Departamento de Matemática, Universidade de Coimbra
97-01, Jorge Picado, Efremovic's Theorem in pointfree context.
97-02, F. Silva Leite e P. Saraiva, A remarkable example of simple $r$-Lie algebras..
97-03, C. M. Martins, A note on the third-order moment structure of a bilinear model with non-independent shocks.
97-04, C. M. Martins, On the autocorrelation structure of a bilinear model with non-independent shocks.
97-05, E. Goncalves e N. Mendes Lopes, A consistent test for a vectorial AR(1) model with a non-independent error process.
97-06, J. A. Ferreira, The negative norms on the supraconvergence of FDM's for two-dimensional domains.
97-07, Antonio Leal Duarte, Jaime Carvalho e Silva, Joao Filipe Queiro, Some notes on the History of Mathematics in Portugal..
97-08, C. R. Johnson e Antonio Leal Duarte, The maximum multiplicity of an eigenvalue in a matrix whose graph is a tree.
97-09, C.-M. Marle e J. M. Nunes da Costa, Master symmetries and bi-Hamiltonian structures for the relativistic Toda lattice.
97-10, J. A. Ferreira, On moving finite difference methods for partial differential equations on two-dimensional domains.
97-11, Joana Margarida Nunes da Costa, Variétés de Jacobi compatibles. Géometrie et réduction.
97-12, Joao Filipe Queiró, Matemática e Matemáticos em Portugal.
97-13, F.J. Craveiro de Carvalho e S.A. Robertson, The parallel group of a plane curve.
97-14, Luis Nunes Vicente, An analysis of Newton's method for equivalent Karush-Kuhn-Tucker systems.
97-15, Carlos Tenreiro, Asymptotic normality of local polynomial estimators of regression function and its derivatives for time series.
97-16, Maria Manuel Clementino, Eraldo Giuli e Walter Tholen, What is a quotient map with respect to a closure operator?
97-17, Ana Paula Santana, Joao Filipe Queiro e Eduardo Marques de Sa, Group Representations and Matrix Spectral Problems.
97-18, Jaime Carvalho e Silva, O Ensino da Matematica na Universidade de Coimbra na segunda metade do sec. XIX.
97-19, Jirí Adámek e Lurdes Sousa, Constructions of solid hulls.
97-20, E. Gonçalves e N. Mendes-Lopes, Exponential decay of the convergence rate of a non-classical test for an AR model.
97-21, A.M. d'Azevedo Breda e F.J. Craveiro de Carvalho, Products, covering spaces and group actions for locally Sierpinski spaces.
97-22, Paula de Oliveira, Fernanda Patricio e Joao Santos, Positive solutions with multistep methods for convection-diffusion-reaction equations.
97-23, J.A. Ferreira e R.D. Grigorieff, On the supraconvergence of elliptic finite difference schemes.
97-24, Jose' Francisco Rodrigues e Jose' Miguel Urbano, On the Mathematical Analysis of a Valley Glacier Model.
97-25, Pierre Jacob e Paulo Eduardo Oliveira, Using non embedded partitions in histogram estimation.
97-26, Alexander Kovacec, Semidefiniteness on cones and games on lattices.
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