Pavel Kotrč, Mr. - Dr. |
Astronomical Institute AS CR Ondřejov, Czech Republic |
Session 1 - Poster |
Analysis of a limb eruptive event |
P. Kotrč (1), W. Liu (1), Y. Kupryakov (1,2), M. Bárta (1), L. Kashapova (3); 1 - Astronomical Institute AS CR Ondřejov, Czech Republic,
2 - Moscow Lomonosov University, Moscow, Russia, 3 - ISTF AS RF Irkutsk, Russia |
Limb eruptive events give a good possibility to interpret spectra and
filtergrams from a more simple geometric consideration. We present analysis of an
eruptive event took place on the eastern limb on April 21, 2015 which was observed
by the Ondrejov horizontal telescope and spectrograph. The eruption of the highly
twisted prominence was followed by onset of soft X-ray source. We identified the
structures observed in H-alpha spectra with the details on the filtergrams and
analysed evolution of Doppler component velocities. The timing and observed
characteristics of the eruption were compared with prediction of model based on the
twisting of the ropes and the kink instability. |

