. Belehaki, G. Tsiropoula, I. Tsagouri, A. Anastasiadis, A. Papaioannou (IAASARS, National Observatory of Athens, Penteli, Greece) |
We describe a new space weather facility implemented at the Institute of
Astronomy Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS) of the National Observatory of
Athens (NOA). The facility aims to provide observations, processed data and space
weather nowcasting and forecasting products, designed to support the space weather
research community and operators of commercial and industrial systems, as a part of
the PROTEAS project. To this end, the following ground-based and space-borne
observations as well as model results and tools are integrated: a) chromospheric
imaging in Ha by a small full-disk solar telescope in regular basis; b) a prediction
tool for forecasting Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) in relation to solar eruptive
events; c) real time monitoring of ionospheric conditions by the upgraded Athens
Digisonde; d) a database with near real-time solar observations which will be
available to the community through a web-based facility (HELIOSERVER); e) additional
data sets from the European Digital Upper Atmosphere Server (DIAS) integrated in an
ce with the HELIOSERVER and with improved models and techniques for the real-time
quantification of the effects of solar eruptive events in the ionosphere. Science
cases that demonstrate the expanded capabilities of the facility are also
presented. |

