List of publications and communications in Space Wather and related topics from CITEUC's researchers. Publications Communications 2018 Bará, S., Rodríguez-Arós, À., Pérez, Marcos, Tosar, Borja, Lima, Raul, C., Sánchez de Miguel, A., Zamorano, J., Estimating the relative contribution of streetlights, vehicles and residential lighting to the urban night sky brightness, Lighting Research and Technology, DOI: 10.1177/1477153518808337 Bará, S., Lima, R., Photons without borders: quantifying light pollution transfer between territories, International Journal of Sustainable Lighting, Vol. 2., N.2 Barata, T., Carvalho, S., Dorotovic, I., Pinheiro, F.J.G., Garcia, A., Fernandes, J.M., Lourenco, A.M., Software tool for automatic detection of solar plages in the Coimbra Observatory spectroheliograms, Astronomy and Computing, 24, 70–83 Barata, T., Carvalho, S., Dorotovic, I., Pinheiro, F.J.G., Garcia, A., Fernandes, J.M., Lourenço, A.M., Automatic detection of chromospheric plages in the Coimbra Observatory spectroheliograms Proceedings of the 24th National Solar Physics Meeting, Kezmarok (Slovakia), 21-25 of may Castillo Rosales, Y.S. "Global and Mid-latitude impact of ten years of solar activity using observational data of the Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory of the University of Coimbra". Física (Astrofísica). Supervisors: M.A. Pais & J.M. Fernandes, Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, mar. 2018 Domingos, J.M.R., “Geomagnetic and space weather variability modes in satellite data". Física (Física Computacional). Supervisors: M.A. Pais, D. Jault and M. Mandea; Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia & Université Grenoble Alpes (co-host), mar. 2018 Vaquero, J.M., Gallego, M.C., Lourenço, A., Barata, T., Fernandes , J.M., Sunspot Catalogue of the Observatory of the University of Coimbra (1929-1941), Solar Physics 2017 Carvalho, S., Pina, P., Barata, T., Gafeira, R., Garcia, A., Ground-based Observations of Sunspots from the Observatory of Coimbra: Evaluation of Different Automated Approaches to Analyse its Datasets. Coimbra Solar Physics Meeting: Ground-based Solar Observations in the Space Instrumentation Era, Dorotovic, I.; Fischer, C.; Temmer, M. (eds.), Vol. 504, 125-131. Castillo, Y., Pais, M.A., Fernandes, J., Ribeiro, P., Morozova, A.L., Pinheiro, F.J.G., Geomagnetic activity at Northern Hemisphere's mid-latitude ground stations: How much can be explained using TS05 model. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Covas, E., Spatial-temporal forecasting the sunspot diagram, Astronomy and Astrophysics 605, A44 Domingos, J., Jault, D., Pais, M. A., Mandea, M., The South Atlantic Anomaly throughout the solar cycle, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 473, 154 163, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2017.06.004 Garzón J.A.; Tragaldabas Team; TRAGALDABAS: first results on cosmic ray studies and their relation with the solar activity, the Earth's magnetic field and the atmosphere properties; 25th European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Torino, Italy, 5-9 September, 2016 Morozova, A.L.; Blanco, J.J; Ribeiro, P.; Modes of temperature and pressure variability in midlatitude troposphere and lower stratosphere in relation to cosmic ray variations, Space Weather, 15, doi:10.1002/2016SW001582. 2016 Lima, R.C., Pinto da Cunha, J.; Peixinho, N.. Light Pollution: Assessment of Sky Glow on two Dark Sky Regions of Portugal. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health; Part A 79(7):1-13; DOI: 10.1080/15287394.2016.1153446. Pinheiro, F.J.G.; Barata, T.; Fernandes, J.M.; Comparison of Space Weather Services: Information Systems, Activity and Forecasts; J. Comp. Int. Sci.; vol. 7(2), doi: 10.6062/jcis.2016.07.02.0106 Ribeiro, P.; Vaquero, J.M.; Gallego, M.C.; Trigo, R.M.; The first documented space weather event that perturbed the communication networks in Iberia, Space Weather, 14, doi:10.1002/2016SW001424. Schaeffer, N.; Lora Silva, E.; Pais, M.A.; Can core flows inferred from geomagnetic field models explain the Earths dynamo?, Geophys. J. Int. 204, 868-877, doi: 10.1093/gji/ggv488. 2015 Alvarez-Pol, H.; Blanco, A.; Blanco, J.J.; Collazo, J.; Fonte, P.; Garzon, J.A.; Gomez, A.; Kornakov, G.; Kurtukian, T.; Lopes, L.; Morales, M.; Morozova, A.L.; Pais, M.A.; Palka, M.; Perez Muauzuri, V.; Rey, P.; Ribeiro, P.; Seco, M.; Taboada, J.; TRAGALDABAS: A new high resolution detector for the regular study of cosmic rays; Journal of Physics Conference Series 632, 012010, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/632/1/012010. Barata T., Martins P., Fernandes J., Duro N.; A meteorologia Espacial, Segurança e Defesa, No 31, pp 67-69 Barata T., Martins P., Fernandes J., Duro N.; A meteorologia Espacial, Inovação e Emprego, No 2. Lima, R.; Light pollution: measuring and modelling skyglow. An application in two Portuguese reserves. Doctoral thesis on Physical Engineering (Metrology and Quality), supervised by José Pinto da Cunha (PhD). Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra. July, 20. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2686.6964 Oliveira, J.S.; Langlais, B.; Pais, M.A.; Amit, H.; Modeling the magnetic field of Mercury based on MESSENGER's partially distributed measurements; EPSC Abstracts Vol. 10, EPSC2015-657, 2015 European Planetary Science Congress 2015 Oliveira, J.S.; Langlais, B.; Pais, M.A.; Amit, H.; A modified Equivalent Source Dipole method to model partially distributed magnetic field measurements, with application to Mercury, J. Geophys. Res. Planets, 120, 1075-1094. Oliveira, J.; .The Magnetic Field of Mercury as Measured by the MESSENGER spacecraft le Champ Magntique de Mercure tel que Mesur par la Sonde MESSENGER', PhD Thesis; Nantes. Univ.; Supervision: Pais, M.A. Pais, M. A.; Morozova, A. L.; Schaeffer, N.; Variability modes in core flows inverted from geomagnetic field models; Geophysical Journal International Volume 200, Issue 1, Pages 402-420, doi:10.1093/gji/ggu403 Pais, M.A.; Alberto, P.; Pinheiro, F.J.G.; Time-correlated patterns from spherical harmonic expansions: Application to geomagnetism, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 120, 8012-8030, 200, 402-410, doi:10.1002/2015JB012399. 2014 Blanco, A.; Blanco, J.J.; Collazo, J.; Fonte, P.; Garzón, J.A.; Gómez, A.; Kornakov, G.; Kurtukian, T.; López Agüera, A.; López, J.M.; Lópes, L.; Morales, M.; Morozova, A.L.; Mourio, J.C.; Pais, M.A.; Palka, M.; Pérez, Muñuzuri, V.; Ribeiro, P.; Rodríguez Cabo, I.; Sosa, I.; Taboada, J.; TRAGALDABAS: a new RPC based detector for the regular study of cosmic rays , Journal of Instrumentation, 9, doi:10.1088/1748-0221/9/09/C09027 Gafeira, R., C.C. Fonte, M. A. Pais, J. Fernandes, Temporal Evolution of Sunspot Areas and Estimation of Related Plasma Flows, Solar Physics, 1-12, doi:10.1007/s11207-013-0440-3 Gonçalves, E.; Mendes-Lopes, N.; Dorotovic, I.; Fernandes, J.; Garcia, A. North and South Hemispheric Solar Activity for Cycles 21 - 23: Asymmetry and Conditional Volatility of Plage Region Areas, Solar Physics 289, 2283 DOI:10.1007/s11207-013-0448-8 Morozova, A. L., Ribeiro, P.; Pais, CM.A.; Correction of artificial jumps in the historical geomagnetic measurements of Coimbra Observatory, Portugal, Annales Geophysicae, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 19-40, doi:10.5194/angeo-32-19-2014 Oliveira, J.S.; Langlais, B.; Amit, H.; Pais, M.A.; Modeling the internal magnetic field of Mercury with the Time Dependent Equivalent Source Dipole method; EPSC Abstracts Vol. 9, EPSC2014-540-1, European Planetary Science Congress 2014 2013 Amit, H., Pais, M.A; Differences between tangential geostrophy and columnar flow; Geophysical Journal International Volume 194, Issue 1, Pages 145-157 DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggt077 2018 Barata, T., Carvalho, S., Dorotovic, I., Pinheiro, F.J.G., Garcia, A., Fernandes, J.M., Lourenço, A.M. Automatic detection of chromospheric plages in the Coimbra Observatory spectroheliograms Oral communication at 24th National Solar Physics Meeting, Kezmarok (Slovakia), 21-25 of May Carvalho, S., Barata, T., Pinheiro, F.J.G., Garcia, A., Dorotovic, I., Fernandes, J.M., Evolution of the solar activity as derived from ground-based observations of chromospheric plages in the Observatory of Coimbra, poster presented at ESPM15, Budapest, 4-8 of Sepember 2017 Barata, T.; SPINLab: Um laboratrio dedicado Meteorologia Espacial de suporte a actividades económicas; Encontro Ciêcia 2017, Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, 3-5 of June Pinheiro, F.J.G.; Serviços de Meteorologia Espacial volta do globo: uma comparação; Encontro Ciêcia 2017, Centro de Congressos de Lisboa, 3-5 of June Bará, S., Lima, R., Arós, A., Sánchez de Miguel, A., Zamorano, J., Tosar, B., Pérez, M., Estimating the relative contribution of streetlights, vehicles and residential lighting to the urban night sky brightness. poster presented at LPTMM2017 – Light Pollution: Theory, Modelling and Measurements, Cellers (Spain), 27-30 of June Barata T.<7b>, Lourenço A. M., Garcia A., Carvalho S., Evolução da cartografia de regiões faculares e manchas solares nos espectroheliogramas do observatório Geofísico e Astronómico da Universidade de Coimbra. XXII Bienal da Real Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, Coimbra, 6-9 of Sepember Ribeiro, P., Anselmo Ferraz de Carvalho e as Primeiras Cartas Magnéticas de Portugal. Libro de Resúmenes de la XXII Bienal da Real Sociedade Española de Historia Natural: Los Mapas de la Naturaleza, 427-428, Coimbra, 6-9 of September Castillo, Y., Pais, M.A., Fernandes, J.M., Ribeiro, P., Morozova, A.L., Pinheiro, F.J.G., Geomagnetic activity at Northern Hemisphere's mid-latitude ground stations: how much can be explained using TS05 model, Fall 2017 Virtual Poster Showcase, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC. Castillo, Y., Pais, M.A., Fernandes, J.M., Ribeiro, P., Morozova, A.L., Pinheiro, F.J.G., Analysis of Solar, Interplanetary and Geomagnetic Parameters in the Solar Cycle 24, II Pan American Workshop on Ggeomagnetism (II PANGEO), 19-24 November, Vassouras, Brazil. Using Magnetograms to Understand and Probe the Magnetosphere. II PAN AMERICAN WORKSHOP ON GEOMAGNETISM (II PANGEO), Vassouras (Brazil), 19-24 of November Castillo, Y., Pais, M.A., Fernandes, J.M., Ribeiro, P., Morozova, A.L., Pinheiro, F.J.G., Using Magnetograms to Understand and Probe the Magnetosphere, II Pan American Workshop on Ggeomagnetism (II PANGEO), Vassouras (Brazil), 19-24 of November Ribeiro, P., Pais, M.A., Morozova, A.L., The Magnetic Observatory of Coimbra (COI): Past, Present Operating Status and Future Developments, II Pan American Workshop on Ggeomagnetism (II PANGEO), Vassouras (Brazil), 19-24 of November 2016 Ribeiro, P., J.M. Vaquero, M.C. Gallego, R.M. Trigo, The First Documented Space Weather Event That Perturbed the Communication Networks in Iberia, SPACE CLIMATE 6 Symposium, Abstracts book (electronic edition), p92, Levi (Finland), 4-7 of April. Blanco, J.J.; Tragaldabas Team, Tragaldabas: a muon ground-based detector for the study of the solar activity; first observations, Geophysical Research, EGU General Assembly 2016. Castillo, Y.; Pais, M.A. ; Ribeiro, P.; Morozova, A.L.; Fernandes , J.; Pinheiro, F.J.G.; Characterization of different magnetospheric and ionospheric contributions at mid-latitude magnetic observatories, European Geophysical Union, Vienna (Austria), 18-22 of April Domingos J., Pais, M.A.; Jault, D.; Mandea, M.; South Atlantic Anomaly throughout the solar cycle, 15th Symposium of Study of the Earth's Deep Interior, Nantes (France), Garzón, J.; TRAGALDABAS Collaboration; TRAGALDABAS. First results on cosmic ray studies and their relation with the solar activity, the Earth's magnetic field and the atmospheric properties; XXV European Cosmic Ray Symposium, Torino, 4-9 of September Marques, T.; Space weather impact on GNSS; 6th IDPASC School. Vipava, Slovenia. 23 May - 01 Jun.. Marques, T.; Ionospheric modeling at regional level for single frequency users; e-KnoT PhD training. Astri Polska - Warsaw, Poland. October 2016. Morozova, A.L.; Blanco, J.J.; Ribeiro, P.; Variations of the geomagnetic field and cosmic ray flux in relation to the variability modes of the mid-latitude troposphere, EGU General Assembly 2016 Oliveira, J.; Langlais, B.; Pais, M.A.; Amit, H.; New Hermean Magnetic Field Model. SEDI 2016, Nantes (24-29 of Jul). Ribeiro, P.; Vaquero, J.M.; Gallego, M.C.; Trigo, R.M.; El primer evento de meteorologa espacial que perturbó las telecomunicaciones en Iberia, 9a Assembleia Luso Espanhola de Geodesia e Geofsica, S03.14, Madrid, 28-30 of June Schaeffer, N., Pais, M.A., Silva, E.L. (2016). Core Flows inferred from Geomagnetic Field Models and the Earth's Dynamo. SEDI 2016, Nantes (24-29 Jul) Villasante-Marcos, V.; Blanco, J.J.; Torta, J.M.;Catalán, M.; Ribeiro, P.; Morozova, A.L.; Tordesillas, J.M.; Sol, G.; Gomis-Moreno, A.; Following solar activity with geomagnetic and cosmic-ray ground-based stations in the Iberian Peninsula region, EGU General Assembly 2016 2015 Alvarez-Pol. A; Tragaldabas Collaboration Team; Tragaldabas: a muon ground-based detector for the study of the solar activity. Coimbra Solar Physics Meeting: Ground-based Solar Observations in the Space Instrumentation Era, University of Coimbra, 5-9 of October Blanco J.J.; TRAGALDABAS Collaboration; Tragaldabas: a muon ground-based detector for the study of solar activity, Coimbra Solar Physics Meeting 2015 "Ground-based Solar Observations in the Space Instrumentation Era", Coimbra (Portugal), October of 2015 Blanco, J.J.; Tragaldabas Team; Tragaldabas: a muon ground-based detector for the study of the solar activity; first observations, Vol. 18, EGU2016-10137-1 Barata, T.; CITEUC - The Center for Earth and Space Research of the University of Coimbra" Portugal Space day 2015, Brussels with the presentation, REPER, Brussels, November 2015 Barata, T.; Servios de Meteorologia in "Exploring the world using space", 1a Coimbra Space Summer School, organizado pelo IPN - ESA BIC e OGAUC, Observatrio Geofsico e Astronmico da Universidade de Coimbra, 13-17 of july Domingos, J.; Pais, M.; Jault, D.; Mandea, M.; South Atlantic anomaly as seen by Swarm data, 26th General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Prague (Czech Republic), June-July of 2015 Garzón, J.A.; TRAGALDABAS Collaboration; Yashin, I.I.; Astapov, I.I.; Barbashina, N.S.; Dmitriyeva, A.N.; Petrukhin, A.A; Shutenko, V.V.; URAGAN & TRAGALDABAS: two complementary approaches for the regular survey of Cosmic Rays, The Hague (The Nederlands), July-August of 2015. Morozova, A.L.; Blanco, J.J.; Ribeiro, P.; Modes of temperature and pressure variability in the mid-latitude troposphere in relation to the geomagnetic and cosmic ray variations. Conference on Sun-Climate Connections, Kiel, 16-19 of March Morozova, A.L.; 1st. Tragaldabas meeting: A new glance at the sky. 1st Collaboration Meeting, Univ. Santiago de Compostela: Facultad de Fsica., Sala de Juntas. March, 30th. Coimbra geomagnetic observatory: available data and their applications. Morozova, A.L.; Blanco, J.J.; Ribeiro. P.; Modes of temperature and pressure variability in the mid-latitude troposphere in relation to the geomagnetic and cosmic ray variations. Conference on Sun-Climate Connections, Kiel (Germany), 16- 19 of March Morozova, A.L.; Ribeiro, P; Pais, M.A. 150 years of geomagnetic field measurements at the Magnetic Observatory of Coimbra: homogeneity and data quality. 26th IUGG 2015 General Assembly. Prague (Czech Republic), June 22-July 2 Oliveira, J.S.;Langlais, B.; Pais, M.A.; Amit, H.; A new method to model partially distributed magnetic field measurements, with application to Mercury, EGU General Assembly 2015 2014 Blanco, A.; Blanco, J.J.; Collazo, J.; Fonte,P.; Garzón, J.A.; Gómez, A.; Kornakov, G.; Kurtukian, T.; López Agu%uuml;era, A.; López, J.M.; Lópes, L.; Morales, H.; Morozova, A.L.; Mouriño, J.C.; Pais, M.A.; Palka, M.; Pérez Muñuzuri, V., Ribeiro, P.; Rodríguez Cabo, I.: Sosa, I.; Taboada, J.; TRAGALDABAS: a new RPC based detector for the regular study of cosmic rays, JINS, 9, C09027, doi:10.1088/1748- 0221/9/09/C09027, 12th Workshop on Resistive Plate Chambers and related detectors, Beijing (China), 23-28 of February Kornakov, G.; TRAGALDABAS collaboration; Tragaldabas: a new RPC based detector for the regular study of cosmic rays'; XII workshop on Resistive Plate Chamber and Related Detectors, Beijing (China), 23-28 February Oliveira, J. S.; Langlais, B.; Amit,H.; Pais, M.A.; Modeling the internal magnetic field of Mercury with the Time Dependent Equivalent Source Dipole method, EPSC Abstracts Vol. 9, EPSC2014- 540-1, European Planetary Science Congress, Cascais (Portugal), September 2014. Oliveira, J. S.; Langlais, B.; Amit,H.; Pais, M.A.; Modeling the magnetic field of Mercury using the Time Dependent Equivalent Source Dipole method, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-4022, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, April 2014. Pais, M.A.; New quasi-geostrophic flow estimations for the Earth's core; ETH Zurich, Institute's Colloquium Geophysics, 07 of March Pais, M.A.; New quasi-geostrophic flow estimations for the Earth's core EGU General Assembly 2014, Vienna (Austria), 27 April - 2 May, id.8624 Morozova, A.L., Ribeiro, P., Tragaldabas collaboration Team, Cosmic rays flux and geomagnetic field variations at midlatitudes, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 16, EGU2014-7516, 2014 EGU General Assembly, Vienna (Austria), 27 April - 2 May Morozova, A.L.; TRAGALDABAS collaboration Team; On cosmic rays flux variations in midlatitudes and their relations to geomagnetic and atmospheric conditions; 40th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Moscow, Russia, 2-10 August 2013 Amit, H.; Alexandra Pais, M.A.; Differences between tangential geostrophy and columnar flow; EGU General Assembly 2013 Morozova, A.L.; Ribeiro, P.; Pais, M.A.; On homogenization of Portuguese meteorological and geophysical data; 7a ASAMBLEA HISPANO-PORTUGUESA DE GEODESIA Y GEOFSICA; San Sebastián (Spain); 25-28 Jun 2012 Morozova, A.L.; Ribeiro, P.; Pais, M.A.; Homogenization of the historical records of geomagnetic field components and geomagnetic K-index of the Magnetic Observatory of Coimbra; EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna (Austria), 7-12 April, id. EGU2013-8242 Pais, M.A.; Morozova, A.L.; Schaeffer, N.; Assessing the significance of QG-flow modes computed using Principal Component Analysis EGU General Assembly 2013, Vienna (Austria), 7-12 April, id. EGU2013-9865