2002/2003 - Métodos Computacionais no Ensino da Matemática (do Mestrado em Matemática para o Ensino) TEXTOS
A project of the European Commission conducted by the European
Mathematical Society (EMS)/Un projet de la Commission Européenne
mené par la Société
Mathématique Européenne (EMS): Reference
Levels in School Mathematics Education in Europe/Niveaux
de référence pour l'enseignement des mathématiques
en Europe
EUA: Teacher Use of Computers and the Internet in Public Schools - "This Statistics in Brief discusses public school teachers use of computers and the Internet and their feelings of preparedness to do so. The Brief examines teachers own applications of these tools as well as the assignments they give their students to use computers or the Internet. The Brief examines these issues in the context of teachers' experience, teachers' professional development, school level, and school poverty level." Programa Nónio Século XXI:
Documentação sobre TIC em Educação
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Departmento de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra