Os critérios para a avaliação da qualidade dos livros didáticos devem levar em conta, além dos aspectos relativos ao usuário da obra, aqueles que se referem aos princípios gerais: as necessidades da sociedade atual e a articulação dos conhecimentos de acordo com a lógica interna da área.
UCALC 4.0 for Windows has finally been released. It was selected as a Top Pick on CNET's download.com, and is also in the Reviewer's Pick list on ZDNet with a 5-star rating. UCALC includes many features useful for scientific calculations and graphing: * Scientific Expression Evaluator * Eq graphing: Cartesian, polar, 3D, parametric, data files * Equation Solver * Numerical Integrator * Many scientific functions * Supports user functions and variables * Built-in and user-defined numeric formats * Unit Converter * Summation Tables * Financial Modules * General Ledger In addition to the above, UCALC introduces an innovative feature - User Solution Modules (USM). USMs are created by simply providing a math formula, and giving it a name. UCALC parses the formula and creates a template form which allows the user to solve for any item by simply filling in the blanks. USMs are saved in plain text format, and can be shared via e-mail of lists such as this. Visit UCALC's home page at http://www.ucalc.com for more details on the program. There you can view online snapshots of various features, visit the growing awards section, or download a fully functional evaluation copy. The zip file is only around 120K (there's a larger option for those who may not have common system files). Daniel Corbier Dancorbier@aol.com http://www.ucalc.com