Pavel Kotrč, Mr. - Dr. |
Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic, Ondřejov, Czech Republic |
Session 1 - Speaker |
On measurements of continuum flux in solar flares. Instrument and first results |
P. Kotrč (1), P. Heinzel (1), O. Procházka (1,2), 1 - Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic, Ondřejov, CR, 2 - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, CR |
For a broad-band diagnostics of chromospheric flare plasma is highly
desirable to analyze spectra covering many spectral lines and various continuum
features. The flare spectra in UV are well detected on the weak background
radiation of the solar disk. Detection of flare continuum from the Sun-as-a-star in
optical is much more difficult due to a strong background radiation. Knowledge of
flare continuum flux or continuum intensity could be a clue parameter for
contemporary models and role of accelerated particles. Supposing the
flare/background radiation contrast is strong enough to be detected, we developed a
device for measuring spectral flux from a selected part of the flaring region.
Here we present a technical description of the post-focus instrument installed at
the horizontal solar telescope HSFA2 of the Ondřejov observatory. It consists of a
system of diaphragms, imaging Hα telescope and a fast spectrometer for
measuring flux in 350 - 430 nm with dispersion of 3 px per Angstroem but with cadence reaching up to 50 frames per
second. To measure both Balmer and Paschen continua simultaneously, a new
spectrometer with even a lower dispersion was installed recently. The first solar
flares observed by this novel technique provide quite interesting results which are
presented. |

