José Morgado (1921-2003)

89 publicações recenseadas na revista "Zentralblatt"
1. Morgado, José
Importance of observations in mathematics. (Portuguese)
Gaz. Mat., Lisb. 141, 24-28 (2001). MSC 2000: *00A35
2. Morgado, José
Note on a problem posed by Fermat. (Portuguese)
Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 36, 41-53 (1997). MSC 2000: *11D25 11-03
3. Morgado, José
Professor Ruy Luis Gomes and the mathematical centre of Recife. (Portuguese)
Nobre, Sergio (ed.), 2nd Portuguese-Brazilian meeting on the history of
mathematics and 2nd national seminar on the history of mathematics.
Theme: Contributions of Portuguese mathematicians on the development of
mathematics in Brazil, Águas de Sao Pedro, Brazil, March 23--26, 1997.
Proceedings. Rio Claro: UNESP, Dept. de Matematica, 85-93 (1997). MSC 2000: *01A70
4. Morgado, José
In honor of professor Ruy Luís Gomes. (Portuguese)
Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 35, 1-24 (1996). MSC 2000: *01A70 01A60
5. Morgado, José
A note on group endomorphisms of power type and commutativity. (Portuguese)
Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 32, 73-80 (1995). MSC 2000: *20E36 20E34
6. Morgado, José
Note on the Chebyshev polynomials and applications to the Fibonacci numbers. (English)
Port. Math. 52, No.3, 363-378 (1995). MSC 2000: *11B39, Recensor: Péter Kiss
7. Morgado, José
A note on the endomorphisms of a group defined by commutators. (Portuguese)
Marques de Sá, Eduardo (ed.) et al., Mathematical studies. Homage to
Professor Doctor Luís de Albuquerque. Coimbra: Universidade de Coimbra,
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Departamento de Matemática, 193-204 (1994). MSC 2000: *20E36
8. Morgado, José
On the history of algebra in Portugal. I. (Portuguese)
Gaz. Mat., Lisb. 137, 3-21 (1990). MSC 2000: *01A40
9. Morgado, José
Note on a Shannon's theorem concerning the Fibonacci numbers and diophantine quadruples. (English)
Port. Math. 48, No.4, 429-439 (1991). MSC 2000: *11B39
10. Morgado, José
Certain diophantine equations. (English)
Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 15, 24-35 (1990). MSC 2000: *11D09 11D25 11D41
11. Morgado, José
Pythagorean triangles. (Portuguese)
Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 14, 3-12 (1989). MSC 2000: *11D09 11-01
12. Morgado, José
About a theorem of Fermat. (Portuguese)
Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 13, 7-17 (1989). MSC 2000: *11-03
13. Morgado, José
On a problem related to the Fibonacci numbers. (Portuguese)
Proc. 2nd Meet. Portuguese algebraists, Porto/Port. 1987, 77-88 (1987). MSC 2000: *11B37 11D04
14. Morgado, José
Note on some results of A. F. Horadam and A. G. Shannon concerning a
Catalan's identity on Fibonacci numbers. (English)
Port. Math. 44, 243-252 (1987). MSC 2000: *11B37
15. Morgado, José
Ruy Luis Gomes professor and companion. (Portuguese)
Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 8, 5-30 (1985). MSC 2000: *01A70 01A60
16. Morgado, José
Some remarks on an identity of Catalan concerning the Fibonacci numbers. (English)
Port. Math. 39 (1985), 341-348 (1980). MSC 2000: *11B37
17. Morgado, José
Generalization of a result of Hoggatt and Bergum on Fibonacci numbers. (English)
Port. Math. 42, 441-445 (1983/84). MSC 2000: *11B37
18. Morgado, José
A note on a property of arithmetic progressions of integers. (Portuguese)
Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 6, 73-76 (1983). MSC 2000: *11D25 11B25
19. Morgado, José
Note on Hilbert's axioms for the notion of "between". (Portuguese)
Bol. Soc. Port. Mat. 5, 30-36 (1982). MSC 2000: *51A05 51M05 51M10
20. Morgado, Jose
Some remarks on two generalizations of Euler's theorem. (English)
Port. Math. 36, 153-158 (1977). MSC 2000: *11A07 11A25
21. Morgado, Jose
A remark on groups without center. (English)
Gaz. Mat., Lisboa 36-37 (1975), 35-37 (1976). MSC 2000: *20F12 20E34 20E22
22. Morgado, Jose
Another generalization of Euler's theorem. (English)
Port. Math. 35, 241-243 (1976). MSC 2000: *11A07
23. Morgado, Jose
Quasi-regular normal endomorphisms of a group. (English)
Math. Stud. zu Ehren von A. Almeida Costa, 99-111 (1974). MSC 2000: *20F99
24. Morgado, Jose
A remark on groups without center. (English)
Notas Comun. Mat., Recife 59, 7 p. (1974). MSC 2000: *20F12 20E22
25. Morgado, Jose
A property of the Euler $\varphi$-function concerning the integers
which are regular modulo n. (English)
Port. Math. 33, 185-191 (1974). MSC 2000: *11A07 11A25
26. Morgado, Jose
Quasi-regular normal endomorphisms of a group. (English)
Notas Comun. Mat., Recife 58, 17 p. (1974). MSC 2000: *20E36 20F99
27. Morgado, Jose
A property of the Euler $\varhi$-function concerning the integers
which are regular modulo n. (English)
Notas Comun. Mat., Recife 54, 9 p. (1973). MSC 2000: *11A07 11A25
28. Morgado, Jose
Note on quasi-orders, partial orders and orders. (English)
Port. Math. 32, 1-7 (1973). MSC 2000: *06A06 06A05
29. Morgado, Jose
Regular integers modulo n. (Portuguese)
Gaz. Mat., Lisboa 33, 1-5 (1972). MSC 2000: *11A07 11A05
30. Morgado, Jose
Eine andere notwendige und hinreichende Bedingung dafür, daß eine ganze
Zahl regulär modulo $n$ ist. (Portuguese)
Gaz. Mat., Lisboa 33, 71-72 (1972). MSC 2000: *11A07
31. Morgado, Jose
Note on quasi-orders, partial orders and orders. (English)
Notas Comun. Mat., Recife 43, 10 p. (1972). MSC 2000: *06A05 06A06
32. Zbl 0266.10003 Morgado, Jose
Über einen Satz von Lucas, der mit dem kleinen Fermatschen
Satz in Beziehung steht. (Portuguese)
Gaz. Mat., Lisboa 31, No.117-120, 59-61 (1970). MSC 2000: *11A07 13A15
33. Zbl 0257.20001 Morgado, Jose
Some remarks on a definition of a group in terms of the inverse operations. (English)
Notas Comun. Mat., Recife 30, 11 p. (1970). MSC 2000: *20A10
34. Zbl 0237.20033 Morgado, Jose
A note on the endomorphisms associated to semi-direct
decompositions of a group. (English)
Port. Math. 29, 43-48 (1970). MSC 2000: *20E36
35. Zbl 0225.06005 Morgado, José
Some characterizations of Boolean rings. (English)
Anais Acad. Brasil. Ci. 42, 641-644 (1970). MSC 2000: *06E20
36. Zbl 0222.20012 Morgado, José
Extension of some results of Herstein on semi-homomorphisms of groups. (English)
Math. Notae 21 (1968/69), 113-123 (1970). MSC 2000: *20E99
37. Zbl 0215.36601 Morgado, J.
Two axiom systems for commutative rings with identity (English)
Notas Comun. Mat., Recife 25, 5 p. (1970). MSC 2000: *13A99
38. Zbl 0324.04002 Morgado, Jose
A single axiom for equivalence relations. (English)
Gaz. Mat., Lisboa 30, No.113-116, 15-16 (1969). MSC 2000: *03E20 08A05
39. Zbl 0267.20033 Morgado, Jose
Direkte Gruppenendomorphismen. (Portuguese)
Gaz. Mat., Lisboa 30, No.113-116, 9-14 (1969). MSC 2000: *20E36
40. Zbl 0209.32902 Morgado, J.
Extension of some results of Herstein on semi-homomorphisms of groups (English)
Notas Comun. Mat., Recife 23, 11 p. (1969). MSC 2000: *20E99
41. Zbl 0262.17001 Morgado, Jose
On the condition $(xy)^2=x^2y^2$ in nonassociative rings. (English)
Gaz. Mat., Lisboa 29, No.109-112, 1-2 (1968). MSC 2000: *17A30
42. Zbl 0262.20042 Morgado, Jose
A note on the normal endomorphisms of a group. (English)
Gaz. Mat., Lisboa 29, No.109-112, 6-8 (1968). MSC 2000: *20E36
43. Zbl 0262.20043 Morgado, Jose
A theorem on abelian quotient groups of a group. (English)
Gaz. Mat., Lisboa 29, No.109-112, 9-10 (1968). MSC 2000: *20E36
44. Zbl 0213.29303 Morgado, J.
A theorem on extensions of commuting isotone mappings (English)
Notas Comun. Mat., Recife 15, 5 p. (1967). MSC 2000: *06B23
45. Zbl 0208.29601 Morgado, J.
A theorem on entropic groupoids (English)
Port. Math. 26, 449-452 (1967). MSC 2000: *20N02
46. Zbl 0206.04603 Morgado, J.
On the structure of generalized J-rings (English)
Notas Comun. Mat., Recife 17, 13 p. (1967). MSC 2000: *16R10
47. Zbl 0286.20071 Morgado, Jose
On abelian groups with the unique square root property. (English)
Gaz. Mat., Lisboa 27, No.103-104, 5-7 (1966). MSC 2000: *20K99
48. Zbl 0239.20071 Morgado, Jose
Entropic groupoids and abelian groups. (English)
Gaz. Mat., Lisboa 27, No.103-104, 8-10 (1966). MSC 2000: *20L05 20K99
49. Zbl 0236.20001 Morgado, Jose
An absolutely independent axiom system for groups. (English)
Gaz. Mat., Lisboa 27, No.101-102, 8-10 (1966). MSC 2000: *20A05
50. Zbl 0236.20002 Morgado, Jose
Another definition of a group by means of a single axiom. (English)
Gaz. Mat., Lisboa 27, No.103-104, 11-13 (1966). MSC 2000: *20A05
51. Zbl 0235.20054 Morgado, José
Note on the definition of a group. (English)
Gaz. Mat., Lisboa 27, No.101-102, 11-12 (1966). MSC 2000: *20A05
52. Zbl 0163.26205 Morgado, J.
Factorization of the lattice of closure operators of a complete lattice (English)
Port. Math. 25, 181-185 (1966).
53. Zbl 0144.25404 Morgado, J.
On the lattices of residuated closure operators of complete lattices (English)
Notas Comun. Mat., Recife 12, 7 p. (1966).
54. Zbl 0133.27103 Morgado, J.
Note on the factorization of the lattice of closure operators of
a complete lattice (English)
Nederl. Akad. Wet., Proc., Ser. A 69, 34-41 (1966).
55. Zbl 0295.06003 Morgado, Jose
A single axiom for closure operators of partially ordered sets. (English)
Gaz. Mat., Lisboa 26, No.100, 57-58 (1965). MSC 2000: *06A15 06A06
56. Zbl 0222.04001 Morgado, José
The mappings from ${\cal P}(A)$ into ${\cal P}(B)$. (Portuguese)
Gaz. Mat., Lisboa 26, No.98-99, 3-4 (1965). MSC 2000: *03E20
57. Zbl 0163.01206 Morgado, J.
On the complete homomorphic images of the lattice of closure operators
of a complete lattice (English)
Notas Comun. Mat., Recife 8, 13 p. (1965).
58. Zbl 0163.26003 Morgado, J.
Note on the system of closure operators of the ordinal product of partially
ordered sets (English)
Anais Fac. Ci. Porto 48, 13-20 (1965).
59. Zbl 0163.26204 Morgado, J.
Ein Satz über a-vollständige Kongruenzen von a-vollständigen Verbänden (Portuguese)
Atas quarto Coloquio Brasil. Mat., Pocos de Caldas 1963, 77-80 (1965);
Notas Comun. Mat., Recife No.3, 8 p. (1965).
60. Zbl 0158.27001 Morgado, J.
Note on the system of closure operators of the ordinal product
of partially ordered sets (English)
Port. Math. 24, 189-195 (1965); Notas Comun. Mat., Recife No.5, 8 p. (1965).
61. Zbl 0148.25703 Morgado, J.
Erweiterung einiger Resultate von Ore über die Homomorphismen
vollständiger Verbände (Portuguese)
Notas Comun, Mat., Recife 1, 9 p. (1965).
62. Zbl 0136.00905 Morgado, J.
A characterization of the central closure operators of complete lattices (English)
Nederl. Akad. Wet., Proc., Ser. A 68, 70-73 (1965).
63. Zbl 0135.03103 Morgado, J.
Lattices in which $a<b\wedge c$ implies $a\le b$ or $a\le c$ (English)
Port. Math. 24, 13-19 (1965).
64. Zbl 0135.03201 Morgado, J.
On the complete homomorphic images of the lattice of closure operators
of a complete lattice (English)
Anais Acad. Brasil. Ci. 37, 185-192 (1965).
65. Zbl 0134.25904 Morgado, J.
A single axiom for groups (English)
Am. Math. Mon. 72, 981-982 (1965).
66. Zbl 0146.05203 Morgado, J.
On the arithmetical function $\sigma\sp *\sb h$ (English)
Port. Math. 23, 35-40 (1964).
67. Zbl 0136.00903 Morgado, J.
Note on the distributive closure operators of a complete lattice (English)
Port. Math. 23, 11-25 (1964).
68. Zbl 0136.00904 Morgado, J.
Note on the central closure operators of complete lattices (English)
Nederl. Akad. Wet., Proc., Ser. A 67, 467-476 (1964).
69. Zbl 0135.03104 Morgado, J.
Note on $\alpha$-complete congruences of $\alpha$-complete lattices (English)
Port. Math. 23, 131-138 (1964).
70. Zbl 0166.01203 Morgado, J.
Bemerkung über subtraktive Quasigruppen (Portuguese)
Gaz. Mat., Lisboa 24, No.92/93, 11-17 (1963).
71. Zbl 0166.01301 Morgado, J.
Definition der subtraktiven Quasigruppen durch ein einziges Axiom (Portuguese)
Gaz. Mat., Lisboa 24, No.92/93, 17-18 (1963).
72. Zbl 0144.25405 Morgado, J.
On the lattices of residuated closure operators of complete lattices (English)
Bol. Soc. Mat. Sao Paulo 18, 31-37 (1963).
73. Zbl 0122.05206 Morgado, J.
Some remarks on the unitary analogue of the Nagell totient function (English)
Port. Math. 22, 127-135 (1963).
74. Zbl 0122.05301 Morgado, J.
Unitary analogue of a Schemmel's function (English)
Port. Math. 22, 215-233 (1963).
75. Zbl 0115.01801 Morgado, J.
On the closure operators of the cardinal product of partially ordered sets (English)
Nederl. Akad. Wet., Proc., Ser. A 66, 65-75 (1963).
76. Zbl 0111.25202 Morgado, J.
Unitary analogue of the Nagell totient function (English)
Port. Math. 21, 221-223 (1962); Correction. Ibid. 22, 119 (1963).
77. Zbl 0113.02001 Morgado, J.
On the automorphisms of the lattice of closure operators of a complete lattice (English)
Rev. Unión Mat. Argent. 20, 188-193 (1962).
78. Zbl 0111.02301 Morgado, J.
Einführung in die Theorie der Verbände. Band I, II (Portuguese)
(Textos de Matematica. No.10, 11.) Instituto de Fisica e Matematica,
Universidade do Recife, VIII, 1-244; 245-342 (1962).
79. Zbl 0107.25203 Morgado, J.
A characterization of the closure operators by means of one axiom (English)
Port. Math. 21, 155-156 (1962).
80. Zbl 0107.25301 Morgado, J.
On the closure operators of the ordinal product of partially ordered sets (English)
Port. Math. 21, 209-220 (1962).
81. Zbl 0107.25302 Morgado, J.
Note on complemented closure operators of complete lattices (English)
Port. Math. 21, 138-142 (1962).
82. Zbl 0107.25303 Morgado, J.
On complete congruences of complete lattices (English)
Port. Math. 21, 11-25 (1962).
83. Zbl 0106.02201 Morgado, Jose
Sur le normalisateur d'une sous-groupe cyclique (French)
Gaz. Mat., Lisboa 23, 1-7 (1962).
84. Zbl 0103.02002 Morgado, Jose
Note on the system of closure operators of the ordinal sum of partially ordered sets (English)
Anais Acad. Brasil. Ci. 34, 1-9 (1962).
85. Zbl 0115.01802 Morgado, J.
On the closure operators of the ordinal sum of partially ordered sets (English)
Nederl. Akad. Wet., Proc., Ser. A 64, 546-550 (1961).
86. Zbl 0105.25203 Morgado, Jose
Note on the automorphisms of the lattice of closure operators of a complete lattice (English)
Nederl. Akad. Wet., Proc., Ser. A 64, 211-218 (1961).
87. Zbl 0103.02101 Morgado, Jose
Some remarks on quasi-isomorphisms between finite lattices (English)
Port. Math. 20, 137-145 (1961).
88. Zbl 0099.02102 Morgado, José
Quasi-isomorphisms between complete lattices. (English)
Port. Math. 20, 17-31 (1961).
89. Zbl 0103.26702 Morgado, Jose
Some results on closure operators of partially ordered sets (English)
Port. Math. 19, 101-139 (1960).