Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Coimbra
96-01 Carlos Tenreiro,
Convergence uniforme presque sûre d'une classe d'M-estimateurs
par noyau pour des observations dépendantes.
(Este texto está disponível em formato postscript. Clique.)
96-02 Maria Manuel Clementino e Walter Tholen, Separation versus Connectedness.
96-03 - F.J. Craveiro de Carvalho e S.A. Robertson, A remark on cylindrical curves and induced curves in RP^2.
96-04 - A.I. Aptekarev, A. Branquinho e F. Marcellán, Toda-type differential equations for the recurrence coefficients of orthogonal polynomials and Freud transformation.
96-05 J. M. Nunes da Costa, On the reduction of Poisson-Nijenhuis structures by the Flaschka transformation.
96-06 Lurdes Sousa, Note on multisolid categories.
96-07 Maria Manuel Clementino e Walter Tholen, Separated and connected maps.
96-08 Isabel Figueiredo e Carlos Leal, Ellipticity of the Koiter and Naghdi models for nonhomogeneous anisotropic shells.
96-09: Esmeralda Goncalves e Nazaré Mendes Lopes, Statistical results on autoregressive heteroscedastic models.
96-10: Cristina Caldeira, Critical pairs of matrices for the degree of the minimal polynomial of the Kronecker sum.
96-11: E. Gonçalves, P. Jacob e N. Mendes Lopes, A consistent test for bilinear time series.
96-12: F. Marcellán e J. Petronilho, Orthogonal polynomials and quadratic transformations.
96-13: F. Silva Leite, G. Kun e P. Crouch, Generalized De Casteljau algorithm for polynomial curves on Lie groups and symmetric spaces.
96-14: Jorge Picado, Structured frames by Weil entourages.
96-15: Alexander Kovacec, A note on the Bruhat order of $S_n$, integer matrices, and the lattice $\bkN^2$.
96-16, Olga Azenhas, The admissible interval for the invariant factors of a product of matrices..
96-17, C. Gouriéroux e C. Tenreiro,
Local power properties of kernel based goodness of fit tests.
(Este texto está disponível em formato postscript. Clique.)
96-18, Luís Nunes Vicente, On interior-point Newton algorithms for discretized optimal control problems with state constraints..
Quem pretender uma destas pré-publicações poderá solicitar um exemplar a: Prof. Maria Manuel Clementino
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