8. Quadratic symplectic Lie superalgebras
and triangular Lie bi-superalgebras (joint
work with Said Benayadi)
Workshop on Lie and Jordan Structures Málaga,
Spain, 1-4 June 2012.
7. Homogeneous symmetric antiassociative
Quasialgebras (joint work with Helena Albuquerque and Said Benayadi), VI International
Conference on Non Associative Algebra and its Applications, Zaragoza, Spain, 1-5 November 2011.
6. Homogeneous symmetric antiassociative
Quasialgebras (joint work with Helena Albuquerque and Said Benayadi), Non-associative Algebras and Related Topics,
Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 25-29 July 2011.
5. Quadratic
Non-Associative (Super)Algebras and Quasialgebras (joint presentation with Helena Albuquerque),
First Joint Meeting of
the American Mathematical Society and the Sociedad
de Matemática de Chile, Universidad de la Frontera, Pucón, Chile,
15-18 December 2010.
4. Enveloping
Algebra for Simple Malcev Algebras (joint work with Sara Merino)
International Conference on Algebras and
Lattices Prague, 21-25 June 2010.
3. Quadratic
Malcev Superalgebras (joint work with
Helena Albuquerque and Said Benayadi),
Representations and Applications (Lie and Jordan Algebras, their
Representations and Applications-IV) Manaus, Brazil, 6-10 July 2009.
2. Quadratic
Lie Superalgebras (joint work with
Helena Albuquerque and Said Benayadi),
Euro-Maghreb Meeting In Algebra, Number
theory and Computer Algebra, Marrakech, 16-18 February 2009. abstract
1.Odd-quadratic Lie Superalgebras (joint work with Helena Albuquerque and Said Benayadi),
First French-Spanish Mathematical Congress,
Zaragoza, Spain, July 2007.