1. A new optimal transport distance on the space of finite Radon measures, with S. Kondratyev and L. Monsaingeon, Adv. Differential Equations 21 (2016) 1117-1164.
2. A fitness-driven cross-diffusion system from polulation dynamics as a gradient flow, J. Differential Equ. 261 (2016) 2784–2808 (with S. Kondratyev and L. Monsaingeon).
3. A new multicomponent Poincaré-Beckner inequality (with S. Kondratyev and L. Monsaingeon), to appear in J. Funct. Anal.
4. Generalized solutions for inextensible string equations, with Y. Şengül, J. Diff. Equ., 262(6):3610–3641, 2017.
5. The gradient flow of the potential energy on the space of arcs, with W. Shi, submitted.