Publications |
local search problems with ToMATo clustering, (with
M. Henriques and A. Salgueiro) Submitted
for publication. |
Knot exteriors with all compact surfaces of positive genus essentially
embedded, Submitted for publication. |
On the hull number on cycle convexity of graphs, (with J. Araújo, V. Campos,
D. Girão, A. Salgueiro and A. Silva) Information Processing
Letters 183 (2024), 106420 (14 pp). |
embeddings of 2-string tangles into the unknot, the unlink and split links, (with A. Salgueiro) Topology and its Applications 305 (2022), 107866 (18 pp). |
On unknotting
tunnel systems of satellite chain links, (with
D. Girão and A. Salgueiro) Algebraic
and Geometric Topology 22 (2022), pp. 307-323. |
many meridional essential surfaces of bounded genus in hyperbolic knot
exteriors, Geometriae Dedicata 215
(2021), pp. 355-368. |
On links
minimizing the tunnel number, (with
D. Girão and A. Salgueiro) J.
Knot Theory Ramifications 28 no. 13 (2019), 1940014 (12 pp). |
exterior with all possible meridional essential surfaces, Israel
Journal of Mathematics 225 no. 2
(2018), 909-924. |
The minimum crossing number of essential tangles, (with A. Salgueiro) J. Knot Theory Ramifications 26 no. 5 (2017), 1792001 (6
pp). |
The number of strings on
essential tangle decompositions of a knot can be unbounded, Algebraic
and Geometric Topology 16 no. 5 (2016), 2535-2548. |
knot complements with meridional essential surfaces of arbitrarily high genus, Topology
and its Applications 194 (2015), 427-439. |
Fiber surfaces from alternating
states, (with
D. Girão and A. Salgueiro) Algebraic
and Geometric Topology 15 no. 5 (2015), 2803-2815. |
minimum crossing number of essential tangles, (with
A. Salgueiro) J.
Knot Theory Ramifications 23 no. 10 (2014), 1450054 (15 pp). |
Tunnel number degeneration under
the connected sum of prime knots, Topology and its
Applications 160 no. 9 (2013), 1017-1044.
surfaces in handlebodies and boundary reducible 3-manifolds, (with
H. Segerman) Topology
and its Applications 158 no. 4 (2011), 551-571. |