University of Coimbra, Portugal
The 38th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications will take place at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, on July 8-12, 2024.
Earlier installments of the SUMTOPO conferences were held at Youngstown, OH (2023), Vienna, Austria (2022), Johannesburg, South Africa (2019), Bowling Green, KY (2018), Dayton, OH (2017), Leicester, UK (2016), Galway, Ireland (2015), New York City, NY (2014), Nipissing, Canada (2013), and Mankato, MN (2012).
The scientific programme will have
7 invited plenary speakers and 6 invited semi-plenary speakers, distributed by six special sessions, and slots for contributed talks:
- Plenary talks: 1 hour long (including 10 mins for discussion).
- Semi-plenary talks: 45 mins (including 5 mins for discussion).
- Contributed talks: 30 mins (including 5 mins for discussion).
The social programme includes:
- Welcome Reception: Sunday evening (July 7), 18:00-20:30, in the Cafetaria of the Science Museum (see map with directions to the place here).
- Excursion: Wednesday afternoon (July 10):
We will visit some important historical sites in and nearby the old campus of the University. Quoting the University site "With 730 years of history, the University of Coimbra is an unavoidable institution in the history of Portugal and the entire Portuguese-speaking world, having been considered a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2013, due to its unique material and immaterial heritage, fundamental in the history of Portugal, European and world scientific culture."
The walk starts at the Old Campus of the University of Coimbra (Royal Palace) where we will visit the Baroque Joanina Library, considered to be one of the richest libraries in Europe (https://visit.uc.pt/en/space-list/joanina). Next we will visit the Old Coimbra Cathedral (Sé Velha, 12th-13th century). The walk will finish at the Museum Machado de Castro. The museum is housed in the former Bishop's Palace. This palace was built from the Middle Ages onwards roughly on the site where the Roman forum of Aeminium (Coimbra's Roman name) once stood. We will visit the Roman Cryptoporticus, on the lower floors of the museum. The visit will finish with a brunch in the nearby Science Museum cafetaria.Option 2: EXCURSION TO BUSSACO FOREST (Mata do Bussaco)
Classified as a Property of Public Interest, the monumental complex of Bussaco has exceptional national value. The central nucleus formed by the Bussaco Palace Hotel and the Convent of Santa Cruz are joined by chapels, the steps that make up the Via Sacra, the Military Museum, fountains (Fonte Fria with its monumental staircase) and viewpoints. It currently occupies 105 hectares and has one of the best dendrological collections in Europe, with around 250 species of trees and shrubs with remarkable specimens. It is one of the richest national forests in terms of natural, architectural and cultural heritage, and can be divided into three landscape units: Arboretum, Gardens and Vale dos Fetos and Relic Forest. The Mata Nacional do Bussaco provides food, shelter and refuge for over one hundred and fifty species of vertebrates, some of great conservation value, such as Iberian endemisms or protected species.
The visit encompasses the Convent and a walk through some of the most emblematic places of the Forest (Option A: easy walk, all around 2h; Option B: moderate walk, all around 2,5h). At the end, a brunch will be served at Portas de Coimbra.
https://fmb.pt/fundacao/?lang=enOption 3: KAYAK TRIP down the Mondego River
These kayak tours are one of the main outdoor activities in Coimbra. Our journey starts at Louredo Natura Park and ends at Pedra Aguda (river beach near Coimbra). This kayak descent is considered easy (due to the stream released by the dams), with amazing views and refreshing dives!
Let us point out that it is not necessary to know how to swim and that there will be an instructor for each 10 people. The descent is approximately 10km and it will take between 2 and 3 hours. Do not forget to bring:- Sneakers or sandals (we advise you not to bring flipflops) to use during the descent;
- Swimming suit, or shorts and t-shirt made of synthetic material (we suggest not to bring cotton clothes);
- Beach towel;
- Hat or cap and some sunscreen;
- Dry clothes and shoes to wear after the experience;
- Strap to hold your glasses (if you use glasses).
A brunch will be served at the end of the journey.
https://capitaodureza.com/portfolio/descida-do-mondego - Conference Dinner: Thursday evening (July 11), at S. Marcos Palace.
- Early Registration: March 1-May 31
- Abstract submission deadline: May 15
- Set-theoretic Topology (Organizers: Alan Dow and Klaus Pieter Hart)
- Topological Methods in Algebra and Analysis (Organizers: Salvador Hernandez and Gabor Lukacs)
- Topological Dynamics and Continuum Theory (Organizers: Piotr Oprocha and Udayan Darji)
- Topology and Categories (Organizers: Maria Manuel Clementino and Mark Sioen)
- Topology in Logic and Computer Science (Organizers: Mai Gehrke and Célia Borlido)
- Topology and Order (Organizers: Jorge Picado and Themba Dube)
- Will Brian (USA)
- Maria Manuel Clementino (Portugal)
- Alan Dow (USA)
- Mai Gehrke (France)
- Salvador Hernandez (Spain)
- Michael Hrusak (Mexico)
- Jorge Picado (Portugal)
- Lynne Yengulalp (USA)
- Raquel Bernardes (Coimbra)
- Célia Borlido (Coimbra)
- Maria Manuel Clementino (Coimbra), co-chair
- Maria João Ferreira (Coimbra)
- Gonçalo Gutierres (Coimbra)
- Dirk Hofmann (Aveiro)
- Graham Manuell (Coimbra)
- Jorge Picado (Coimbra), co-chair
- Sandra Pinto (Coimbra)
- Lurdes Sousa (Viseu)
Lunches will be served at Centro Cultural D. Dinis - GPS: 40.209794, -8.423595 (close to the Cafetaria of the Science Museum, see map here).
Slides of talks: click here.
Pictures taken in Bussaco: 1, 2, 3.
Pictures taken by Rodrigo Hernández-Gutiérrez: click here.
Proceedings: As usual, Topology Proceedings will be publishing the proceedings of the 38th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications. All quality papers in topology and related areas are welcome even if they were not presented at the conference. Papers may be submitted at any time, but those submitted by January 1, 2025 will have the best chance of getting in the volume corresponding to this conference. You may email your paper to topproc@nipissingu.ca, or to one of the editors. All papers are refereed. See the journal website for manuscript preparation requirements.
Group Photo: photo 1, photo 2, photo 3.
The full programme with abstracts can be downloaded here: booklet.
The conference programme has been published.
Researchers from the USA are eligible for reimbursement of travel expenses via an NSF grant; please contact Will Brian at wbrian.math at gmail.com for more information.
News: The Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic 2024 Conference will take place in Barcelona (Spain) in the previous week (1-5 July 2024). We hope that many of you see this as an excellent opportunity to attend both conferences.
BEWARE of the phishing email, no other external company is involved in conference organization or accommodation booking.
News: The 22nd Galway Topology Colloquium will take place at the University of Galway, Ireland on June 4th - 5th, 2024.