CMUC ― Centre for Mathematics of the University of Coimbra
Rate of blow up in the thin obstacle problem
Hui Yu (National University of Singapore)
January 20th, 12:00 PM noon (Coimbra local time)
Convexity and PDEs
Julio D. Rossi
(Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
November 25th, 11:30 AM (Coimbra local time)
A non-variational approach for the porous medium equation
Makson Santos (USP, São Carlos, Brazil)
October 14th, 3:00 PM (Coimbra local time)
Elliptic regularity for some degenerate equations
Héctor A. Chang-Lara (CIMAT, Mexico)
July 16th, 3:00 PM (Coimbra local time)
Regularity for C1,α interface transmission problems
María Soria-Carro (UT Austin, USA)
July 1st, 3:30 PM (Coimbra local time)
The optimal transport problem: regularity (and existence)
Yash Jhaveri (Columbia University, USA)
June 17th, 3:00 PM (Coimbra local time)