By bus
You can reach Coimbra from Lisbon by bus. A taxi to the bus station at Av. Duque de Ávila can cost around PTE 1 500 (7.5 EUR). Bus tickets cost PTE 1 650 (8.25 EUR).
  • Departures from Lisbon to Coimbra:
    00h15; 07h00; 08h00; 08h30; 09h00; 09h30; 10h30; 13h00; 14h30; 15h00; 15h15; 15h45; 16h30; 17h00; 18h45; 19h15; 19h30; 21h15; 22h30.
You can reach Coimbra from Oporto by bus. A taxi to the bus station at Rua Alexandre Herculano can cost around PTE 2 700 (13.5 EUR). Bus ticket shouldn’t exceed PTE 1 500 (7.5 EUR).
  • Departures from Oporto to Coimbra:
    00h45; 06h45; 07h15; 08h00; 09h30; 10h30; 10h45; 14h30; 15h30; 16h15; 16h30; 17h00; 17h45; 18h15; 19h15; 20h15.