Page 84 - Textos de Matemática Vol. 36
P. 84
Chapter 3.
Numeric solutions
P1 : = and
P2 : =
1002 0.0023 .0571 .4058 .0022 1000 .0001 .0006 .055 .0001 1000 .0172
.4082 .0006 .0179 1000
1017 .0211 .4977 3.5767 .0209 1000 .0092 .0058 .4945 .0093 1000 .1397
3.57 .0059 .1403 1000
that R(P) > 0. By Theorem 3.4.1 the Nash Riccati equation has a positive solution and if one carries out the calculations, we obtain the following positive
solution K =
K for the Nash Riccati equation:
1.8042 .0024 .0571 .4058 K1=.0022 .5·10−5 .0001.0006
.055 .4082
17.032 K2= .0209 .4945
.0001 .0006
.0027 .0172 .0179 .1872
.4977 3.5767 .389 .1397
.1403 .817
.2922 .0092 .0058 .
.0093 .0059
In order to apply Theorem 3.2.3 we calculate the stabilizing solution of the standard Riccati equations (3.4), which are both positive and positive definite, and get:
1.4565 .0015 .0404 .3209 E1=.0015 .3·10−5 .0001 .0004 .0404 .0001 .002 .0136
.3209 .0004 .0136 .1658
14.0635 .01464 .3697 2.8488 E2= .0146 .2922 .009 .0043 .
.3697 .009 .3836 .109 2.8488 .0043 .109 .64
Therefore condition 2. in Theorem 3.2.3 is fulfilled. Hence, the game has a unique Nash equilibrium, since by checking directly or by applying the invariant sub- space method (see [AFIJ03]), it appears that the calculated solution K is in fact left-right stabilizing. However, this issue is not covered by Theorem 3.4.1. Notice that in practical applications one starts by calculating the Newton se- quence with initial value K0 = 0. If it is monotonically increasing and converging