Clubs Data Base

Data base with Modeler's Clubs worldwide, with links to the club's web-pages. You can query the database and/or you can add information to the data base.
Query the data base

Add new information

  1. The information is kept in edb (Emacs DataBase) internal layout in an Unix machine.
  2. From time to time I will do some "garbage collection" and sorting (Country/Name/Physical Location). You cannot assume that the database is always sorted and without garbage.
  3. If you want to update some data, you must introduce the new information. I will erase the old (duplicated entry) info in the "garbage collection" process.
  4. The information should be written in English ("noblesse oblige").
  5. I have included in the database all the contents of Robert Mathes's list of all the AMA clubs. Text file in html format (373Kb).

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