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X-Comment: Educacao em Matematica Status: RO Caros colegas Promovido pela Projecto Pensamento Matematico da FCUL, realiza-se no dia 9 de Janeiro de 1998 das 9:30 as 13:00 no British Council em Lisboa, um seminario de investigacao que tem como objectivo discutir algumas questoes de investigacao que tem vindo a ser desenvolvidas no seio daquele projecto, nomeadamente as que procuram analisar as nocoes de significado matematico, transferencia na aprendizagem matematica e avaliacao. Conduzem este seminario Steve Lerman (South Bank Univ.), Jeff Evans (Middlesex Univ.), Candia Morgan (Institute of Education), Madalena Santos, Susana Carreira e Joao Filipe Matos. A entrada e livre. No entanto os colegas interessados em participar deverao dar-me conhecimento disso enviando os seguintes dados NOME, MORADA, TELEFONE, INSTITUICAO, FAX para o endereco <> ate 19 de Dezembro a fim de receberem a documentacao correspondente. (ATENCAO: envie a sua mensagem para o endereco e nao para o remetente desta mensagem que e o SEM). Aproveito para desejar um Bom Natal para todos. Joao Filipe Matos **************************************************** Prof Doutor Joao Filipe Matos Dep. de Educacao Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade de Lisboa Campo Grande, C1 - 2 1700 Lisboa - Portugal Ph. direct: +351 1 7500118 +351-1-7573141 EXT. 2223 or 1101 Fax: +351-1-7500082 Ph. +351-1-8491557 (home) +351-1-9291926 mobile: +351-936407607 E_mail: (1st version) **************************************************** Visit the PME22 homepage: ****************************************************
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X-Comment: Educacao em Matematica Status: RODate: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 15:49:30 +0100
I have been invited to give a plenary (one hour) address on undergraduate math education at the annaul SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics)national meeting in July. I thought some of you would like to see my abstract. Title: Where mathematics education must go and how it can get there Speaker: J. J. Uhl, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Abstract: The state of undergraduate mathematics education is at an all-time low. There is less student interest in the mathematics major than ever and former "client departments" have begun to teach more and more courses we would recognize as mathematics courses. In fact, D.J. Lewis of MPS at NSF has warned that unless undergraduate mathematics changes its ways, mathematics will go the way of classics departments. I will argue that the reason for this is a forty year ice age of stagnation of undergraduate mathematics courses. And I will argue that mathematics education can be reinvigorated through heavy use of computers for visualization, experimentation and numerical methods. The result: The mathematics we teach will become like the mathematics we do, and students will be interested for the same reasons we are interested. Samples of new computer-based courses in calculus, differential equations and matrix theory in service at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in campus and distance education will be demonstrated. ---------- Jerry Uhl Professor of Mathematics 1409 West Green Street University of Illinois Urbana,Illinois 61801 Calculus&Mathematica Development Team ----------Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 22:29:52 +0100
I have received a flurry of email about the abstract I sent out earlier today. Instead of replying to each one, I willsend out a couple of the emails that arrived from colleagues at a leading university:. These emails indicate that the situation is far whose than most university math profs want to admit. About Computer Science at that university: "I talked with the{ CS professor] generally in charge of the undergraduate curriculum.) They've been meeting about their undergraduate program, which is expected to skyrocket, and have tried to think things through from scratch. So far, they've decided: a. They'd like their students to have more math b. But not the kind of math that's coming from the math department c. It's never going to come form the math department d. They'll start doing it themselves." About Electrical Engineering at that university: "as a coincidence, your email arrived the day we decided to teach a course in EE that is essentially linear algebra. the next on our list of courses to drop from the math department is ODEs. (chem engr. at [my university] already teaches their own ODE course, and other engineering students take that one.) we'd probably prefer to teach calculus as well; it's only laziness that keeps us from it. a course that blended some calculus with some numerical work would be great ... this is just to confirm the trend you note in your abstract." -Jerry ---------- Jerry Uhl Professor of Mathematics 1409 West Green Street University of Illinois Urbana,Illinois 61801 Calculus&Mathematica Development Team Mathematics is my trip. The computer is my transportation. ----------
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X-Comment: Educacao em Matematica Status: RO NSF-sponsored UFE Workshop -- (subject to final NSF approval) TEACHING UNDERGRADUATE GEOMETRY, Cornell University, May 28 (evening) through June 2, 1998. This workshop is intended for college and university faculty who teach (or soon will teach) an undergraduate geometry course -- such as the courses typically attended by future or inservice teachers. The leaders of the workshop will be Kelly Gaddis (Buffalo State College), David Henderson (Cornell University), Jane-Jane Lo (Cornell University), and Avery Solomon (Cornell University). For more information and application form, visit: or write In the mornings the participants will experience a learning and teaching environment that is innovative both in terms of content and in terms of teaching methods. The content will be the integration of geometries on plane, sphere and other surfaces -- presented through problems which emphasize experiencing the meanings in the geometry. Student investigations, small group learning, and writing assignments will be explored. In the afternoons there will be seminars and presentations on topics related to the workshop theme, including: How to Write Good Exploratory Problems, Using Writing in Mathematics, Curriculum Developments in School Geometry, Using Computer Technology in Geometry, Formal versus Intuitive Knowing in Geometry, What is in the 8 Undergraduate Geometry Courses at Cornell, Non-test-based Assessments, Student Affects and Beliefs Toward Innovative Programs, and Including All Students by Encouraging Diverse Ideas. In addition, there will be ample free time for informal discussions and enjoyment of the geometry of nature in and around Ithaca. Most of the housing and food expenses will be covered by the NSF for all participants. There may also be very limited NSF funds available to support travel costs for participating faculty from institutions with limited resources. The NSF will also support follow-up activities by the participants after the workshop including local workshops, exchange of related classroom materials, and communication of experiences and ideas. To apply, send the following information by one of the following two methods: e-mail to with Subject: UFE application ONLY if you do not have e-mail access send letter to "UFE Geometry Workshop, Dept of Math., Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853-7901." Application Questions: Name: Department: Institution: e-mail address: Phone: Mailing address: 1. Why do you want to attend the workshop? What do you see as the potential gains to your teaching? 2. Do you expect that in the next two years you will be assigned to develop and/or teach an undergraduate geometry-related course whose students include teachers or future teachers? Describe the course(s). 3. Approximately what percentage of your student body is from underrepresented minorities? 4. There may be very limited NSF moneys to provide for support for those who are from resource-poor institutions and who need the extra funds in order to attend. Please indicate if you wish to apply for these funds. 5. We expect each participant to be committed to participate in several of the following follow-up activities -- Please indicate which you expect to participate in: a. Use materials and techniques from the workshop in your own teaching. b. Give a presentation/workshop on the new techniques and materials to faculty in your home institution. c. Share your own classroom experiences and materials with the workshop staff and other participants via e-mail or the WWW. d. Use the workshop staff as a resource to assist in the implementation and evaluation of the new materials and techniques. e. Other (Please describe). This is an unmoderated distribution list discussing post-calculus teaching and learning of Get guidelines before posting: email saying get mathedu guidelines (Un)subscribe to mathedu(-digest)by email to saying: (un)subscribe mathedu(-digest) <type in your email address here>
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X-Comment: Educacao em Matematica Status: RO VII ENCONTRO DE INVESTIGA=C7=C3O EM EDUCACAO MATEMATICA (SEM-SPCE) Local: Mirandela, Grande Hotel D. Dimis Data: 19, 20 e 21 de Abril de 1998 Tema: Caminhos para Educacao Matematica em Portugal ----------- Programa 19 Abril 21:30 -- Recepcao aos participantes; apresentacao do livro "Investigacao em educacao matematica e desenvolvimento curricular" 20 Abril 09:00-10:30 - Sess=E3o plen=E1ria: Jeremy Kilpatrick 11:00-12:30-Sess=E3o plen=E1ria: Paolo Boero 14:30-18:00-Grupos de discuss=E3o, nos temas curriculo, aprendizagem e professores. Conferencistas convidados: - curriculo: Luisa Alonso e Teresa Assude - aprendizagem: Leandro de Almeida e Joao Filipe Matos - investigacao sobre o professor: Carlos Simoes e Lurdes Serrazina 21 Abril 09:00-12:30-3 Grupos de discussao (continuacao dos mesmos temas) 14:30-15:30 - Apresntacao do trabalho dos grupos 15:30-17:30 - Painel - Moderador: Albano Silva 17:30-17:40 - Encerramento ----------- Informacoes diversas Este encontro pretende realizar uma analise critica da investigacao produzida no nosso pais sobre (i) o curriculo, (ii) a aprendizagem dos alunos, e (iii) o conhecimento e a formacao de professores, bem como perspectivar linhas de actuacao e trabalho futuro. O encontro tem por base uma sintese de investigacao em educacao matematica realizada em Portugal, elaborada por Joao Pedro da Ponte, Jose Manuel Matos e Paulo Abrantes, que sera distribuida com antecedencia a todos os participantes. Havera igualmente lugar para a apresentacao de investigacoes realizadas ou em desenvolvimento sobre o tema do encontro. ----------- Inscricoes Data limite: 21 de Fevereiro de 1998 Precos: Socio da SPCE ou APM -- em quarto individual 35 000.00 -- em quarto duplo 25 000.00 Nao socio da SPCE ou APM -- em quarto individual 40 000.00 -- em quarto duplo 30 000.00 ----------- Para mais informacoes, contactar a organizacao local: Escola Superior de Educacao de Braganca Quinta de Santa Apolonia Apartado 101 5300 Braganca telef. 073-3303099 fax: 073-313137 e-mail: -----------
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X-Comment: Educacao em Matematica The First Mathematics Education and Society Conference (MEAS1) This conference is to be held in Nottingham durng the period 6 - 11 September 1998, and is being organised and sponsored by the new Centre for the Study of Mathematics Education at Nottingham University. (CSME) Plenary speakers include Ubiratan d'Ambrosio, Stephen Lerman, Anna Tsatsaroni , Leone Burton, Ole Skovsmose, Alan Bishop, Jill Adler, Paul Dowling and Sal Restivo. The second announcement for MEAS1 has now been posted on the web, and you are invited to attend. Please pass this message onto colleagues or lists who you might think are interested. Registration forms for the conference will be available on the web the first week in January and will be posted out then to those who have so far provisionally registered (57 people so far). Registrations need to be sent with deposits and the form can be downloaded from the web page. The original dates for the conference have been slightly changed due to the demand for time and suggestions made regarding the first announcement. The conference web site will be constantly updated. The web site can be found on the CSME web site at: or directly at or (These may be better if your browser does not support frames) There is an email discussion list set up for participants to the conference, and all those who register will be included on that. To join this list send the message <subscribe> to < The Organising Committee has been set up consisting of: Peter Gates (University of Nottingham) Tony Cotton (University of Nottingham) Steve Lerman (South Bank University) Candia Morgan (London Institute of Education) Anne Watson (University of Oxford) Brian Hudson (Sheffield Hallam University) Hilary Povey (Sheffield Hallam university) Jo Boaler (Kings College, London) Regards Peter ********************************************************** Peter Gates (Director of Research Studies) Centre for the Study of Mathematics Education University of Nottingham University Park Nottingham NG7 2RD Great Britain (work) (home) Tel: + (44) (0)115 951 4432 Fax: + (44) (0)115 979 1506
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X-Comment: Educacao em Matematica Status: RO ANUNCIO DE CONFERENCIA Realiza-se em Osnabrueck, na Alemanha, de 27 a 31 de Agosto de 1998 a Primeira Conferencia da Sociedade Europeia para Investigacao em Educacao Matematica Esta sociedade tem por objectivo promover a comunicacao, cooperacao e colaboracao na educacao matematica na Europa. O formato da conferencia baseia-se principalmente em grupos de trabalho que versarao os seguintes temas: 1 - The nature and content of mathematics and its relationship to teaching and learning 2 - Tools and technologies in mathematical didactics 3 - From a study of teaching practices to issues in teacher education 4 - Social interactions in mathematical learning situations 5 - Mathematical thinking and learning as cognitive processes 6 - School algebra: epistemological and educational issues 7 - Research paradigms and methodologies and their relation to questions in mathematics education Datas importantes: Fevereiro 15 - Envio do pre-registo e do deposito para a conferencia Fevereiro 28 - submissao de propostas de Papers Posters May - Feedback June 15 - Pagamento da parte restante da inscricao na conferencia e confirmacao da inscricao O primeiro anuncio completo (em ingles) encontra-se no Web stite: Informacoes adicionais sobre esta conferencia ou uma versao impressa deste anuncio pode ser pedida para Joao Pedro da Ponte -- Departamento de Educacao da Faculdade de Ciencias Universidade de Lisboa Edificio C1 -- Campo Grande -- 1700 LISBOA -- PORTUGAL tel. (351-1)-7500049 fax (351-1)-7500082 homepage deparment homepage research center homepage --
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