I Meeting - Coimbra, 29th and 30th of January 2010
Friday, 29th of January |
Saturday, 30th of January |
Lectures take place in room 2.4 of the Mathematics Department of the University of Coimbra. |
André Gama Oliveira (UTAD);
Alberto López Martín (Zürich);
Ana Cristina Casimiro (FCTUNL);
Ana Cristina López Martín (Salamanca);
Beatriz Grana Otero (Salamanca);
Carlos Rito (UTAD);
Daniel Hernández Serrano (Salamanca);
Darío Sánchez Gómez (Salamanca);
Eduardo Dias (Warwick);
Esteban Gomez Gonzalez (Salamanca);
Francisco José Plaza Martín (Salamanca);
Filippo Viviani (CMUC/Roma Tre);
Helena Soares (ISCTE);
João Nuno Mestre (Coimbra);
Jorge Neves (Coimbra);
Margarida Melo (Coimbra);
Margarida Mendes Lopes (IST);
Paula Olga Gneri (Salamanca);
Pedro Macias Marques (Évora);
Stavros Papadakis (IST);
Susana Ferreira (IPLeiria);
Ugo Bruzzo (SISSA).
Ana Cristina Casimiro:
Let G be a connected reductive algebraic group G defined over R.
We will talk about the relationship between the notions of GIT stability and
irreducibility for real and complex points of the algebraic variety of representations of a finitely generated group into G, with the action of G by conjugation. We will give some application of this relation to the case of G-Higgs bundles. This is a joint work with Carlos Florentino.
Daniel Hernández Serrano:
In 1988 Hitchin introduced the concept of Higgs pairs over a compact Riemann surface, and discover a
map (nowadays called Hitchin map) from the moduli space of such objects to an affine space, which
turned out to be a completely integrable Hamiltonian system. He address the following question to the
scientific community: can we find in some concrete way the differential
equations? I will give an
answer to this question using the Krichever map and the Sato Grassmannian, computing the equations in
terms of residue identities. For the case when the so called spectral cover is totally ramified at a
fixed point, the equations will be given in terms of the coefficients of the characteristic
polynomial of Higgs field.
The first part of the talk will be concerned with an introduction to the Sato Grassmannian and the
Krichever construction, reviewing the well known case for smooth curves.
Darío Sánchez Gómez:
We consider the problem of describing Simpson moduli spaces of semistable sheaves on a Gorenstein genus one curve. Using Fourier-Mukai transforms we prove that for a fixed Hilbert polynomial there are only a finite number of nonisomorphic moduli spaces. As a particular case, for a cycle of projective lines, we show that the connected component of the moduli space that contains vector bundles of degree 0 is isomorphic to a symmetric product of the rational curve with one node. This is a joint work with D. Hernández Ruipérez, A.C. López Martín and C. Tejero Prieto (doi:10.1093/imrn/rnp094).
Filippo Viviani:
The classical Torelli map is the modular map from the moduli space of
smooth projective curves of genus g into the moduli space of principally
polarized abelian varieties of dimension g, sending a curve into its
The Torelli theorem asserts that the Torelli map is injective on
geometric points.
We propose two extensions of the Torelli theorem: one for the compactified
Torelli map and the other for the tropical Torelli map.
The compactified Torelli map was constructed by Alexeev: it is
a modular map from the Deligne-Mumford moduli space of stable
curves to the Alexeev moduli space of stable semi-abelic pairs,
sending a stable curve into its compactified Picard variety of degree
g-1, endowed with its natural theta divisor and the action of
the generalized Jacobian. In a joint work with L. Caporaso, we give a
complete description of the fibers of the compactified Torelli map.
On the other hand, in a joint work with S. Brannetti and M. Melo, we
construct moduli spaces of tropical curves and tropical abelian varieties
and a tropical Torelli map between them.
In another joint work with L. Caporaso, we describe the fibers
of the tropical Torelli map.
I will report on the above two Torelli-type theorems, trying to enlight
the relations between them.
Francisco José Plaza Martín:
This paper is devoted to the study of the uniformization of the moduli space of pairs (X,E)
consisting of an algebraic curve and a vector bundle on it. A group acting
on it is found and it is shown that it acts (infinitesimally) transitively
on this moduli space and its Lie algebra is computed. Finally, as a
consequence, a relation between certain line bundles on this moduli space
is proven.
Margarida Mendes Lopes:
Two important invariants of isomorphism classes of minimal surfaces of
general type are K^2 (the self-intersection of a canonical divisor) and
\chi, the holomorphic characteristic. These are positive numbers that
satisfy 2\chi-6\leq K^2\leq 9\chi, and it is known that for most pairs (m,n) of
positive integers in this region there exists a minimal surface of general
type having K^2=m and \chi=n. However the invariants of irregular
surfaces (i.e. those having at least a non zero holomorphic 1-form)
satisfy further restrictions. In this talk I will discuss some of these
restrictions, focusing in particular on some recent joint work with R.Pardini.
Ugo Bruzzo: While there is a classical generalization of
the notion of numerically
effective line bundle to higher-rank vector bundles, no such concept seems
to exist for principal bundles with arbitrary (reductive) structure group.
In this talk I will propose a possible definition, which relies on the
introduction of suitable universal principal quotient bundles. Moreover
I will briefly review some properties of numerically effective and
numerically flat principal bundles.
II Meeting - Salamanca, 1st and 2nd of October 2010
Friday, 1st of October |
Saturday, 2nd of October |
Lectures will take place in Facultad de Ciencias, Plaza de los Caidos. |