Proceedings of the Organic Mathematics Workshop Simon Fraser University, December 12-14, 1995. Inclui o texto muito interessante Experimental mathematics: A discussion de J. Borwein, P. Borwein, R. Girgensohn, and S. Parnes: "Philosophers have frequently distinguished mathematics from the
physical sciences. While the sciences were constrained to fit themselves via
experimentation to the `real' world, mathematicians were allowed more or less
free reign within the abstract world of the mind. This picture has served
mathematicians well for the past few millennia but the computer has begun to
change this. The computer has given us the ability to look at new and
unimaginably vast worlds. It has created mathematical worlds that would have
remained inaccessible to the unaided human mind, but this access has come at a
price. Many of these worlds, at present, can only be known experimentally."
Matemática em Português.
Interpolação Polinominal por Paulo Jorge Melo, aluno do curso de Matemática da FCT da Universidade de Coimbra.
Clube Virtual da Matemática do grupo de estágio da Escola Secundária Jaime Moniz, Funchal.
- À descoberta do mundo dos Números de Fibonacci
- Página de João Filipe Matos, incluindo uma 'lista de documentos recentemente produzidos', alguns deles disponíveis em formato WWW.
- Matemática nas Flores, Página deJosé Carlos Balsa , ainda em construção... mas promete!.
- Matemática Viva!!!Página deJoaquim Pinto , ainda em construção... mas promete!
- Matemática & Fractais, Esta pagina esta a ser construida, nela vai aparecer material sobre: FRACTAIS, MUSICA, MATEMÁTICA.
- MATNET - Conversando Sobre Matemática, © 1996 Marcelo Ribeiro
"Conhea nossa Home Page e descubra a maneira mais rápida e prática de aprender matemática", de Daisy M. S. Vieira
- Educação Matemática on-line, de Edmar Henriques Rabelo - Projetos de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão, Curiosidade matemática, O lado romântico de um matemático que faz poesias, Atividades matemáticas para professores, Textos matemáticos: produção, interpretação e resolução de problemas, Avaliação escolar: novos tempos, novos caminhos
- Investiga & Partilha, Uma vertente do Forum Pedro Nunes promovido pela Associação de Professores de Matemática - APM.
- Clube de Matemática, Escola Secundária Dr. Manuel Laranjeira - Espinho.
- "Matemática Experimantal", Projecto n. 233 do Programa
"Ciencia Viva" do MCT - Escola Secundária de Francisco Franco (Funchal).
- Matemática Atual (Brasil) Matemática Atual é uma coleção de livros didáticos de 5ª a 8ª
série de autoria do professor Antonio José Lopes (Bigode), publicada
pela Atual Editora. A coleção espelha a experiência do autor como
professor de matemática que adotou o construtivismo como suporte teórico
explicativo de como os alunos aprendem conceitos e procedimentos.
Esta página pretende socializar, para todos os seus visitantes, informações sobre Matemática e Educação Matemática.
- BBS-RIA/CET Contém uma página de Matemática com discussões e problemas. (Usar visita para login e visita para password).
- Clube de
Matemática da Escola Sec. de Eça de Queirós -
- Problema
Matemático da Quinzena
- Filmat
- Grupo de Estudos de Matemática e Ciências de Computação-GEMCC O Grupo de Estudos de Matemática e Ciâncias de Computação da Universidade do Minho é uma associação de estudantes, criada no final do ano lectivo de 1992/1993, dedicada exclusivamente à Licenciatura em M.C.C. e aos seus alunos.
Outros servidores (em português) onde poderá encontrar coisas com interesse.
- Ministério da Educação de Portugal
- Ministério da Ciência e da Tecnologia de Portugal
Departamento de Programação e Gestão Financeira - Ministério da Educação de Portugal
- Instituto de Inovação Educacional (IIE "on line")
- MEDIATECA CIENTIFICA da JNICT A JNICT tem à disposição dos eventuais interessados uma colecção de vídeos de caracter didáctico sobre
temas de Ciência e Tecnologia.
- READ Ciências Recursos para o Ensino, Aprendizagem e Divulgação das Ciências
SoftCiências Acção comum da SPF, SPQ e SPM para a produção de Software Educativo, Portugal
- NIED - Núcleo de Informática Aplicada à Educação Unicamp - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brasil
- Laboratorio de Software Educacional - EDUGRAF O Edugraf foi criado em Novembro de 1985 e está vinculado ao Departamento de Informática e Estatística (INE) do Centro Tecnológico da UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brasil.
- Projecto MODELLUS
MODELLUS é, simultaneamente, um projecto de formação e um projecto de investigação.
É um projecto de formação de professores de Física, Química e de Matemática na utilização do
computador como instrumento para a realização de um novo tipo de experiências: experiências
com modelos matemáticos de situações físicas ou simplesmente, modelos matemáticos "puros".
É, também, um projecto de investigação que visa criar conhecimento sobre o papel das novas
tecnologias na construção de ambientes de ensino e aprendizagem.
Da responsabilidade de Vitor Duarte Teodoro da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (Secção Autónoma de Ciências
Sociais Aplicadas, Secção de Ciências de Educação) da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Outros servidores onde poderá encontrar coisas com interesse.
- Symmetry and Pattern: The Art of Oriental Carpets In this online exhibit, the study of
symmetry is used to analyze patterns in Oriental carpets. A joint project of
The Textile Museum and The Math Forum.
- Peter T. Wang studies on Math: I don't believe in the idea that some people ``just aren't good at math.'' There only reason why math is hard to learn for so many is that it's probably the most difficult subject to present correctly, since each individual has a different mathematical mindset.
- PBS MathLINE PBS MATHLINE® is public television's first offering of discipline-specific educational services using online technology. PBS collaborated with the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) to create a telecommunications-based teacher professional development service designed to help the nation reach its goals in mathematics education and achievement. Three MATHLINE services are available in Fall 1997 the Elementary School Math Project (ESMP), the Middle School Math Project (MSMP), and the High School Math Project (HSMP).
- The IMU Canberra Circular Home Page, informations about Conferences and Mathematicians.
- The Standards for School Mathematics NCTM - On-Line version
- Internet Center for Mathematics Problems Problemas de Matemática acessíveis na Internet. Contém inúmeras referências. Contém ainda problemas das seguintes revistas:
-> The Fibonacci Quarterly
-> Mathematics and Informatics Quarterly
-> Missouri Journal of Mathematical Sciences
- International Mathematics Olympiad (IMO) Olimpíadas Internacionais de Matemática
- Delta (WWW Edition) It is a popular monthly (existing since 1974)
devoted to mathematics, physics, and astronomy, primarily aimed at high-school
- Multimedia Math Educating Through Interactive Multimedia Computer Programs
- METRIC Mathematics Education Technology Research at Imperial College - formerly known as the Transitional Mathematics Project (TMP)
- Cuisenaire--The company famous for their manipulatives has placed on their
web site a number of hands-on activities, ideas, and downloadable lessons
for grades K-9.
- Dynamical Systems and Technology Project--This project is designed to help
teachers of secondary and college mathematics bring contemporary topics,
such as chaos, fractals, and dynamics, into the classroom, and to show them
how to use technology effectively in this process.
- Jumpstart Elementary--Activities for toddlers through second graders are
the focus of this colorful site, which contains a Science Lab, a Library
with space pictures, a 3D Scavenger Hunt, and much more.
- NSTA's Scope, Sequence & Coordination Project--This site offers science
units composed of labs, readings, and assessments, which form a complete
curriculum and meet the National Science Education Standards. Educators
may download, print, and use all available materials.
- Tessellation Tutorials--This Math Forum Web unit, designed by Suzanne
Alejandre, uses HyperCard and HyperStudio to show students how to
tessellate and make connections to mathematical concepts such as symmetry.
- Computers in Teaching Initiative - CTI Mathematics CTI Mathematics is a national centre, funded by the Higher Education Funding Councils, set up to support and promote the use of computers in teaching Mathematics at degree level throughout the UK
- Electronic Proceedings of the International Conference on
Technology in Collegiate Mathematics - ICTCM
- Math and Science Education no servidor YAHOO !
- Education no servidor YAHOO !
- On-line Teaching and Learning no servidor YAHOO !
- Eisenhower National Clearinghouse for Mathematics and Science Education
- on-line archive of teaching aids developed by Penn State mathematics faculty and graduate students
- Math-Source: Mathematica
- CompactMATH CD-ROM Database
- Listas dos maiores primos
- Boston University Differential Equations Project
- Journal de maths des éleves de l'Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon
- Journal of Statistics Education
- Harvard-Radcliffe Mathematics Bulletin
- Mathematica World
- gateway testing program. This
WWW document allows the reader with access to a TeX dvi file viewer
or printer to view some sample precalculus and calculus gateway
- A description of an implementation of precalculus reform (USA), and the
role gateway testing plays in it.
- Gallery of Interactive Geometry
- BERKELEY PRELIMINARY EXAMS (exames de acesso ao programa de PhD)
- Calculus & Mathematica
- Calculus & Mathematica Distance Education Program (C&M DEP).
- Differential Equations & Mathematica, Summer Course 1995, Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Version 19 of Fractint
- UConn Husky Computer Integrated Calculus
- The Geometry Forum's 'Ask Dr. Math' Home Page. Answers to K-12 students' questions provided by Swarthmore College math students and professors, volunteers who collectively assume the name Dr. Math, can be found here. Look especially for the the table of contents, which divides the questions (with answers) into four groupings: (a)
Elementary, (b) Middle School, (c) High School and (d) College Level or
Beyond. If you have a math question, you can check here to see if a
similar question has been answered; the archive is searchable by
- The Geometry Forum's Problem
of the Week and Project of
the Month. Visit here if you like a math puzzle. (Note problems can
be asked at many levels, so don't worry if this week's problem is not
within reach.)
- The
Geometry Forum. To see the Forum's collection of internet
resources for math and more visit
Steve's dump. In particular, see the
links for learning or teaching math. This is a growing collection.
- MathMagic is
an Internet-based mathematics problem-solving project for K12 teams of
students (Another Geometry Forum Resource).
Kid's Web - Math Items
- J.
Finch Grade 6 Current Math Problem(s)
- The
Calculus Quarter of the Math Archives
Cornell Theory Center Math and Science Gateway. This
Gateway is for high school students and educators. Besides math, it
includes links to resources in biology, chemistry,
astronomy, and many other areas. The first group of links
on several subjects here is for students.
The second group of links is for teachers.
- Don Cram's K1-12 Collection for Teachers (and perhaps students).
This single page includes hundreds of links to resources in
biology, chemistry, astronomy, and many other areas, in addition to math,
gathered during Don Cram's tour of the internet. Suggestion: Keep an eye on
this page, especially if it covers an area of interest to you.
- The Function Visualizer (Mac version) / The Function Visualizer (DOS version) is software which display function
diagrams (lines joining x with f(x)) and animates the
association of a point with its function image. Versions for
the Mac and for DOS machines are available. The Visualizer is public domain, partially supported by NSF, and is the work of Mark Bridger and Hubert Hohn. The subdirectory which contains the visualizer also contains a
documentation file ( fv.doc ) and a TeX file ( fv.tex ) discussing
some of the mathematical/pedagogical issues. The TeX file,
unfortunately, does not contain the diagrams which accompany
the paper itself. If you have any problems with either the software or obtaining
it, or any comments or suggestions, write to:
- The Function Visualizer (DOS version) / The Function Visualizer (Mac version) / fv.doc
/ fv.tex
- The Function Visualizer (DOS version) / The Function Visualizer (Mac version) /
fv.doc / fv.tex
- An
Introduction to Fractals - By David G. Green,
Australian National University Bioinformatics Facility.
- Mandelbrot
Explorer - An interactive web page to let you investigate
the Mandelbrot set by zooming and setting the drawing area.
- The
Fractal Microscope - Further discussion of fractals, and a
description of NCSA's Fractal Microscope software.
- MegaMath -
An absolutely wonderful collection of creative and imaginative
ideas, exercises, and fun things to do. For all ages.
From the Computer Research and Applications Group at Los
Alamos National Laboratory.
- MathMagic - Math problem challenges on the net. Enjoy the challenges on
your own, or register to submit your answers along with other
- Ask
Dr. Math - College students and professors helping K-12
students with their math questions, based at Swarthmore College
and staffed mainly by Swarthmore students, staff, and faculty.
Students are encouraged to send in their math questions.
- Graphics for the
calculus classroom - This is a collection of graphical
demonstrations developed for first year calculus, but suitable
and interesting for high school students as well. From Douglas
Arnold at Penn State.
- Pi, Pi,
Pi - Computing pi.
- Approximation
of Pi to 1000 digits - Read the numbers across the rows, not
down the columns.
- Cryptography
archive - "When Cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf
jvyy unir cevinpl!" (Answer)
- Fuzzy
Systems - A Tutorial - Fuzzy systems is an alternative to
traditional notions of set membership and logic that has its
origins in ancient Greek philosophy.
- Understanding
Data - What is Data? Data and statistics can be used to
inform us and to help us understand what is happening in the world
around us. They can also be used to persuade us that certain things
are true or, as often in advertising, to make something seem
attractive or effective.
- Lessons and Appetizers
for Math and Reason - About 7 puzzles or short discussions to
help students understand algebra and proofs. If you don't like the
first one you look at, try another; they're all quite different. From
books by Alan Selby.
- MathPad
Graphing Scientific Calculator - MathPad is a general purpose
graphing scientific calculator. It uses text input which allows you
to see and edit your entire calculation. It runs on a Macintosh and
is distributed for free. Developed by Mark Widholm at the University
of New Hampshire.
Computer Algebra System - MuPAD is a system for symbolic and
numeric computation, parallel mathematical programming and
mathematical visualization. It was developed at the University of
Paderborn in Germany and is distributed for free.
- MathWorks Home Page
- The MathWorks is the company that produces MATLAB, a
popular scientific and engineering software tool. MATLAB is a
technical computing environment for high-performance numeric
computation and visualization. MATLAB integrates numerical
analysis, matrix computation, signal processing, and graphics in
an easy-to-use environment.
- Maple Software -
Waterloo Maple Software includes products for symbolic, numeric, and
algebraic calculations. It also includes 2-D and 3-D graphing and
plotting tools. Two of their products are Maple V and
- The ASUFC Maple Page -where you can download (ASU.TXT) the ASU Package for 3D Graphics for Double and Triple Integrals.
- MathMedia
Educational Software - Geometry and algebra software for
Windows and Macintosh.
- University Video Communications - They have a great many videos regarding computer science
and computer scientists. P.O. Box 5129, Stanford, CA 94309, Phone 1-800-900-1510, Fax 1-415-813-0315, e-mail:
- Calculus graphics
[Douglas N. Arnold, Penn State]
- Computational Science Education Project [ORNL]
- Electronic Textbook for an Interdisciplinary Course
[University of Pennsylvania]
- Favorite Mathematical Constants (MathSoft)
- Interactive
Mathematics Text Project [University of Pennsylvania] (Gopher)
- MATHMOL --K-12 Mathematics and Molecules [NYU]
A Bare Bones Introductory
Statistics Textbook [UCLA]
- The Hub [Resources for mathematics and
science education]
- Mathematical MacTutor [University of St. Andrews, Scotland] (information on Macintosh hypercard stacks)
- SIAM Undergraduate Page
- Tarski's World, Turing's World
- WCAT [Tutoring, Simon Fraser University]
- Mathematics Experiences Through Image Processing (METIP)
- Explorer [Kansas]
- Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- The Shell Centre for Mathematical Education[Nottingham]
- MAA Gopher Student Pages
- Oklahoma State University
Mathematics Education Center
- World Lecture Hall - Mathematics The World Lecture Hall (WLH) contains links to pages created by faculty
worldwide who are using
the Web to deliver class materials. For example, you will find course
syllabi, assignments, lecture
notes, exams, class calendars, multimedia textbooks, etc.
- EUROLOGO Web Server Some sites with LOGO related material
- LOGO Programming and Logo Lessons
- MSW Logo This version of LOGO is easy to install and
runs on Windows 3.1 (there is also a 32 bit version available for Win95 and NT)
- Briefbook of Data
Analysis This is an extended glossary, or condensed handbook, in encyclopedic format, covering subjects
in statistics, computing, analysis, and related fields. It intends to be both introduction and
reference for data analysts, scientists and engineers.
Última alteração: 1 de Junho de 1997