Page 71 - Textos de Matemática Vol. 36
P. 71

2.5. Global existence results 61 The following result holds for Hermitian (or real symmetric) solutions of
Theorem 2.5.10. Assume that in equation (2.67)
g(K) = −g1(K) + Kg2(K) + g3(K)K, (2.69)
where g1∗(K∗) = g1(K) and g2∗(K∗) = g3(K). If for some positive α and for all x ∈ Cn,
x∗(g1(t, K) + Q(t))x ≥ α|x|2 (2.70) for t ∈ (−∞, tf ] and K ≥ 0, then any solution of (2.67) with positive definite
terminal data Kf > 0 stays positive definite for t ≤ tf .
Proof. Let K(t) be a Hermitian solution of the equation which is piecewise continuously differentiable on a finite interval [t0,tf]. This will mean that K(t) is continuous on [t0,tf] and there exists a subdivision of [t0,tf] into a finite number of intervals such that on each interval the function K(t) is continuously differentiable, possessing one-sided finite derivatives at the end-points of these intervals. Let λ(t) denote the minimal eigenvalue of K(t,tf) = K(t) with x(t) being a corresponding unit eigenvector. Then (suppressing the variable t and involving (2.69)) with Theorem 2.5.1, we conclude
dλ = x∗K˙ x = −2x∗KAx − x∗Qx + x∗KSKx + x∗g(K)x dt
= −2λx∗Ax + λ2x∗Sx − x∗(g1(K) + Q)x + 2λx∗(g2(K))x. From (2.70) and (2.71) we now obtain
dλ ≤ −λ(2x∗Ax − 2x∗g2(K)x − λx∗Sx) − α|x|2 dt
a.e. in (−∞, tf ], whenever K ≥ 0.
It is now evident that for sufficiently small λ(t) > 0 we have dλ < 0. From
this monotonicity property and the continuity of λ(t) we conclude λ(t) > 0 for all t < tf , whenever λf = λ(tf ) > 0, where λf denotes the minimal eigenvalue of the terminal matrix Kf > 0. Hence, the solution of (2.67) remains positive for t ∈ (−∞,tf]. 

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