June 4-7, 2001

organized by 
Department of Mathematics,
University of Coimbra
Coimbra - Portugal

Welcome to the web site of the School on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, which will take place at the Hotel Quinta das Lágrimas in Coimbra, Portugal. The school hosted a four-day course lectured by Gerard Cornuéjols from the Graduate School of Industrial Administration of Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA.

The school will consist of informal morning lectures and goal-oriented afternoon discussion sessions. Professor
Gerard Cornuéjols plans to lecture during the mornings introducing cutting-edge research topics in integer programming and combinatorial optimization. The afternoons will be devoted to present and discuss open problems and research directions at a variety of levels that could be of primary interest to doctoral students and post-docs. The theme of the school will be polyhedral aspects of integer programming and combinatorial optimization.

The school took place in the week immediately before the IPCO VIII meeting in Utrecht, Netherlands (June 11-15) and immediately after the ECCO XIV meeting in Bonn, Germany (May 31-June 2).

Last updated: January 31st, 2001 by João Soares