Programas de Matemática de diversos países


  • Niveaux de référence en mathématiques en Europe ˆ 16 ans Un projet de la Commission Européenne mené par la Société Mathématique Européenne (EMS) avec le concours de l'Institut de Recherche sur l'Enseignement des Mathématiques de l'Université de Franche-Comté (IREM de Besançon) - France et de l'Association des professeurs de mathématiques de l'Enseignement public (APMEP - France)
  • Sistemas educativos nacionales Biblioteca Digital de la OEI - Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura
  • EuroEducation is the guide for international students aiming to study in Europe - Education Systems in: Albania Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Belarus Belgium - Flemish Belgium - French Bosnia & Herzegovina Bulgaria Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Iceland Italy Kazakhstan Latvia Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxemburg Macedonia Malta Moldova Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Slovak Republic Slovenia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom Uzbekistan Yugoslavia


  • Mathematics Education in Germany by the German Sub-Commission of the International Commission of Mathematics Instruction (ICMI)


    The Queensland Studies Authority The Queensland Studies Authority is a statutory body responsible for the provision of a range of services and materials relating to syllabuses, testing, assessment, moderation, certification, accreditation, vocational education, tertiary entrance and research.

    Queensland School Curriculum Council The Council's function is to create and provide high quality curriculum and testing materials for use in Queensland schools. Our aim is to contribute significantly to the education of every student from preschool to Year 10. Curriculum: mathematics


    Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio Ministério da Educação

    Parâmetros e Referenciais Curriculares Nacionais - Educação Fundamental - Ministério da Educação

    Ensino Médio Estado da Bahía


    Mathematics - ECCO curriculum deliverables project The Educational Computing Organization of Ontario in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Education

    Curriculum and Policy Ontario - Ministry of Education, Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities


  • Comisión de Educación de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española
  • Comisión de Educación del Comité Español de Matemáticas (CEMAT)
  • novidade Talk: "The meaning of the PISA survey: the spanish perspective", Tomas Recio (Universidad de Cantabria, Santander, Spain)

    Estados Unidos

    State Frameworks A selection of state standards documents.

    Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics This is the full text of the 1989 standards from the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM); this electronic file is maintained by ENC.

    Principles and Standards for School Mathematics Electronic Version 1.0: Discussion Draft (1998) This is NCTM's electronic draft of the standards that are scheduled to be released in the year 2000. NCTM plans to encourage discussion of this draft until May 1, 1999 before making revisions.

    Benchmarks for Science Literacy This is the full text of the Project 2061 Benchmarks, maintained by American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

    National Science Education Standards The National Academy Press has the full text of the science standards online. These standards were created by the National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences.


  • Educação e Formação (Embaixada da Finlândia, Lisboa)
  • The Finnish Success in PISA - and some Reasons Behind It
  • novidade La formation des enseignants en mathŽmatique en Finlande, Malaty George
  • novidade Mathematics Teacher Training in Finland, Malaty George


    Le collge

    Le lycŽe d'enseignement gŽnŽral et technologique

    Espace lycŽe - mathŽmatiques Rubrique de MathŽmatiques de l'espace LycŽe. Vous y trouverez, outre les nouveaux programmes et les travaux du Groupe Technique Disciplinaire, une sŽrie de ressources ˆ utiliser dans le cadre de votre activitŽ professionnelle.

    Travaux du Groupe Technique Disciplinaire de MathŽmatiques

    EDUCNET - MathŽmatiques

    MathŽmatiques - Espace élèves et parents

    APMEP - pŽtition

    Utilisation des calculatrices Žlectroniques ˆ compter de la session 2000

  • novidade Colloque franco-finlandais "L'enseignement des mathŽmatiques : ˆ partir de l'enqute PISA" - Joint Finnish-French conference "Teaching mathematics: beyond the PISA survey" , Octobre 2005


    The National Curriculum for England - online Mathematics
    The importance of mathematics
           Mathematics equips pupils with a uniquely powerful set of tools
     to understand and change the world. These tools include logical reasoning, 
    problem-solving skills, and the ability to think in abstract ways. 
    Mathematics is important in everyday life, many forms of employment, 
    science and technology, medicine, the economy, the environment and 
    development, and in public decision-making. Different cultures have 
    contributed to the development and application of mathematics. Today, 
    the subject transcends cultural boundaries and its importance is 
    universally recognised. Mathematics is a creative discipline. 
    It can stimulate moments of pleasure and wonder when a pupil 
    solves a problem for the first time, discovers a more elegant 
    solution to that problem, or suddenly sees hidden connections.

    The structure of the mathemeatics National Curriculum The NC programmes of study (PoS) for mathematics indicate the knowledge, skills and processes that are statutory and must be taught at each key stage. They also set out the breadth of study required, that is, the contexts, areas of study and range of experiences through which the mathematics should be taught.
    The role of the mathematics National Curriculum Mathematics, as well as English and science, is a core subject, which means pupils have to be taught it throughout key stages 1 to 4. The NC sets out the mathematics that must be taught to all pupils of compulsory school age and the standards that they are expected to achieve.
    Making Mathematics Count The independent Post-14 Mathematics Inquiry was announced on 23 July 2002 as part of the Government's response to Sir Gareth Roberts' report Set for success: the supply of people with science, technology, engineering and mathematics skills. Professor Adrian Smith, Principal of Queen Mary College, University of London was appointed as its Chair in November 2002.


    The Educational System of Japan: Case Study Findings, 1998

    Curriculum Changes on Lower Secondary School Mathematics of Japan - Focused on Geometry KUNIMUNE Susumu and NAGASAKI Eizo, Shizuoka University, National Institute for Educational Research, Japan

    New Mathematics Curriculum Standards for Elementary School, 1998


  • Mathematics Teaching & Learning in Vietnam by Dr Dat Do (CCDTM-NIES)

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    Última alteração: 15 de Outubro de 2005