Special volumes (edited)
Vol. 273 (2020)
Special Issue
in Honour of Aleš Pultr
on his 80th birthday |
Vol. 46 (2014)
Special Volume in honour
of Manuela Sobral
Vol. 158 (2011) Special Issue
in Honour of Eraldo Giuli on his 70th birthday
Course Notes |
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Category Theory Seminar
Algebra, Logic and Topology Seminar (CMUC)
Mathematics Colloquium - DMUC (co-organizer till December 2019)
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| 38th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications (Coimbra) - July 2024
(scientific committee, co-chair of organizing committee)
TACL 2024 - Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic Conference (Barcelona, Spain) - July 2024
(programme committee)
XIV Portuguese Category Seminar (Coimbra) - October 2023
(organizing committee)
A day on Pointfree Topology (Coimbra) - October 2023
CT2023 - International Category Theory Conference (Louvain La Neuve, Belgium) - July 2023
(scientific committee)
Workshop: Topology for Tomorrow, a satellite event of the South African Mathematical Society Congress (Cape Town, South Africa) - December 2022
(invited tutorial speaker)
TACT 2022 - Topology, Algebra and Category Theory International Conference (UNISA, Johannesburg, South Africa) - September 2022
(invited speaker)
Encontro Conjunto Brasil-Portugal em Matemática (Salvador, Bahia, Brazil) - August 2022
(invited speaker of thematic session in Category Theory)
ENSPM 2022 - Encontro Nacional da SPM (Tomar) - July 2022
(invited speaker of parallel session in Categorical Methods in Algebra and Topology)
TACL 2022 - Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic Conference (Coimbra) - June 2022
(co-chair of programme committee, organizing committee)
Colóquio de Matemática (CMAT, Braga) - June 2022
Workshop: Duality and More (Nice, France) - May 2022
(invited speaker)
CatAlg2022 "Recent developments and future perspectives" (Gargnano del Garda, Italy) - April 2022 - celebrating the birthday of Maria Manuel Clementino
(organizing committee)
XIII Portuguese Category Seminar (Coimbra) - February 2022
(organizing committee)
Groups, Topology and Applications in Gran Bilbao (Bilbao, Spain) - February 2020
(invited speaker)
Summer School in Algebra and Topology (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium) - September 2019
(invited speaker)
TACL 2019 Conference (Nice, France) - June 2019
(programme committee)
Workshop on Structures, celebrating Aleš Pultr's birthday (Charles Univ., Prague, Czech Republic) - October 2018
(invited speaker)
Workshop on Algebra, Logic and Topology, in honour of Aleš Pultr (Coimbra) - September 2018
(organizing and scientific committees)
33rd Summer Conference on Topology and Its Applications (Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA) - July 2018
(invited speaker)
CT2018 - International Category Theory Conference (Ponta Delgada, Portugal) - July 2018
(organizing committee)
III Encontro de Investigação e Práticas em Educação (ESEC, Coimbra, Portugal) - April 2018
(invited speaker)
CT2017 - International Category Theory Conference (Vancouver, Canada) - July 2017
(organizing committee)
TACL 2017 Conference (Prague, Czech Republic) - June 2017
(programme committee)
XI Portuguese Category Seminar (Coimbra) - June 2017
(organizing committee)
2nd International Symposium on Topology and Related Topics (Beijing, China) - May 2017
(invited speaker)
ENEMATH'17 - Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Matemática (Coimbra) - April 2017
(invited speaker)
Mostra de Ciência da FCTUC (ALMA Shopping, Coimbra) - February 2017
(organizer at CMUC)
Linz 2017 - 37th Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory (Linz, Austria) - February 2017
CMUC Workshop (Coimbra) - January 2017
(co-organizer and speaker)
16º MATViseu (Viseu) - October 2016
(invited speaker)
Workshop on Dualities (Coimbra) - September 2016
(organizing committee)
2016 Summer School of the UC|UP Joint PhD Program in Mathematics (Coimbra) - September 2016
(organizing committee)
Universidade de Verão da UC (Coimbra) - July 2016
(invited speaker)
TACL 2015 Conference (Ischia, Italy) - June 2015
(invited speaker)
CT 2015 - International Conference on Category Theory (Univ. Aveiro, Portugal) - June 2015
AMS-EMS-SPM International Meeting 2015 (Porto, Portugal) - June 2015
(session invited talk)
BLAST 2015 Conference (Univ. New Mexico, USA) - January 2015
(invited tutorial speaker)
V Workshop on Aspects of Contemporary Topology (Brussels) - September 2014
(scientific committee, speaker)
MAT-OESTE 2014, Matemática na Natureza (Leiria) - July 2014
(invited speaker)
International Workshop on Topological Methods in Logic IV (Tbilisi) - June 2014
(invited speaker)
Ciclo de Conferências Matemática e Sociedade (Porto) - March 2014
(invited speaker) (cartaz: pdf)
Categorical Methods in Algebra and Topology, workshop in honour of Manuela Sobral (Coimbra) - January 2014
WiAT'13 - Conference in Applied Topology (Bilbao, Spain) - June 2013
(scientific committee)
PROFMAT 2012 Encontro Nacional de Professores de Matemática (Coimbra) - October 2012
(invited speaker)
TACT 2012-Conf. on Algebra, Topology and Category Theory (UNISA, Pretoria, South Africa) - September 2012
(invited participant)
Workshop on Category Theory, in honour of George Janelidze (Coimbra) - July 2012
Matemática: a ciência da natureza (Museu da Ciência, UC) - June 2012
(invited speaker)
Workshop "Frames in
Algebra" (Univ. of Florida, USA) - March 2012 (invited speaker)
CT2011 - International Conference on Category Theory (UBC, Vancouver, Canada) - July 2011
Bridges 2011 - Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture (Coimbra) - July 2011
(program committee and organizing committee).
-- Bridges 2011 in the Notices of AMS
Matemática sem limites (Univ. Lisboa)
- April 2011 (invited speaker)
Banaschewski Fest 2011 (Univ. Cape Town, South Africa)
- March 2011 (invited speaker)
Magia no Museu (Museu da Ciência, UC)
- February 2011 (invited speaker)
VII Italian-Spanish Conference on General Topology and its Applications
- September 2010 (invited speaker)
WiAT'10 - Workshop in Applied Topology (Valencia, Spain) - June 2010 (invited speaker)
Um passeio pela Ciência: a matemática na
nossa vida (Açores) - May 2010 (invited speaker)
A matemática e os seus encantos (ciclo de conferências Fund. Calouste Gulbenkian) - April 2010
(invited speaker)
Other <historic>
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Teaching |
Groups and Symmetries, 2020-2024
(in portuguese) |
Discrete Structures, 2007-2019
(webpage 2018/19)
Fields and Algebraic Equations, 2017-2024 (webpage 2018/19)
Commutative Algebra
(2013/14), (2012/13),
Curves and Surfaces
Algebra II, 2004-2006
Differential Geometry, 1995-2006
Combinatorial Theory, 2000-2004
Ordered Structures and Topology
Finite Mathematics
(1996/97) |
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Popularisation |
Associação ATRACTOR - Interactive Mathematics
(in portuguese |
The math of seashells (video, Atractor, July 2017)
or english) |
Conexões de Galois e inversões de Möbius-Rota (pdf, September 2016)
Truques e magia com códigos algébricos (pdf, March 2015)
Passeios com primos de Euclides,
conexões de Galois e primos de Gauss (Lição Delfos,
slides de apoio à palestra, January 2014)
Seashells: the plainness and beauty of their mathematical description
(Loci, journal of MAA Math. Sci. Digital Library, March 2009)
A conversation with F. William Lawvere (Part II - June 2008)
(pdf file
with the two parts and some more pictures)
A conversation with F. William Lawvere (Part I - December 2007)
(September 2007, ATRACTOR webpage)
Stereoscopic images of shells (September 2007, ATRACTOR webpage)
An interview with Eduardo L. Ortiz (June 2007)
Matemática sem palavras
(July 2006, ATRACTOR webpage)
An interview with Marcelo Viana (June 2006)
Conchas marinhas: a simplicidade e beleza da sua descrição matemática
(April 2006) (October 2008: "Conchas, Contas"
na TSF)
Nós, tranças e números racionais (Lição Delfos,
powerpoint file, June 2006)
A curvatura e a torção: como distinguir a forma de uma curva (April 2006, ATRACTOR webpage)
Crivo de Eratóstenes (pdf animado)
A álgebra das tranças (article, August 2005;
some 3D figures, March 2006)
Sistemas de Identificação com algarismos de controlo (February 2006, ATRACTOR webpage)
An interview with Alexei Sossinsky (December 2005)
A álgebra dos números de identificação (talk, powerpoint file: May 2003,
May 2007)
A álgebra dos sistemas de identificação: da aritmética modular aos grupos diedrais (article, December 1999)
O mistério do Bilhete de Identidade (article by Jorge Buescu, May 2000);
Erros singulares no BI)
Bulletin (Editor: 2004-2008)
Last update: January 31, 2024