1. On the solvability of the initial-boundary value problem for the motion equations of nonlinear viscoelastic medium in the whole space, Nonlinear Anal. TMA, 2004, V. 58, pp.631-656. (with V.G. Zvyagin).
2. On the existence of weak solutions for the initial-boundary value problem in the Jeffreys model of motion of a viscoelastic medium, Abstr. Appl. Anal., 2004, V. 2004, no. 10, 815-829. (with V.G. Zvyagin).
3. On the existence of weak stationary solutions of the boundary value problem in the Jeffreys model of motion of a viscoelastic medium, Izvestiya Vuzov, Ser. Math., 2004, no. 9, pp. 13-17.
4. On convergence of solutions of the regularized problem for motion equations of Jeffreys viscoelastic medium to solutions of the original problem, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 2007, V.144, No.5, 4398-4408. Translated from Fundamentalnaya i prikladnaya matematika (FPM), 2005, V. 11, no. 4, 49-63. (with V.G. Zvyagin).
5. On the trajectory and global attractors for the equations of motion of a viscoelastic medium, Russian Mathematical Surveys, Volume 61(2006), Number 2, 368-370. (with V.G. Zvyagin).
6. Uniform attractors for non-autonomous motion equations of viscoelastic medium, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2007, Volume 325, Issue 1, 438-458 (with V.G. Zvyagin).
7. Existence of solutions for motion equations for an objective model of viscoelastic medium, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 7, 1060107-1060108 (2007), with V.G. Zvyagin.
8. Weak solutions and attractors for motion equations for an objective model of viscoelastic medium, PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 7, 1060105-1060106 (2007), with V.G. Zvyagin.
9. Trajectory and global attractors of the boundary value problem for autonomous motion equations of viscoelastic medium, J. Math. Fluid Mech., V. 10 (2008), 19-44 (with V.G. Zvyagin).
10. Approximating - topological methods in some problems of hydrodynamics, J. Fixed Point Theory Appl., 2008, Volume 3, Number 1, 23-49 (with V.G. Zvyagin).
11. Global generalized solutions for Maxwell-alpha and Euler-alpha equations, Nonlinearity 25 (2012) 309-327 (preprints available at arXiv and here).
12. Energy inequality and uniqueness of a weak solution of the initial-boundary value problem for the motion equations of viscoelastic medium, Vestnik VSU, Ser. phys.-math., 2004, no. 1, pp.96-102.(in Russian).
13. Continuous dependence of solutions on data of initial-value problem for motion equations of nonlinear viscoelastic medium, Vestnik VSU, Ser. phys.-math., 2005, no. 1, pp. 148-151.(in Russian).
14. A review of results and open problems on mathematicals models of motion of viscoelastic media of Jeffreys' type, Vestnik VSU, Ser. phys.-math., 2009, no. 2, 30-50, with V. Zvyagin (in Russian). (preprint available at arXiv).