Adam Kobelski, Mr. - PhD |
National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank, WV, USA |
Session 1 - Speaker |
Probing Solar Wind Turbulence with the Jansky Very Large Array |
A. Kobelski (1), T.S. Bastian (2); 1 - National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Green Bank, WV, USA, 2 - National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottesville, VA, USA |
The solar wind offers an extraordinary laboratory for studying MHD
turbulence, turbulent dissipation, and heating. Radio propagation phenomena can be
exploited as probes of the solar wind in regions that are generally inaccessible to
in situ spacecraft measurements. Here, we have undertaken a study with the VLA to
observe point-like sources drawn from the JVAS catalog, and 3 VLA calibrator
sources, to trans-illuminate the outer corona/inner solar wind. In doing so, we will
exploit angular broadening and refractive scintillation to deduce properties of the
solar wind along ~100 lines of sight within 7 solar radii of the Sun and a wide
range of position angles, a factor 10 improvement over previous studies. By fitting
the complex visibilities using well-known techniques we can deduce or constrain a
number of key parameters, including the spectral slope of the turbulence at both
small (km to 10s of km) and large (thousands of km) scales, determine the presence
and evolution of an inner scale, measure the degree of anisotropy, and constrain the
topology of the global coronal magnetic field. The inner scale is of particular
interest for constraining current theories of turbulence dissipation and heating. |

