Description of NBIPolyp-UCdb
NBIPolyp-UCdb is a database
86 images that display colonic polyps.
It was generated from 11 different colonoscopy
short videos, of 10 different patients, recorded with a Narrow-Band-Imaging
(NBI) colonoscope, by medical endoscopists, from
the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra, Portugal.
In addition to the NBI
frames also the ground truth of the polyps is provided. This ground truth consists of a mask
corresponding to the region covered by the polyp in the image.
The images are RGB color images
with 576x720 pixels (per color channel).
Description of the folders
· There are 11
folders, containing the images extracted from the 11 videos. Inside each folder
there are 2 subfolders, named Polyp and Mask.
· The Polyp
subfolder contains the original polyp frames, and the Mask subfolder the corresponding masks. A polyp image and the
corresponding mask share the same name with the exception of an additional
"M" in the mask image, e.g.,
Polyp image name:
Mask image name:
· Images and Masks
are property of the University of Coimbra,
· The use of
this database is completely restricted for research and educational purposes.
The use of this database is forbidden for commercial purposes.
Citation and Access to
the database
If you use this database for your experiments please include the
following reference:
· Isabel N. Figueiredo, Luis Pinto, Pedro N. Figueiredo,
Richard Tsai : Unsupervised
Segmentation of Colonic Polyps in Narrow-Band Imaging Data based on Manifold
Representation of Images and Wasserstein Distance, Biomedical Signal
Processing and Control, 53 (2019) 1015772019 (DOI:
A form with personal information needs to be completed to download the NBIPolyp-UCdb database.
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