Os Desafios do Zéfiro Os Desafios do Zéfiro: O Zéfiro é um jovem curioso e não recusa um desafio. Ele vai acompanhar-te nesta descoberta da Matemática por todo o lado!
Envia a tua resposta aos problemas do mês, aos Problemas de Matemática, curiosidades e muito mais ...
Os desafios do Zéfiro
integram-se no projecto
Actividades Matemáticas
do Departamento de Matemática da
Universidade de Coimbra.
Math League Building student interest and confidence in mathematics through solving worthwhile problems.
Revista da SIPROMA, "Sociedad Iberoamericana para la promoción de la Matemática", cujo objectivo é a divulgaçãoo e promoçãao da Matemática no âmbito dos sistemas educativos SIPROMA - Matemática Iberoamericana - Número 0 grátis
O número PI
Só páginas sobre o número PI PI = 3.1415926535897932384626
The Uselessness of Pi and its irrational friends
Frustra laborant quotquot se calculationibus fatigant pro inventione quadraturae circuli.
(Futile is the labor of those who fatigue themselves with calculations to square the circle).
- Michael Stifel (1544)
Googolplex Veja como será impossível alguém escrever um GOOGOLPLEX nos próximos 564 anos.
Lecturas Matemáticas publicaciÛn perÌodica de la Sociedad Colombiana de Matem·ticas, especializada en matem·ticas, su enseÒanza, su historia y sus aplicaciones. La revista pretende contribuir a la difusiÛn de conocimientos y resultados matem·ticos, al desarrollo de la matem·tica en Colombia y al mantenimiento de un vÌnculo activo entre los miembros de la comunidad matem·tica colombiana.
Mathematical Gems This page contains a number of mathematical problems, concepts, and
arguments that I find intriguing. A number of them roused or reinforced
my interest in mathematics when I was a high school student.
Geometry in Action This page collects various areas in which ideas from discrete and
computational geometry (meaning mainly low-dimensional Euclidean
geometry) meet some real world applications. It contains brief
descriptions of those applications and the geometric questions arising
from them, as well as pointers to web pages on the applications
themselves and on their geometric connections.
The Geometry Junkyard These pages contains a collection of usenet clippings, web pointers,
lecture notes, research excerpts, open problems, geometry papers online
in non-geometric locations, and other stuff related to discrete and
computational geometry.
Recreational Mathematics Recreation is in the eye of the beholder, and not everything here was
originally intended as recreational by its authors. Like many, I was
inspired early on by Martin Gardner's Mathematical Games column,
which included a mixture of puzzles, silliness, curious/useless math,
and quite serious (but not overly technical) math. In that spirit, I
list here some web resources for recreational math.
The mathematics of Fermat's Last Theorem an overview of some of the mathematics that has either been developed over the years to try to solve the problem (directly or indirectly) or else which has been found to be relevant.
Devlin's Angle by Keith Devlin (at the M.A.A. site - updated on the first of each month)
MathLand A weekly series of contributions from Science News writer Ivars Peterson highlighting links between math and everyday concerns. (at the M.A.A. site)